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We all have our own personal opinions about that. My own Gov is Gavin Newsom, and he was my Mayor long before this. I admire him greatly. I in fact admire all the Govs and believe they are faced with dreadfully difficult choices. I believe we need massive testing, and that can only come from a federal response in most places. California is lucky to have had stellar leadership in the past, and being somewhat a "nation state" as our Gov calls it, has many medical institutions, and can likely get our own testing up; I think few other states have saved the slush fund we have to address some of this. But these are hard times. No one will be perfect; everyone is trying their very best. Whatever happens going forward with a federal response, a state response, and city response, those of us of an age are going to have to know we are in a very vulnerable place, and until a vaccine is available, or we develop herd immunity, or the virus (they are unpredictable) goes away, we are in harm's way, as are those we love and care for. Wishing us all the best going forward. Not easy times, and not going to have a perfect response or a perfect outcome for all.

Here in TN the governor tried to leave as much open as possible in his first order. Mainly just asked people to follow the distancing guidelines and refrain from unnecessary travel; only closed bars and venues with gatherings of more than 50 (left dining rooms open as long as they used distancing and no more than 50 people total). The following weekend (3 days later), people were having cookouts and parties of 20-40 people in the park pavilions and picnic areas. So governor revises order, closes all non-essential businesses and parks, and reduces gatherings to no more than 10 people. The economic impact could have been less if more people were willing to comply with the initial guidelines. We could safely open more things back up sooner _if_ everyone was willing to practice the common sense stuff too; too bad there's a 10-20% that won't be.

Whether you like Trump or not, please consider his statements about re-opening our economy being the toughest decisions he will ever make. No matter what decisions he makes, there will be profound public criticism. Whatever decision he makes, there will be deaths; to covid or to suicide or untreated medical conditions as people delay "elective" procedures and avoid medical centers. Please pray for our President to make the best possible decisions for our people. Please pray for our governors to be led by what's good for their people and not personal power and agendas or ego trips. Most of them will be doing their best in the most difficult circumstances of their lives. Only a few will continue gaming the political system as usual and maybe that's just a form of denial for people who cannot face the difficult choices.


I’m in New York. Governor Cuomo wants to start opening up May 15th, but I think that’s too soon. I can forget about any assisted living or nursing homes for my mother right now in New York. My mother is still in her own home. My son visits her twice a week and I have been going over twice a week.

I have been back and forth about posting on this thread...well here I go...

The governor of my state doesn't want to reopen up businesses yet and I don't blame her.

We as a country are at a crossroad. On one hand, if we open up businesses and start living our lives thousands if not ten of thousands will die and it won't be just the old or just the young, but all ages and on the other hand, if we stay in lockdown for to long then our economy will not just go down hill, but we could end up seeing another Depression. So what is the answer?

People claim that they are losing their Freedom, but Freedom comes with a price and we have to decide what price do we what to pay, more so, would it be worth it?

I do agree that this 'lockdown' or 'stay at home' order was a quick fix that wasn't planned out very well. I find myself asking, why didn't any government officials have an emergency plan if something should ever happen like this? We as the U.S know that there are countries that don't like us and moreover can be careless when it comes to handling diseases among other things. Yet, we had no plan. How can that be?

Yes, we all want to get back to our normal life. We want the Freedom to choose what we want to do, but what happens when one person's rights steps on another person's rights? In this case could kill someone!

I know there are people who don't think this is real or any more dangerous as the flu and/or they think that "it won't happen to them," but it will and can! They have no respect for authorities and they don't respect their fellow humans or themselves! They want their right to choose, but what if they choose wrong and the price they pay is killing themselves or worst, they kill one of their family members, then what?

Now I am not saying that all people will make the wrong decision, but if you are out protesting or hanging out in stores then just maybe you are not smart enough to make the right decision! Moreover, if we can not or will not protect ourselves then the government has to step in and protect us. And really, if our government officials didn't do anything and let us just make our own decisions then they would get backlash for not doing anything! They could not win!!

I think it is to soon to open up the economy. Yes, there are things I miss, however, I would rather go through one semi long lockdown now vs going through another lockdown and more deaths. If we don't learn from this then we will repeat it!!!

I can't help but wonder through all this...Is this just another way the earth lets us know just how small and selfish we are? I wonder!!

