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The original question - do I feel like I'm losing brain cells...

Something is going on in that area. I have to look up simple words that I know I know the spelling of, but I simply don't know for sure anymore... they don't look right to me now. I have to almost talk out loud to myself to get even the simplest task completed, slowly and one step at a time. So many things that before caregiving it was just natural to do and be and think and speak and write now I just... don't know. Its very different right now with how I operate as a person and what my brain does. Its discouraging. I really get the feeling that talking to a doctor or psychiatrist about it will not do any good. They will say of course its the prolonged stressful situation taking a toll... whether that's it or not, I miss the "old me." She had answers for things and no fear of failure and hadn't given up completely... :/ I don't expect perfection, I just want to function. And I'm barely, barely doing that these days. And I'm scared.

Getting old is indeed a very scary chapter in our lives. Anything that has uncertainty makes us feel unsecured and worried. This is very true for everyone, so I do get what you’re feeling right now. We all dread for the unknown that lies ahead of us.
Recent studies indicates that the brain just like our body ages. AS soon as we hit the age of 20, we begin losing brain cells in the process. You do not have to worry too much because as we begin losing brain cells, we tend to regenerate new ones as well. Age only dictates how fast we lose brain cells and how fast regenerate them. As we age, the more brain cells we lose and the harder for us to regenerate this lost cells. However, memory loss, dementia and other memory related conditions should not be our concern as of this point. We should keep in mind that memory loss, just like aging is a process, a long and a very slow one.
Some people are lucky because they never had to experience or their family members never had to endure memory loss as their age. Some people, as they age manages to remember every piece and bit of memory they have in their lives; something we all want to achieve when we are all grown up, and old and grumpy. In reality, a lot of individuals on their 60’s still have a very good memory. Some people on the other hand in their late 20’s or early 30’s are already starting to experience memory loss. Thus we can never completely blame ageing for memory loss.
There are many reasons why we lose our memories. Depression and dementia often times triggers memory loss. For those is the later part of their lives, severe memory loss is often linked or caused by the diseases which affects the brain. Injuries and stroke are also some of the common causes of memory loss. Amnesia for example is caused by a head trauma that affects the brain. This type of memory can be temporary and rarely permanent. Fortunately, most people who suffer from amnesia regain their memory after a certain period of time. Addiction to alcohol and drugs can also cause temporary memory loss. The chemicals present in the drugs or in the alcohol that one excessively takes may deteriorate or completely damage brain cells.
Thus a healthy lifestyle is something we need to have to be able to prevent memory loss. Taking I vitamins that are good for the brain is also important.
So do you really have to worry about the potential signs of memory loss that you are experiencing right now? Yes and now. You can still do something about your problem. Instead of worrying, you could focus on finding ways on how to improve your diet or improve your memory to avoid memory loss.

Alison - I feel your pain. I have the same problems. You are not alone. Depression can cause some of those symptoms. Hugs.

Alison, reading what you wrote above -- the thought that came to my mind was in our role, we experience continuous overwhelming feelings of self-doubt. We usually recognize those feelings as they pertain to very difficult decisions regarding the care and wellbeing of the person we're looking out for, but I think that our minds just absorb that self doubt like a sponge, and it floods into every other area. I also will wonder if I'm 'losing it' over things that were never an issue before, and I've had to make much greater efforts to stop multitasking, and FOCUS. I also exercise my short term memory more often by reviewing exactly what I did, in what order, when I got up this morning, for instance. Or I'll try to remember what the last 3 channels I watched were (that's a hard one!). Anyway, I think it's that our own self-doubt permeates everything.

Looloo my last post to you i had to spell "neighbour" a few times im doubting my own spellling now! Brain cells WHAT brain cellls? I have probably still spelt it wrong?? i dont care! Yes when you doubt everything you are doing its crazytime! Im here in my bedroom and looking at my Blue Rosette for "spelling" which i won when i was at school oh dear how scary is that?

Alisonbobali..I feel exactly the same way mentally and know the doctor will not really help but send me to a analysist. IMy friend told me l need vitamins and certain supplements in my diet. I'm in my forties. At times I can figure complicated things. But I look up almost everything to be sure. Well.. My life is hardly mine anymore so my body and brain is slow and depressed like the rest of me. Getting away helps and 4 me gospel music. Blessings.

