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Gershun and NHWM, thinking of you both at the moment, and sending prayers. Thanks also to all who have sent support over the past few days. A little kindness goes a long way, and it’s good for the person giving it as well as for those receiving it.

I am scheduled to get my first COVID vax tomorrow at the local hospital 5 minutes from home. I am late to get the 1st one because my physician was already giving the 2nd shot, I'd had the pneumonia, etc.

Glad to report that 2 days after getting my second Astra Zeneca jab, I have no side effects except a tender arm. A few weeks ago I was randomly contacted about taking part in a UK-wide COVID antibody study, to measure the prevalence of antibodies within the population, whether or not they have had any or no jabs. It’s a simple prick test and a 10 minute wait before recording the result. I was so pleased to find I had a strong response indicating long term antibodies, 8 weeks after my first jab. The prick test wasn’t supposed to hurt, but the lance thing used to prick my finger was so painful and left me feeling I had a big splinter in there. I even wondered if the needle but had got stuck in there! I tried anaesthetic antiseptic cream for a week or two without much effect. Thankfully the pain has now started to recede. The lesson learned is to not stick the lance into the centre of a finger, especially an index finger that you use so much! Next time I’m sticking it in the side of a finger where there are fewer nerve endings! Pleased to do my bit for science though!

Sad to report though that my poor cousin, last week diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, is now in the ICU after two unsuccessful attempts to clear her bile duct. The surgeons found multiple pancreatic tumours as well as the cancer having already spread to her liver. I can’t believe that only a few days after this was all diagnosed, I am already hoping she will be relieved of any further suffering, and will slip away without too much pain.

I am so sorry Chriscat... I wish I could help or at least say something to confort you... But nothing seems appropriate in these situations.

chriscat - so sorry about your cousin. It's so sudden and so fast. (((((hugs))))
I'm glad you have few side effects from the second jab and that your finger is getting better. Hope the new techniques is not as painful. (Ouch -hate finger pokes).

Just got home from ER. My husband was in horrible pain. They say it can take up to two weeks before his kidney stones pass. They are holding off to break them up but the ER doctor called his urologist and the urologist asked for my husband to come into his office tomorrow.

I also learned that if they decide to send the stones to a lab, they can determine if it caused by a certain foods. Then if those foods are eliminated it will help prevent them from occurring.

The nurse said that even with a restricted diet some people still get them.


So sorry about your cousin. Very sad.

Thanks for your prayers.

Chris: I am so sorry about your cousin. May God not let her suffer and even so, that's not the right thing to say.
Glad that you have no side effects on your second jab.

Need: Oh, I am so sorry that your husband is continuing to have pain. I do know for a man that it can be very painful. Prayers sent. Doesn't your husband's specialist make hospital rounds? When I was in the hospital for pneumonia, my pulmonologist saw me on 3 separate occasions there. Was he admitted or are they still keeping him in the ER?

I am one and done with my COVID jab. I got the Johnson & Johnson. So far no real problems.


They sent hubby home and told him that it can take up to two weeks to pass the stones. Apparently, they wait that amount of time before they consider breaking the stones up.

It’s weird how small stones can cause so much pain. I feel badly for him. He isn’t one to complain so I know that he is hurting.

It's raining and I can't go outside. I am slowly going crazy...

(all craziness aside I loved Sharon, Lois and Bram)

Need: Wow! I'm surprised that he wasn't admitted because then he could have received the med, Dilaudid that I had mentioned. Your poor DH in pain!

So far no real issues from the J & J jab. My arm is a little sore and blood pressure had a low reading with my home cuff. Good now.

Usually Sunday is a bad day for me... But today I followed my therapist's advice and I was fine!


So glad to hear that your day is going well. 😊


So glad that you didn’t have any side effects from the shot. I wonder if people will get any effects from the ‘booster’ shots that they are talking about giving. Hubby still hasn’t passed the stone. 😔

It’s sad that once a person starts getting stones, they usually continue getting them.

Anche: So glad that your day is going well.

Need: Thank you. I didn't even know that I was getting the J & J one - upon arrival at the hospital where it was given, that's what they told me that I was receiving.
I am so sorry that your DH hasn't passed the stone. They're EXTREMELY painful. It is true about getting repetitive stones once you've had one. For my 4th one, I was enroute to McDonald's when it came on - called my DH and he took me to the hospital. All other times I went by EMS - better because you at least get a bed and an IV started with pain medication.

Did anyone see the segment on 60 minutes last night about a group of 90year old and up seniors? It was very interesting. It was primarily a study of their quality of life. Some were doing great. Sadly, some developed ALZ.

Anyway, they mentioned that children born now will most likely live to be 100 plus years old.

Geeeeeeez, why are we living so long? Are we going back to biblical times when people lived so long?

I really really really want a haircut.✂️💇

cwillie: Hope you get one. I got a much needed cut two weeks ago.

Need: No, I did not see the 60 Minutes show you mentioned.

I saw the 60 Minutes piece. It was good and interesting. I tried to post the link, but I am having a lot of trouble copying and pasting links lately, even from this site. Strange.

Llamalover - no haircuts here until maybe July...

I've just watched the 60 Minutes piece. I was convinced years ago when they aired the first segment about the 90+ study that all those "facts" about dementia and particularly Alzheimer's were not facts at all, especially as they related to my mother. Fascinating.


What’s your opinion on Statins and ALZ? My husband is on Statins.

It’s June already. June is the beginning of hurricane season. Hopefully, New Orleans won’t be a target. Of course. we are used to evacuating when needed.

NHWM -People on this forum like to hate statins but I think they have their place. I've mentioned before how mom's neurologist used advanced ultrasound images to map the carotids and how amazed I was to see the difference after 6 months of crestor, I'll always wonder if earlier treatment could have possibly prevented the multi infarcts that I believe lead to mom's downward spiral.

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