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It's cold and windy and I do not want to go outside for my walk today. Do. Not. Want. ❄️💨🥶

No such thing as bad weather, CW, only inappropriate clothing.

[I don't know if that's actually true in Canada, mind.]

By doing a walk a home video every couple of hours I've got my minimum 10,000 steps done, that'll have to be good enough for today....🤷‍♀️💪
(I suppose I could just cut back on what I eat but screw that, I want my treats🍫🍬)

Yes, Cleveland/buffalo game is moved to detroit.

CW, I got 9,000 yesterday and today. I am working on getting back to it. That is 4 miles inside! It has been way too cold to try to go out!

Finally looked up new kettlebell exercises to try on YouTube and threw one of them into the mix this morning.

Exercising my way right into Thanksgiving — and beyond! 😉🏋️‍♀️🦃

Snoopy, wonderful!

Do you have a gym membership that fees would be payable by your Medicaid advantage or supplement plan?

Hi, Glad! No gym, I just do a few reps of this and that each morning with weights or a kettlebell I keep tucked away under the deck in the backyard.

BUT, pre-caregiving back in the day I used to go to a weekly kettlebell class and learned the basics there. That and other various exercise classes I went to over the years has definitely been helpful now.

This needs to be posted here:
Commented 3 hours ago
Jokes needed to lighten our day. Enter at your own risk!

I'm in the fitness protection program I've been hiding from exercise.

Dear InMyShoes,
Maybe someone here can borrow your shoes?

I started doing the Asian squat exercise a month ago. It was hard at first but I am getting stronger. I put a reminder on my phone to remind me to do 10 squats every few hours. Some days, I log about 30-60 squats each day. I want to do on average 50 squats a day.

If you're not familiar with Asian squat and its benefits, you can read here. In short, it strengthens leg muscles, hip joints, and knees, improves mobility and flexibility. All very important to prevent fall and breakage in later years.

Good for you, polar. Squats are great. Not sure of the difference between Asian squats and regular squats. They seem very similar. I can't do the numbers you can but I must get back to doing a few. Even that brings benefits.

So how long do you hold the squat polarbear? I thought the point was to squat and "sit" that way for an extended period, but when you are doing so many you must be doing something else?

cwillie- I do sit all the way down for a several seconds. That helps pushes the fluid from the lower legs upward which helps with circulation.

golden - For me, the difference is that you sit all the way down and stand up from that position vs. the traditional squat where you bend the knees and hold.

OK, New Year, new you!

Any other 2023 exercisers out there? I did some easy, brief kettlebell reps this morning for the first time since my dad passed away at Christmastime. It felt good. Good to keep moving, and to start feeling strong again.

I have been walking, too, every day since my father died (except for one or two extremely stormy days here in Northern CA). That has been a helpful routine, despite a few "gnarly" walks where the grief one feels when a loved one dies was just literally weighing me down at every step. But now it's easier.

Anyone else?

Snoopy, I usually walk or do an exercise bike.

I am envious of your beautiful weather! California is so beautiful. No humidity. Louisiana is a humid swamp! 😆

My step count has gone way down since I was sick over Christmas, I've fully recovered but I just can't find the motivation to push for more than 10,000. That wouldn't be a problem if only my appetite was reduced too.

Cwillie, good for you for doing what you can after being ill. You are going in the right direction!

NHWM, unfortunately we have swampy conditions here too in CA with the heavy rains. Not at our house but close to streams and creeks in my town it’s been a bit dicey.

On a lighter note, I’m getting a lot of use out of my rain gear!

Working on it. I do 9,000 steps now most days and yes all inside. If it were on carpet, it may be due for replacement! Thank goodness for hardwood floors! Very cold and still lots of snow on very sloppy streets. That California mess seems to keep working this way.

AARP has some interesting programs. One is called Mighty which is at no cost, trying it out. Might be part of my UHC plan G, just not sure.

CW you are doing great! I cannot manage to get past 9,000 steps plus a few extra!

If I do my usual walk to the other end of town and back it's 7500 steps and each 15 minute Leslie Sansone video is about 2000 steps, so that's pretty much my minimum goal each day. Fitness wise that should be enough but I need more than that to keep my weight from creeping back up because I lack the willpower to limit calories.

May I join?
I forced myself to get back to walking yesterday. SO glad I did. The weather does make it hard, but I headed out before the heat & then for a short walk as the sun set.

Thinking of getting a hat as my uniform. To stop lizard brain thoughts to just sit on a rock (couch).

Hat on = go.

Morning and late afternoon summer time walks are the best Beatty! Decades ago I used to walk with the kids to the school bus stop in the morning and I remember thinking it was the most magical time of the day to be out and about - the angle of the sun through the morning mist, the bird song in the morning, sometimes even some bunnies...

You guys make me jealous. As most of you may know I fractured metatarsals on my left foot. It's been 8 weeks and I just completed my 4th day of my physio homework exercises. Does this count as exercise? I guess it's gonna have to for now. Sigh.....

I hope I can get back to my walking eventually. But me thinks it's going to be a while.

Yes physio homework counts!
Chair exercise counts!
Muscle contractions & releases do something too.. (anyone remember Isometrics from the 70's??)

🤔 Not sure about my imagined exercise while lying in bed though..

Beatty, heat?! Send just a bit this way so we can get streets melting.

Gershun you will get there. Patience.

I'm still searching for some good music playlists to exercise to on youtube. I've bookmarked several but every one has irritating flaws like slow ballads in the middle of a "workout" video. And as a teen from the 70's - no, every song from that era was not a disco song, and no, all that s#%t from the late 80's does not belong on your playlist.

Can you play the workout video and mute it?
Then play your own music from your cell phone?

That's essentially what I am doing Send except I'm opening two tabs on my PC. My problem is that I'm relying on other people's playlists, I suppose I could create one of my own if I signed up but I'm reluctant to do that.

That is what my dH said to do, create a play list of your own!

Why the reluctance?

Creating your own playlist was my first thought. I have a number of them for different moods, and, of course, the cat's playlist. lol

I don't want to sign up, I feel like I already belong to too many things that require passwords.
And I don't want to go through the hassle of trying to find a site or install an app to download new music that isn't going to cause problems, VLC media player was supposed to be able do it but it doesn't work for me. Keep in mind I'm cheap, I don't want to pay I want to listen for free. (Which is why I make due with other people's playlists)

It doesn't cost me anything to sign in to YouTube, make playlists and listen to them. My playlists are made up of videos I find doing a YouTube search. There is lots of variety and it's that simple.

I hear you about passwords. For things like YouTube where it doesn't matter if someone hacks my password I use a password that I use for other sites that can be hacked with little consequence. And once I am logged in I stay logged in.

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