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GingerMay, I was shocked to hear of Luke Perry’s death, too! I grew up with my older sister watching 90210! He looks like he might have smoked, so maybe that played a role in his health. But, I’m glad you were inspired to stand up and move more throughout the day!

How is everyone doing? Are you keeping up with your exercises?

My biceps have been getting an intense workout pulling my hubby up the bed several times a day. It's gotten easier using a slide sheet, but he is still 220 lbs. The day before yesterday was intense because I didn't have an aide to help, but I managed to move him with the Hoyer life, shower him, get him dried, dressed and arranged in bed, and then kept him from working his way off the bottom of the bed. Boy! My biceps were bulging and shaking by the morning!

OMG! JuliaRose. You have to pull a 220 lb. person. My mom is around 120 and the last time she fainted, and had to pull her onto her bed. It was hard and my back hurt from the strain. Glad your arm muscles are getting stronger.

Been doing my exercise daily. Pushups are a tiny bit easier. I can feel my arms are getting stronger, too.

Next week, I'll focus on my kicks and punches. Self defense exercise.

I used to do deadlifts and rows to ensure I had the muscle to get mom off the floor.

I find it terribly discouraging that almost all the people making videos and giving advice on the web make recommendations well beyond my capabilities. I will never press 100 lbs(or more) or run a 13 minute mile.

Have been leaving home more often, and spring has arrived.
In keeping with my plan to move more, eat less: I joined a go to meetings weight loss program.
The technology has me stumped, and depending on hubs to set me up will not be sustainable.
Those smart phones and Google are way too smart for me. My bird Tweety could hunt and peck better than I can. What (enter swear word here) is a data point?
Please do not answer.....asked hubs to stop speaking to me like that, lol.

Maybe if I do not eat until I can arrange the points on the electronic device, I really will lose weight......And my mind, thank you very much.

"Let's count! One, two, Three!" (Learned online bird videos)....Mango the budgie repeats counting).

Are we supposed to weigh it too? Weigh in, weigh the food? Where is the scale?
Is it online too?

Keep posting buddies, or I will not be able to find this thread!

Sorry Send, I have been a slug so have avoided this thread because I would have been sowing dissent rather than encouragement.
And I don't know what a data point is either🤔

It is you who suggested there are videos online that are less strenuous! I was encouraged by that! And anyone who can get out and walk through snowy ice to get a coffee has my respect.
You are not a slug!
Imo, people are encouraged by your life overall, not a few days of having a bad mood.
Just ignore that tomorrow is Sunday and skip the beating yourself up for not attending church. Go out for some Sunday coffee!

CW- Send is right, you are in no way a slug! You inspire all of us.
Send- Great Job you are doing more and all. Don't get discouraged over the technical junk. You will get it figured out.

I have continued my 2-3 hour cycling at night. I am really going to try and begin my workout video starting Monday. I am hopeful. I think I will have to get up earlier to have time. Hard because sleep is a luxury for me. But I might have to bump my wake time to 5:30 in order to get my workout in. I get a good work out with the wood cutting and splitting, but that will soon be replaced with all the gardening. Which I hope is considered working out, because it sure feels like it. My life is odd. :)

PB- Doing Ok?
Julie- Doing ok?

Keep up the good work everyone, Rising up to the challenge of our selves.

Hi all - I'm still here, exercising, but also eating...a bit more than I should.

OK. Next week's commitment is to eat 1 carb-less meal each day.

PB- Don't feel bad, I believe winter is an enemy for weight loss, because naturally our bodies crave more food, especially carbs, because of the cold. It tries to protect us. :)

OK. I'm up and feel like having breakfast. But I'm going to exercise first... gotta stay disciplined... : )

Well, my goal this week is to cut carbs out of one meal each day. Hasn't worked out too well. I just don't feel full without carbs, then I ended up craving some bread or rice. Last night at dinner, I cut 1/2 of the carbs out of the meal and replace with more protein. And I did the same for lunch today, cut out 1/2 the carbs I normally consume. I think I can do that. But no carbs at all just doesn't leave me feeling satisfied.

How's everyone doing with your exercise/fitness goal for the week/day?

In my experience low carb definitely needs to go with higher protein polarbear, and make sure the carbs you do have are higher in fiber.

I made a trek to the coffee shop this morning but that hardly counts as exercise, it will probably be a while until the hiking trails are fit to walk again.

*dreaming of hiking trails* That would be so nice...

Hi, everyone. Things are not going very well at home, so I’ve been preoccupied. I’ve done a few pushups, etc, but gotten out of the habit of exercise videos. :(

JuliaRose - Sorry to hear things at home aren't going well. Hope they will settle down soon.

As far as exercise, pushups are good. Just do what you can when you can.

JuliaRose, sorry you've had trouble to deal with. Best wishes to you.

