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Find Care & Housing got COW TIME!!! Yippee a patty for you!!!!!!!!

i always blame it on bird shittin em out . i get all kinds of fruit trees everwhere !
i agree , posion ivy is ok eles where but not on my face thats when i go ruinnin cryin to doc , hell doc in my town has gone quack ! lol

I think the rabbits are spreading it around on their fur. We planted the bushes ourselves a few years ago and we found it under a weeping willow tree last year that stands right by itself, and all of the area has lava rock on the black weed control stuff.........I just know I will end up with it this year.......I don't care if I get it on my arm the itch goes down six inches deep....hahaha

oh my gosh . i worry about it spreadin it around my eyes . thats when i go running to doc and cry .
eeek . xoxo

My mom got it many years ago by breathing in smoke from the fire they lit to burn it up............first time the woman ever went braless in her life !!!!

seemeride - when the wind blows justright that is when i get posion ivy . i get em by lookin at it . i get em even wearing rubber gloves to pull em out ofthe flower beds ! , dman if i do damn if i dont . i get em no matter what .
am scared im going to be full of blisters here in a bit by talking about posion ivy . oh crap im itchin now . xoxo

Starri....I knew I had seen your name before, but I couldn't remember where. I answered your question about POA and keeping your mom on a machine.....I don't know if I was any help.....I guess I just wanted you to know that I had your burden also, and it isn't light, but you may not have to use that POA.


Never apply make-up during a hot flash. It will slide right off your face.

Now to the rabbit saga.........Last year for the first time ever, we have poison ivy along our wax myrtle bushes in the back of our yard. Hubby pulled them out by BARE hand cause he doesn't get poisnn ivy. MUWAHAHAHAHAH Yep, you guessed 2 days I was calling the dr for an appt. for him....not a big deal in itself, but he works at the wastewater treatment plant for the City....yeh...WASTEwater....we all know about hubby got help getting rid of it with drugs.

This year it is back, of course, so he won't get anywhere near it. I ALWAYS got poison ivy every year as a kid, tramping around, believe it or not in cow pastures, and streambanks, etc., so I know it well. Mean or not, I BLAME THE RABBITS !!!
So, yesterday when we pick our first big crop of grean beans, and I remember the baby that scared me, I start feeling things biting me, start scratching.....I have got the heebie geebies really bad...can't clean up well enough...and am still scratching, I don't have poison ivy......I'm just NUTS !!!

I feel like I have rambled on long enough, but I missed a lot last night., so I took soime notes. I think starri said her hubby was the social butterfly and she wasn't. Same here, girl. I have always called mu hubby the same thing. Everywhere we go in town he runs into someone he knows. I describe myself as just the fly. Just kinda fly around until I see where I want to land. dad used to shower with mom, but she was mobile then. Now there just isn't room in the shower for me, her, and the bench. And I use a shower curtain instead of doors, so that doesn't help keep the water in as well. But she only has a 3 " step to make to get in, not like having to step over the tub. Besides, truthfully, and don't tell anyone, I had that bathroom designed to make it easier for me to give my OES baths (Old English Sheepdogs) I can't even make it fun for her with different soaps as she is so allergic to topical things. She can only use Dove and Carress, maybe Tone...I use Dove sensitive, so that is it. Same with lotions and I am allergic to aloe vera....and I blame her !!! heehee

ASG.....Sowwy about the knww, but I don't know any safe place to be when kids are playing t-ball !!! But ain't it fun !!!!

We had the same thing with the water temp yesterday, and I just pretended to fix it. I swear my mom has about a two degree difference between too hot, too cold, and just right.....and I can't find it !!!!! HAHAHAHAHA
Report that name !! Staying at the hospital so long is just yucky...When my sisters and I did that last year with my mom, the day she got out and came home to me, all 3 of girls started throwing up. Had to get the neighbor in to help with mom cause we three couldn't...and we didn't want mom to get sick. But mom was never alone there, and I would get called in on my "night off" to help control her...didn't realize at the time it was reactions to everything they were giving her to knock her out. So that problem is ongoing here. Can't really say she is sundowning...I think it is lack of restorative sleep. You just can't go on without more than an hour's sleep...wake weeks on end...just told her to lay down, get wrm, and sleep cause she's talking crazy. Since she got up today, and most of last night, she has called for most of her dead relatives, one living sister (91) who she says is never around when she needs her, and one of my sisters. Then gets pissed cause they don't live in this state. Just going to be one of those days.

I can't imagine taking care of 3 people !! Lordy, I almost had my MIL in here with us, but my hubby put a stop to that. Good for him, I didn't have to be the meanie, although I can play that if need be, just too tired to do it. Sounds like the cahllenges you face are a little different and at the same time much too familiar. Stay with us and laugh when we get stupid, it really helps. Welcome.

