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Sincerest sympathies on your loss. I hope he passed peacefully. Please do not entertain the guilt. You have nothing to feel truly guilty about. He made his choices which to a large extent were responsible for his condition. It was beyond your control. Now you need to move on to a better life without abusive people dragging you down. I hope you can make arrangements to live separate from your mother. She is mentally very unhealthy as, it seems, are other family members. You deserve better than they are giving you.

Know that you are worthy of a good life with your dogs. You have a job and an income that can support you in pursuing this. It's time to put you and your needs first, and to let go of the toxic people around you. (((((((hugs))))) Build a non blood family to support you. You can do it!!!!

I am so sorry.
It is gut wrenching.
And as to your reply to know "guilt" has no place here.
Be gentle to yourself.

I'm so sorry.

I’m sorry for your loss

I'm trying to but feeling guilty at the moment.

Sending condolences. I hope you’re finding peace.

I’m sorry for your loss and wish you peace and healing

i am so sorry for you.

So sad that he had to die so young. This just reinforces the importance of taking good care of ourselves and what happens when we don't.
Hopefully you can now move forward with getting on with your life.

May Mark now be at peace.
DoggieMom, may you be able to sigh deeply, breathe through the pain & find peace too.

So very sorry. Hard to know what to say; sometimes there is just no comfort for a while. Please know you are not alone.

im so sorry for your loss. You did your best to advocate for him and his journey is done. ❤️

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