I've been a slug recently, too! This week my sister is away and it's just me providing care. Late nights, early mornings, cookies, too much coffee. My dad and I got out for a walk by the bay a few days ago but now the rain is back again. BUT I am pausing now. . . .

OK, back to the computer after having done a few girl push-ups!

Calling all online exercise partners...

A new week is here. Are you all still exercising? I am but kinda slacking off.

My left arm has had a pain near the shoulder for a long time, over a year now. I couldn't raise that arm above my head at one point. But I've been working and strengthening it, so now, it is strong enough that I could use it to pull off my t-shirt over my head but not without pain. The joint still hurts. But compared to last year, it has improved 80%. My goal is to get it working 100% by year end.

So this week, I am going to focus more on my left arm. I'm going to use my left arm instead of my right arm to lift and hold things at least 5 times a day. I also read that by doing new things, the brain will develop new neural pathways (or whatever they're called), and that lowers the chance of getting Alzheimer's.

Happy and healthy exercising.

Now that it's spring here in the Midwest, I can finally get back to doing a quick neighborhood walk during the day when mom takes her nap. Feels great to be back outside again. Trying to do a DVD workout in the early morning, but I seem to always cut the video short and give up.

I've been doing crunches twice a day.
Captain's in the morning, Nestle's in the afternoon 🤣

(sorry, when I read that I couldn't resist posting it here)

Cwillie- Loved that comment. :)You make me smile.
PB- I hope that your arm doesn't give you too much trouble. Great perseverance.
Kbus- Keep up the walking, good job.
Snoopy- You are far from a slug.
Julie- Hope you are doing alright you will get back in the groove.

I have not been able to do my video. But I continue, the cycling at night. When the weather is good, have started walking again with Mom. Lots of physical labor around the place. So getting exercise whether intentional or not,

Keep it up everyone. Doing something is better than nothing. Small goals turn into big ones. A body in motion, tends to stay in motion.

Shopped last night for some work out clothes, and shoes to go with it.

Send- that was at least 350 calories burned right there. :)

Has anyone ever tried a vibration fitness machine?A friend of ours has been using one for about 9 months now, he lost about 30 lbs and his aches and pains are less. He was so adamant about me having one, He just thinks they are dandy. So he sent me one, I got it today, I have used it twice already. It is great. You actually feel like you have worked out. It also loosens up the body. Just wondering if anyone has tried one. I am going to use it faithfully and see what the outcome is. Will let ya'll know.

Happy Sweating everyone!

Smeshque, I've heard of those machines. If you don't mind, what's the name of the one you're trying out?

Snoopy- it is "Hurtle"

Yes, Smeshque!
Just putting on the new shoes and new socks. Went to the laundromat as exercise or, the proper term, moving more, eating less.

Did I repeat that enough? Ha ha ha.

Still hoping it works and I do not give up. Changes are hard.

I had two cups of coffee this morning so I knew that heading to the coffee shop for another one wasn't a good idea, making my self walk without dangling that carrot was difficult but I did it anyway.

After reading the heroic efforts of the exercise buddies, I drove with dH to the local park. (1/4 Mile). Intention was to get out and walk 5 minutes, but walked up a hill halfway, trying to reach a patch of poppies mixed with Lupines, right here, in our local park.
Discovered a Walking Course with logs, instructions, etc. Made dH jump over the logs, I stepped over them. He took pictures of the wildflowers too far for me to reach. Nice, too...people are walking their dogs uphill.

Where is my heating pad?

Next time, maybe I can bring my wheelchair, use it as a walker, and if I go too far, hubs can wheelchair me down the hill....Just kick it honey, see how fast it goes.

P.S. Good for you CWillie!

Your ten days of rest have expired!
Please consider re-committing your morning to getting outside for walking.
Open the door, go out onto the porch in your jammies x 3 days.
Next, get dressed in your athletic shoes, go out in front, get the mail, empty the trash.
Next, walk 1/2 way around the block.
It is much more important to walk than do weights, lifts, crunches, etc.--imo.
Get your heart started.
If you sneak out, when you are not quite ready, or no one notices....Just the adrenaline rush will start your heart pumping, and before you know it, ten minutes later you can come back inside....

Are you ok buddy,???

Way to go CW and Send.
Keep moving. :)

I have been doing a lot of farm work. Been using my vibe platform machine, and still riding my bike. I gave up on exercise video, as I think I do enough exercise.

Send when your done with your heating pad, may I borrow it? :) Wheelchair down hill sounds quite fun.
Actually it is pretty warm tonight, maybe an ice pack would be better.

Cwillie- Be careful of the coffee jitters. I am not a coffee drinker. But once me and DH were driving from our vacation and just wanted to get home so drove straight through. I was trying everything to keep away on my driving shift. So I coffeed up, I was so jittery.
Scary when you realize you can actually sleep with your eyes open.

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