Good Morning all and a big welcome to Starr!!!!!!!!! Trying to catch up on posts just a wee bit.....I have actually have a lunch date with 2 of my sisters and it will take an hour to get there, so I must go shower or I will miss out......and that I cannot do. Told hubby he gets the col for the day.....for Starr, that is my mil whom I affectionately call the "crazy old lady", she is and when I say that to her she thinks it's funny....:) Told him he also got to bathe her since it's bath day......that got me an "I don't think so"....just teasing dear. Will write more after my lunch, but I wanted to say hi to Starr and good morning to you other lovely angels.

Love and Hugz,

Thank you ladies for the welcome, it is greatly appreciated..Mom is still sleeping , and I am home in my own home now, going to be going to bed as soon as I hear from her hospice nurse, she called yesterday and spoke with my brother, all he could remember was that she called. Have my brother watching her, set up her meds before I left so that all he has to do is hand them to her.

We had a new med delivered yesterday to help Mom with panic attacks, she gets these when there is too much going on. She went into a serious one when we had the whole bunch of us kids and one sister in law over last week. Thankfully I am familiar with the medication as I take it too, Lorazepam. I use it for sleep when I can't get the brain to shut off (manic), she'll be using it for nerves. With no new pain meds delivered I don't know if the nurse has gotten the Dr.'s approval for the increase, will find that out I guess when she calls me back.

One of the ladies mentioned daydreaming about the freedom that I am sorry to say comes with the passing, it's ok to daydream, your not wishing they die soon, your just thinking about what your life can be like. There is no harm in that, and it really is good for you I believe.

My husband and I are planning on taking a couple of months to just travel. My brother and a friend of the family make a whole person together. So they can take care of each other while we are gone. Our friend is 70 and in failing health, but his mind is still sharp, my brother thankfully can still do the more manual things in life.

Hubby has been here with me for 10 years so that I can look after family, I owe him some time too. He's what I call a social butterfly, where I am more of a hermit (have a hard time dealing with people in person).

I hope that the nurse calls back soon, I really need some sleep, will be taking night shift from now on, along with a day shift or two as well, Jerry (brother) can't handle the nurse and the things that she needs to know and to let us know as far as her care and current health status.

Hope all find a little time for themselves today, if nothing more than a moment or two to catch your breath before diving back in.

Love ya ASG. You are a beautiful voice on this thread. I will have the picture of Auntie jumping like a rocket in my mind all day!!! Thanks for the visual... love ya girl...have a good day...

Ladee, Lol I couldn't see the bat anyways, wasn't wearing my glasses. So sorry, grief is hard. And your right, once everything settles down and life tries to go on, your like wait a minute! Somthings missing! Yes you loved her so and will grieve. She was such an important part of your life. Huggs back to ya!

Seemer, thought you might get wet too:) what is it with that? And I hate turnign the shower knob to get it just the right temp...then "a little hot" so you turn it back"ooh that's to cold" turn it again" oohh to hot again" so finally just make it look like you are turning it and you get the same response! Finally you get just the right temp according to them and go to wet em down slowly...and BAM they jump like a rocket like you pored ice water on em! Ooooooh ooooooh to cold, to cold, ahhh I give up. Last couple of showers I've just barly ran the water over her, soap her up, rinse very slowly. Does the trick.

Welcome starri, so glad to hear you have found a place to put it all out there. Doesn't change our circumstances, but sure makes us feel better to have a safe place to say how we are feeling. Sorry you aren't getting any sleep. Those 18 hour days do take their toll. Have had plenty of those myself. Then we start to act and sound like those we take care of. ASG made a good point when she said she understands why our charges are emotional and can't remember anything , lack of sleep for everyone.
And then your brother and his circumstances. You are carrying a big load...
We are happy you are here. You will get love and support, and even laugh now and then... hope you come back and let us get to know you, and you get to know us. I always feel like I have stepped in to a soft and safe place when I come here. I get to be sad, happy, grumpy, tired, and anything else I am feeling. And then there's the "rabbits", and get to laugh out loud.. Good for the soul...
ASG, you need to get your rest, can't see those T-ball bats coming if you're tired. How is the knee this morning..?? Hope you know "I'm sowwy" will be taken and used here!!!! And thanks for the encouragement about the new job. Going to be much different than the last few months...I still miss Ruth and seems it is getting harder each day. Guess that is the way grief works. Too much to do at first, then time catches up to you... so many things going thru my mind about our time together..

