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Thank you LilDebb39.
Seanbean61: My Mom and Uncle would have continued to pay to have my Grandma stay at her apartment, but we all know she would do better with family. I offered, they accepted. Should they have taken her in? Maybe. But I honestly think its best for her if she is with me. I don't know if it was the right thing to do or not, but it feels right. And it's working. Just figuring out how to work out the little kinks. As for my mom's boyfriend's mom, she has money, a lot of it, she pays for her own care and has no desire to live with them. My Grandma's financial situation is different. She doesn't have any money. My Mom's boyfriend is most definitely not selfish. I should have mentioned that he has faithfully contributed financially for my Grandma's care, no relation to her. He just knows their limits, not everyone is cut out for caregiving. I didn't mean to make them look bad. There are a lot of circumstances, but I have taken up enough of this forum's space. Thank you for your concern.

It sounds like you are doing all u can do. And it sounds good to me. You decided and I decided to do this job so alls we can do now is vent. I have 1 friend left, to talk to and he has a girlfriend so that's hard enough. This sight has helped me. I read stuff and cry and somehow that helps me. Its like therapy. God Bless your heart lesa1919

Good morning, I try not to judge others because every situation is different. If your Grandmother being with you feels right, and it is must be right!! For you to feel in your heart that "she would do better with family", tells me you have a big heart! That is exactly how I feel and would rather have my father with me than with some random caregiver. That is a battle yet to be fought ={.
When I would get very upset, I would take a break and think about it being the disease, not my father. Every so often dad would act out, but that was the disease..... the rest of the time dad is sweet as pie, love him so!

What you both are doing is so wonderful!! Try not to get to stressed. You can do some deep breathing and exercise. You are a lifeline to those you care for and that is AMAZING!!

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