If my governor decides to reopen the economy I won't be going back to my normal life anytime soon! I'll sit back and wait!!

Just my 2 cents!!!

Shell wrote:

"I can't help but wonder through all this...Is this just another way the earth lets us know just how small and selfish we are?"

Addressing this query only, in some ways you're right.  I've read that climate change isn't a direct causality, but it's a contributor.   It  changes environmental habitats, allowing for non native and/or other animals (or insects) to expand into previously less than hospitable areas.

(Ticks are one; apparently they're spreading more into Michigan based on what I've read, and it's due to climate change.)

I'd have to check my files to find the specific article, but it addressed a question I had about the role of climate change.

Someone on another forum raised another interesting issue, comparing a map of human heat concentration through trackers in clothing or shoes to the heaviest outbreaks of Covid 19.    It covers about a 2 year period, so it's not just limited to this pandemic, and the data may be skewed.

But with the exception of Wuhan, all the other heavy outbreaks were also areas of high heat generation, from humans.  

The chart and data would imply that human activity such as hiking and running were areas that were also hit hard by the virus.   I haven't yet heard anyone address heat as a factor, but people congregating in large numbers (such as beaches and parks) exposes a lot of people to contagion.

I think I also posted somewhere here that back in 2006 or 2007, 3 Asian scientists addressed the issues of the "wet markets", the zoonotic diseases, pandemics and the definite potential for another pandemic arising from these factors.

People all over could have been warned; I don't know how many countries or nations did take action, but a lot more could have been done.     Yet it seems as though their warnings went for naught,  for the most part.

Here in Maryland Governor Hogan gets an “A” from me. He mandated the wearing of masks last week. IMO he’s been very effective in his leadership.
We have test sites, many of the PCP’s have gone Telemed, and folks are still able to see *some* specialists though most are NOT open for business. and the system, while overloaded, appears to be functioning under the circumstances.

I think the members of the President’s Task Force will evaluate the data coming in daily and go from there. Dr Fauci & Dr Birx are the best imo and I can’t see any plan to reopen America going forward without the approval of the medical community. They too are learning something new about the virus.
I myself have an interest in immunology and infectious disease & am wondering about Antibody testing. Usually people develop Ab against a disease (virus) but in Covid 19 it doesn’t appear to be that way, or the antibodies disappear.

I think May 15 is a good date. We’ll have two months of self quarantine. Those exposed will have had their 14 day confinement. We have to get back to business and recoup our economic losses.

If not and the ID experts agree, we’ll see!

Shell said
"I know there are people who don't think this is real or any more dangerous as the flu and/or they think that "it won't happen to them," but it will and can! They have no respect for authorities and they don't respect their fellow humans or themselves!"
I think it is even worse than that, they think that sickening everyone and killing 2% is reasonable price to pay and preferable to having their lives temporarily disrupted. I'm not sure what their plan would be for healthcare sectors overwhelmed by illness - perhaps we shouldn't bother treating the gravely ill?

Too soon in any state without severe restrictions, not enough people take this seriously, it is up to us to stop this virus and it ain't easy!


One life lost is to many in my opinion!

Shane, I am also impressed with Governor Hogan of Maryland. Always liked him. I don't live in Maryland, I am across the Potomac in Virginia.

Here in the Commonwealth we are in lock down mode until June 10th. All schools closed last month for the rest of the semester [the Governor is a children's physician so he understands how kids are walking petri dishes]. My boss closed our office the middle of March. The hardware stores are opened and the landscapers are having a field day [no pun intended].

Some grocery stores are limiting the number of people going into the store. Whole Foods now has only one entrance and one exist so the Staff can keep track. Some shoppers had masks, others [mainly men] did not.

I couldn't find masks at the drug stores, which was odd, and this was mid-January. So something was brewing out there. Why weren't we told back then?

Sig other kept forgetting about the 6 foot rule. I grumbled at him but it fell on usual deaf ears. Then one day he was in another grocery store and got too close to a older woman shopper who was in a wheelchair.... she read him the riot act. I don't think he will forget now :) Yes, he had on his mask.

For groceries, my big orders I use the home delivery service. Instead of weekly, it is now every two weeks because of so many people using this service it very hard to reserve a time slot. I feel like I won the lottery if I get 60% of what I had ordered :)

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