Hope everyone has a day, if not a good one... hugs across the miles to you all. love

Hello starr:) yes very good place to let it all out. You just rant and ramble and vent and know that you have us listening and caring. I pray you get some sleep. Bless you for being kind to your brother in all of this mess. I hope they can help moms pain. Don't know what I'm doing up this tme of day...oh yeah hubby had to leave this early. Thought id come outside and have a smoke befor wgoing back to bedl its peacful tonight. I've found mysef going into that hole where I wonder how long this is gonna last, and how much worse will it get?not sure if I should go with it and daydream of feedom? Letting the cat outta his cage permanantly??? Or try to think of other things? Get my mind off of it. Poor aunt was telling me how much her legs have been hurtung her at night, I feel sorry for her. She says maybe she should take her medicine but she hates to cause it makes her sleepy(hydrcodone) I told her she could take it every four to six hrs. So taking one every night before she goes to be won't hurt. She onely sleeps a few hrs a night. I'm fortunate I don't have t get up with her in the night yet. I wouldn't get any sleep either. Don't know how you guys that do it every night for months or years do. I did it for a few nights before she came to live with us. She was having dizzy spells and came on and off to stay the night. Sleep in my bed with me. Id get up half awake to help her and couldn't go back to sleep. Then she gets up somtimes at 3 in the morning. No wonder their emotional anf can't remember anything. I can't either after lack of sleep. I tthink her meds she takes for incontinece are not working as well. Those depends are starting to get good use. I'm afraid that might just come along with the territory. It amazes me how with it they can seem, yet have these issues. But seem so with it at times. Making sense in their own world to the point you almost believe they know what they are doing yet you know better. Oh boy I guess I should try to go back to bed.

Hi Everyone, Jam, God bless you for this post, was wondering if there was something like this for people just to get things off their chest. I actually managed to read all 89 posts, I got some good giggles out of the "rabbit stories".

It's going to be a long night tonight, haven't had a decent nights sleep in a few days, did manage to get a couple of days escape while one brother was out here, I needed it badly, had just come out of 3 weeks of my mom in the hospital and me there about 18 hours per day.

She's not doing too well, I'm basically consulting her hospice nurse every other day to see if we can come up with a pain med routine that will at least take the edge off without keeping her sleeping all the time. Her nurse tells me there are three kinds of pain, and Mom has all three, so meds are going to be hard to balance.

It's starting to get to the point that she isn't going to be able to get up and down out of the bed, she'll fight me when I try to put her in adult diapers, she won't use a bed pan. Tonight I had to listen about what a great person my brother is when he sits with her, how very attentive he is to her needs, kinda hurt, I've been doing her caregiving for 2+ years now, God love him, he wants to help, but needs help himself as well, MS and Epilepsy have taken his memory, he still has his long term but not his short term, so I end up having to watch him and her at the same time. He can't remember what he had for breakfast 20 minutes after he ate. Her memory is getting more and more confused, she can't remember if she took her pain meds, her other meds, etc.. this scares the "stuff" out of me because if I leave him to watch her on his own, he won't remember either. I have to repeat to her, what the pills are I just handed her 10+ times and she still doesn't remember.

Tonight she was doing good for a while, and then it started to go down hill, got her to take her pain meds, and her regular meds, including her sleeping pill, she slept well for about 4 hours and started crying out, called out to my grandmother and told her it hurt, gm left us over 45 years ago. She then came semi awake and insisted she had to get in the other bed, pointed at the couch, had to explain that wasn't a bed, so I got her wheelchair and got her in her regular bed, instead of the hospital bed. She insisted that someone had been in her hospital bed with her.

With her memory going as quick as it is, and with my brothers the way it is, it's hard to sneak in sleep. Tonight there won't be any, and tomorrow during the day (it's the only time its half way safe to let my brother stay with her) I don't know that there will be time for it either.

I knew this time was coming and I know it won't be long before my husband and my brother both require the same. Just trying to figure out how I am going to survive this, the stress of all doesn't do wonders for my depression and bipolar.

Sound kinda like I am babbling tonight, guess that I am, Big Hugs to all...

ASG....our house is right in Galmey, down the road that is across the street from the Fire Dept. I think we're north of you. Are you closer to Humansville? I need to get down and clean one side of the house and the garage. We are leaving a lot of furniture and other items, but there are a few things I still need to get. Need to get my son down there with the truck so he can haul things back. Have a pie safe that hubby wants and I have no idea where to put it here....hang it from the ceiling I guess.....:)

Need to sleep now....have had a migraine most of the afternoon and it's still not quite gone.

Love and Hugz to all,

I keep a towel folded length-wise just once and as soon as the col is naked, I wrap that around her shoulders and she gets in the tub. Then she will take it off and lay it on top of the toilet until we are through. Then I put it back around her while we wait for the water to drain. Seems to help her modesty. I don't have a bit of trouble with her bathing anymore. Especially when I scrub her back with her soft back brush....she loves that. And I use Bath and Body Works gel, and she loves the different smells, her favorite is apricot.

Ahh rosella that's so hard!

