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Gladimhere, this is all one big lie!!! In fact she WAS a caring Loving Mother! Who did nothing but take care of my sick sister!!! Every one of us took great care of Mom!! This is all a lie! My sister is the one who needs care for

I'm curious if you are all sharing the caregiving now. Is that what you mean? The fact that someone was a great mom does not obligate her child, or children, to be a hands-on caregiver. I can't imagine anything worse, either as a caregiver ir as an elder, to be stuck in the company of one person, day in and day out, with time to myself.

you are right on gladimhere!!! and who cares if she read it!! the truth hurts!

634, I never followed this thread when it was originally posted, but I have read through it now and am not seeing anything for you to get so bent out of shape about. The OP is merely stating her own feelings and frustrations about being a caregiver, I'm not really seeing any nasty tirades against her mother or sibs (at least not after you've read some of the "I hate my sibs/parent" threads). Her angst was her reality and she was in pain. Why does that threaten you so much??

I'm sure many here are changing diapers, feeding, bathing, etc. their parents, you are amazing people. Others who do no such thing label themselves as caretakers in order to justify their actions. They are able to play the roll when needed. My grandmother lived alone in her one story house until she was 94. In all the years I knew her my father either did her grocery shopping or took her with him. She lived in the next town and he visited her often, took her to dr. appts, made sure her bills were paid. In all those years I never ever heard one complaint from him. Make sure your elderly parents aren't being taken advantage of, make sure they aren't keeping secrets.

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