Is thre anyone who can take an hour or two and maybe talk, scrapbook, lunch? If you drive and wanted to bri g your mom, we could sit on the patio. I will put out cookies and tea or something? Maybe the moms might talk at each other. New face for them? Mine just talks if someone is there or not. I live in north columbus.

Thank you for your message, :)
Mom is doing great, I'm slipping off my chocolate
Chip Cookie, as long as I don't land on the
Chocolate chip I will be able to brush it off...
Lol. Little humor here, :)
The only entertainment I have is doing photo
Shoots for my niece who is in college for
Photography, for the last two years my pictures
Have been shown at the area college.
Women that are Bound Series, bound to the home, as I am pretty much here if I'm not working. My mother is in some of the pictures
With me,
If you would like to have a pen pal :)
Thank you and God Bless.

Hannel9.... I am so happy u are doing things u enjoy. Thank GOD for that sunshine.I would love to see your pics.. A little comfort and relaxation. I would love to go make oatmeal cranberry walnut cookies but my mother would talk about my weight. I'm VERY sensitive about it. She complain about EVERYTHING. She says I stole her lotion I ignored her. Now she mad at my brothers becuz they never call or come by. She claim my brother Gregory owes her 3000. I was there when she gave him the money for helping her fill out papers to sell some land . all her sisters and brothers get a check every year for property like 4,000. They have been getting it 4 years. I was my grandparents. Now she sold her inheritance. For 30,000 that money paid her taxes and was extra money.Now its gone she spends like crazy on jewelry clothes and gambling. There s nothing I can do. She never offers me a dime. I Dont care. But when her cash runs out she will need a loan on her home. I'm trying 2 help her reduce debt. But she Dont listen she always was a know it all mean Scorpio. I get along with others just not her acid tongue. Anyway I'm doing me. I hope to still move. Blessings to u pen pals are great.

Speaking of car keys.... when I left work and was going out to the parking lot, I usually keep my car keys in my pant's pocket, but the keys weren't there.... ok, maybe I put them in my purse.... nope... probably left them in the car which would have been weird if I did... zilch, not there. Came back into my office, and checked the desk drawer where I keep my purse. OMG where are my keys!!!! Ok, don't panic, I have a spare ignition key in my purse... calm down...

Then it dawned on me, I wore a rain coat to work this morning and it was in the office closet, and sure enough the keys where there. Yikes, that was an uneasy feeling as I am OCD about my keys :P

I can call you on missing car keys and raise you on missing glasses. Misplaced the car keys several weeks ago and yesterday the eyeglasses. Guess I don't need the car keys yet...can't drive without the glasses! So, that means problem solved, right?

Vegaslady, when I am at work I take off my eyeglasses as they are for distance only [can't wear bifocals], and I put on my computer eyeglasses and wear those the whole time I am at work since most of work is computer research.... my boss is in the next office and with those glasses on he's just a blur :P

But there has been times lately I left the office wearing my computer glasses and thinking *boy my eyes must be really tired because I can't see clearly*... oops.

I've worn glasses or contacts for 56 years and they are never farther than I can reach. I think I took them off while on the phone, in bed, and they have disappeared. Maybe we do have the ghost my husband thinks we may have. Oh well, I needed to replace them anyhow. New glasses, then maybe I'll do another mass search for the keys.

I caretake my elderly aunt & uncle...both 85. He has AD & she...I am not sure. They are mean & hateful. Their children don't seem to understand my need to get out of here on weekends. My health is suffering & I am going crazy. I would quit but I have nowhere else to live right now and they all know it. I have no other means of income either...I have a permanent disability but waiting on a hearing. I do not know what to do anymore.

