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Llama - that sounds painful.` I hope he will heal completely.

Llama, sounds nasty. Hopefully that early surgery will have ensured the bone sets correctly. Pain relief and rest then for your SIL for a while.

It is snowing! Happy Spring, all!


My daughter just called me a few minutes ago to tell me about the snow in Denver. We have typical rain showers in our area.

It’s supposed to be clearing up by Thursday. I surely hope this weekend will be okay, because we are burying mom’s ashes in our family plot.


Ouch! Hope that your son in law heals as quickly as possible.

One thing about funerals is they have to go forward no matter what the weather. When my dad died we had been experiencing a mild winter and some strings were pulled to allow the grave to be opened rather than having to wait until later in the spring. It was our bad luck that we got a nasty snow squall that day with horrible visibility and accumulating snow (not atypical for March), the graveside part of the service was as brief as possible!


That’s completely correct! We have no control over the weather. So sorry that you had awful weather at your dad’s funeral.

Couples have gone through this too, on their wedding day. I feel sorry for brides and grooms that have awful weather on their special day.

As for my wedding, we had a gorgeous warm spring day for our wedding day in New Orleans. We had planned our honeymoon for a week after ski season was over in Colorado. We flew into Denver and it was lovely, but when we were driving to Vail, we got caught in the worst snow blizzard ever!!!

I am sure that I don’t have to tell you that we didn’t have any experience driving in a snow blizzard, so it was absolutely terrifying for us! LOL Geeeez, snow is extremely rare in Louisiana and even just a few flurries causes quite a commotion here. People don’t know how to drive in it and businesses and schools close.

All in all though, our honeymoon was special, we were young and in love and nothing was going to stop us from having a lovely honeymoon!

We saw Vail, Estes Park, Colorado Springs and Denver. It was beautiful! We had been to the Smokey mountains but not the Rockies and we were in awe of their beauty.

Happy Spring back gladimhere~
It snowed in Missouri a couple of weeks ago,right after I put up my Winter coats.
Had to get 'em right back out~
We lost alot of flowers and tomatoes too.

Need: Thank you so much! He has his own business and he's down for 3 weeks.

Chris: Thank you so much. His surgeon didn't give him enough pain medication, but he is able to use Tylenol PM.

Polar: Thank you very much.

Love YouTubeTV until the Roku/YouTubeTV bickering! Have not been able to get local news on my Roku TV for about a week. Then magically found a youtube video on how to fix it. It is now fixed, at least I think so. Will find out for sure when I watch LOCAL news when I go to bed tonight. I have watched Oregon, Phoenix, Salt Lake news for the past week, whichever is on.

Glad: You were using a streaming service, right?

Llama, yes. Us old dogs can learn new tricks!🌝

Though a bit disappointed in pricing. When I first started streaming 2.5 years ago, New house did not want a dish. Price for youtube tv was only $45.00 a month compared to $120.00 for Dish or Directv. It is now up to $65.00 a month, gradual increases as they add channels.

NHWM, we have had so much rain and snow this year, 8 some inches so far. All of 2020 we had a total of 8 some inches! We need it so badly, drought in this area for years.


My daughter’s husky absolutely loves the snow! He gets very excited in the cold weather.

Glad: Good for you! I don't have a streaming need. That's usually the way it goes - prices increase once you're subscribed.

If was in an area that I could use an antenna to receive just local channels I would do that in a second!

Are you sure you can't get local channels gladimhere? Have you checked with TV Fool?

Thanks, CW for that link. I ran it. There is one channel through the air that has one morning news broadcast a day, then lots of court tv and OLD game shows the rest of the day. Most everything I would want is in the gray, extreme measures are needed for any sort of reception. I love rural living, but it does have its drawbacks.😕

Small airport with private planes and many charter flights, midair collision when both approaching runways landing on adjacent runways yesterday. Everyone walked away. One plane deployed a parachute and came down safely. Whoda thunk!😊

On my way to pick up my daughter from the airport. My mom adored her grandchildren and they loved her. I am very grateful for that.

Looks like all of the rain has blown through and the weather should be fine at the cemetery this weekend for mom’s burial.

Because of COVID we decided to have a simple graveside service for my mom just for the family. I specifically told everyone, just family! I am a bit annoyed with my cousin. He decided to invite extra people to the service. So, I said something to him when he called and told me that he invited extra people.

My cousin immediately does what he always does. He says, “No one told me it was just family and I already invited them, so I won’t go to the service!” This is my cousin that my mom and dad raised from a young boy. Of course, we want him there, so I said, “ Just do whatever you want to do.”

The reason that I am upset is because my brother who had mom for the last 14 months of her life is not going to be happy about extra people that we don’t even know being there. My mom wasn’t close to them. My cousin has lived in another state since graduating from college. These are people from his college days.

My brother has a long history of heart disease and hasn’t been vaccinated and I hate that these extra people are coming because my cousin wants to make a big production of my mom’s service. He is making it about him instead of my mom and our family.

Why can’t anything stay simple, especially at a time like this? My cousin has no clue how hard caregiving has been for my brother and I, plus the last amount of time with her in hospice. We just wanted a quiet, private, peaceful goodbye at her graveside service.

Sorry, I just needed to get this frustration off of my chest. My husband isn’t happy with my cousin right now. I don’t know if I should give my brother a heads up about the extra people coming or not.

Once again, I am placed in the middle and will be looked at as the bad guy when he sprung this on me about the extra people! Grrrrrrr...

NHWM, thinking of you for this weekend.

The Cousin! Sheesh!! What's so hard to understand about 'family only'? Whether told before or now.. no matter, HE decided to invite extra people - HE can UNinvite those extra people! If he feels a bit silly, oh well.

Need: Big virtual hugs sent to you. What is wrong with your cousin? The cousin wanted to make it about himself, apparently. That would be bad for your brother. Tell the cousin that the extra persons CANNOT come. Prayers to you, dear NeedHelpWithMom.

Llama and Beatty,

My cousin is a bit self centered!

Need: Wow - that's too bad, but it is your mother's passing. Not about him at all.

First thunder storm. Snow earlier this week.

In the U.S., the IRS tax filing deadline was extended to May 17th, 2021.

Taxes are ready to mail now, what a relief.

Moment of panic, audit? It was a letter from the IRS signed by POTUS that I will receive another stimulus check within seven days. Has anyone else received a notification? I thought that I was done with receiving checks.

Glad, yes my MIL just received a letter yesterday (she's on Medicaid in LTC - Lord knows why she must be paid to lay in bed all day!) My own mother (age 92) just got a direct deposit into her bank account as well this week.

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