Ladee, the idea of showering together is fun, with my mother would not work because she hates to be naked in front of us, she would feel very awkward if I got undressed and jumped in the shower with her! It's always a problem to wash her because she tries to cover herself with everything she finds nearby.
I am very sorry for her because I know she is very humiliated by this kind of thing!

Ladeeda, finally got to read about your day. That sounds so nice! Does the wife have health issues to? Yep the kida are good. Have first t ball game tomarrow. I get to help coach the team this year(I am completly UN-athletic) sports challenged I call it. However, we had practice today it was fun. I was helping the little batters bat and was standing way to close! One sweet little boy hits the ball off the T then throws the bat backwards!! Right into my knee!! Ouch. Got a pretty bruise to show for it. He says sowwy! Then takes off runnin. I was laughing to hard to be in pain. Seemer glad to hear bout your mom. Keep us posted! Hubby has had a long weekend home due to the joplin tornado. The place didn't get destroyed but it had no electricity so he is just now getting to leave in the a.m. huggs everybody.

Jam, yes, last day was wendsday. They are doing good so far, not to many problems with everyone home together yet. Knock on wood:) its ok down this way. No tornadoes have hit so far. If hubby and I get to go fishing within the next couple of weeks(he's been wanting to) I will drive over by those houses but I haven't heard of any storm damage that way. Is your house right on the river in that lake neighbor hood? Nearby my area?

ladee.....I am so very happy for you.....what a difference in your charges. I know you miss Ruth and this will make that a little easier. Sent you an email with some info.

I hope everyone else has had a good day. ASG.....are the kids out of school yet? I know my granddaughters are getting very anxious, they don't get out until the 3rd. Too many snow days to make up. Hope things have been quiet around Pomme....I absolutely have to get down there and look over the house so the thing will sell this year......I hope!

seeme......have a good night's rest, I know you are tired.

Love and Hugz,

Ladee, I can rest esasier now that I read about your first day..

Good Evening, Everyone...... We went out and picked a crop of veggies from the rabbits, so I bet them. Had to pull a few vines cause the rabbits broke them. Mom loves to see what e get. Tomorrow I have to lump them all up for her and cook them on the grill...sliced potatoes with skins, summer squash, pea pods, mushrooms, green beans, yellow peppers, topped with butter, chives, pepper, garlic salt....all raw and cooked in tin foil for however long it takes. Really good and easy....unles mom doesn't get enough.

I wanted to stay up until Ladee posted about her first day on the new job, but I am just too tired. I'll have to catch up tomorrow. I cooked 5 meals for mom today. It is so cold in here for her, at 83 degrees, that she wanted hot meals for every meal today. Just too pooped.......night.....zzzzzzzzzzzzz

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood....Love my new job, the couple are fun to be around, and I feel like after a week or so, we will all settle in and have our routine. I am sure I will be sharing about "Sonny", this is the gentleman with early stage Alz. He loves to be outside but can not be unattended, so him and I went out today to "pick up limbs" in the yard. They were only little sticks, but he was one busy guy. There is a little pile of dried limbs, ect. where we put the stuff. But I looked up and he had thrown the stuff in the neighbors yard.... Oh Lord, the wife may have had issue with this, but she couldn't see us, Who cares!!!! he cleaned up his yard, that's all that I am feeling very blessed after the hell I have been thru in the past months...
Seeme, am so grateful your mom does not have cancer.... Prayers answered.. Let us know what else is going to happen.. I know you are tired out from the shower this mornig, have you ever considered just taking a shower WITH her???? Then you'd save some time and mess, just a suggestion... love ya
ASG, Thanks for the compliment, and I really do not feel this will be as stressful as previous jobs, first time I have been anywhere near relaxed in over two years... they are very nice people and I won't have to work 18 hr. days... thanks for your concern.. love ya girl, how are the kids???

And everyone else, I will try to get couaght up later, Hope everything is as well as can be expected and hope all caregivers got a few minutes to themselves today...
hugs to everyone, later..

ASG...I get just as wet and so does the floor. I can never decide if I should wear flip flops or go barefoot, and today I used 2 towels on the floor. Still managed to miss the towels. And heaven forbid I try to rinse her too long....thinks she may melt, I guess. She is feeling weepy and clingy today. I know she hates the mess, but what can you do? It is what it is until we find out something different. The only thing I haven't dropped on her is the F-bomb. I can be mean enough without it. But I do always apologize and hug her and tell her I love her, and it usually happens when she wakes me up from a nap. Today it is about 98, and her window has been open all day to air out the room, and she is sleeping in it now with a sheet on. She went on about how I was spoiled with A/C and what would I do without it. Told her I didn't have it as a kid, and I didn't ride a horse to the store and I don't want to do it now, either. Oops, but it got her off that A/C. It is set on 83 ! I am trying to compromise !!! Just can't win............

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