My hearing is fading, but I consider that a blessing. If I think I heard the door bell, I look at the dog. If she is still snoozing, there is nobody there.
Eyes? I have had glasses since age 14 so that doesn't bother me, but I find I need MORE LIGHT to see things correctly. Can't thread a needle too well anymore. Hubby is worse, because now he needs glasses and is too proud to wear them. At least he can't see the hairs on my chin. LOL

1butterfly...for your hearing, if you haven't already done this, get some friends or relatives to write statements about how you were before you got this disability and how it affects you now, in as much detail ad possible. You do the same, describe a typical 24 hour day and exactly how your disability impacts what you can do like you used to. Consider getting an attorney to help you. They get paid a percentage of your back benefits id you win your appeal.

Pam, I also have that doorbell ring thing, too, but it happens to me when I am asleep... first time I heard it I awoke in a panic, went to the upstairs' front windows to see if the security light was one and if there was a car in the driveway..... no one was there.... after doing that many time over throughout the year, now I just look at the cats.... if the cats aren't in a major panic then I know it was the doorbell in my head :P

Vegaslady...I retained a disability attorney a couple of years ago. Things got delayed & messed up for a while when I moved to another state. Back on track now & just waiting. Thank you for your input. I am new to this site.

1butterfly - I'm in the same situation as you, and getting ready to move to another state, but will not transfer my case. When my hearing is ready, I will fly down and meet my attorney. He will pick me up at the airport and take me to the hearing, which is only 4 blocks away. I can go and come on the same day. Now that my husband has retired, I can't afford to wait.

Absolutely caregiving has made me braindead! in so many ways!

Is anyone looking through those catalogs that help make's ones life easier... the catalogs you use to order items for your parents, but now you are ordering for yourself? I just ordered those *lamp switch tuners* [triangular knobs].

Hey, might as well get those now so I don't lose many more brain cells getting upset or skin from my fingers from trying to use the turn switches that came with the lamps :P Glad my newer lamps have the old fashioned pull chains :)

I was thinking of getting one of those new lights, I forget what they are called, that help with feeling drab and seasonal disorder and etc....happy lights I call them. especially with the time change coming and the short short days of the long winter here!
Has anyone tried one??

jujubean - I used to use them all the time when I lived in the nw, and will be using them again as I'm moving back there - they're call full spectrum lights, and they work wonders. They're expensive, but well worth it.

eguillot - I wish you a speedy hearing. My case was filed with an attorney in GA & she said she will come to TN when the time comes (that's where I am now). But who knows where I will be then. The aunt has turned on me once again since last night & this morning. Said she wants me out of here. Their children are no help. The uncle wants me to stay. I repeat...I am going crazy!

1butterfly - so sorry for your troubles. Hopefully things will work out with your aunt, although it sounds like she's a real nut case. Hang in there.

eguillot - Thank you. I wish you well.

Thanks for the info on the lights all....I saw one at Costco the other day made me start thinking of it...I believe it was 49$ it was about or slightly larger than an IPAD. anyway Losing braincells was all up in here yesterday!
I cannot find moms pills....was filling up her trays for the month and misplaced them spent most of day obsessing/searching.... everywhere closets appliances wherever, they are no where to be found! hoping they pop up today! At least I am not obsessing anymore...except for the fact of "am I losing it now too, should I make a neurologist appt myself" lol!!! Take care all, take it easy!

jujubean, I heard those *sun* lights really work. If I was living at my parents house I would need one.... Mom keeps all the shades closed as she doesn't want the sun to fade the rug or furniture.... one would need a miner's hat with light to find your way around their home :P

I am a sun person, have to have my day light, thus every window curtain is wide open, plus I had south facing sky lights [a blessing to have in the winter]... so the cats and I sit in the sun light :)

Yes I am very sunlight oriented and I have to be able to see out the windows, and day or night, nearly never close shades/curtains. My ex n I used to battle that. He insisted on shades closed at night so no one could see in, good grief, the house was in the middle of the woods with a quarter mile drive, from a major main highway there is next to none on foot traffic and would hear or see a car coming, unless someone with ill intent and then open or closed don't think makes a diff!! Anyway!

Ugh... had a routine physical with my primary doctor, part of the physical was a memory test.... at the beginning of the test the tester said three words and wanted me to remember those words as I will be asked at the end of the memory testing.... I did great with the other memory tasks but for the life of me I could not remember those three words. Neither could my sig other when he went through the same test :P

Brain cells lost !!

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