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cwillie: Oh! Wow - on the no haircuts till July - maybe. Hang in there.

Need: Hope NO is spared from Hurricane Season. How is your DH?


He seems to be passing the stone in fragments. So, hopefully it won’t be long before he is himself again. He isn’t eating much. He is like I am, no appetite when feeling funky.

How are you feeling? I hope that you don’t have any return trips to the hospital soon.


I am with you. There does seem to be a place for Statins. Some people react poorly to them. I get confused because different studies show different results. So, which studies should we take seriously and which ones should we avoid?

You’re right about how certain things remain a mystery to us. We have all wondered about particular circumstances and what treatments serves us best in our time of need.

It is good to seek second opinions when it is available for a serious issue. My husband did that before deciding which cancer treatment to pursue. Amazingly, both doctors agreed that in his case, he could choose only radiation and surgery wasn’t necessary. My husband and his oncologist felt like radiation would be effective for his prostate cancer, along with hormone therapy. Hopefully, he only has one more hormone treatment left. The radiation has done what they predicted it would.

Sometimes doctors don’t agree, leaving the patient thoroughly confused! I liked that his oncologist encouraged my husband to speak to the surgeon in case he wanted to take that route.

Need: Hope your DH feels better real soon. So sorry it's taking so long. I did not sleep well last night so taking it slow today. Thanks for asking.


I don’t blame you for resting today. It’s hard to push ourselves. I know that I don’t feel the same at 65 as I did at 45!

Need: Thank you. I push through as best I can. Not doing any extras. I used to feel pretty good 65 - little did I know that 2 years past 65, I would have to move in with my mother! Age 74 has been tough.

Willie, I’ve taken statins for years now. I have high (family) cholesterol and hypertension. I’ve had no side effects, though a friend had aching legs.

After the fuss a few years ago I went to my very competent GP. He sat and thought, then said: ‘The jury is still out on the statins. I’ve seen very few people with side effects, and many more people with heart attacks. With your numbers, I would think that statins are the better risk’.

The other morning I was sleeping soundly. My husband was in another room. All of a sudden every light was turned on. All of them! The ceiling lights, the fan lights, the lamps, the bathroom, the walk in closets, the hall, basically everywhere I could see from my bed.

Anyway, I called to my husband and asked him why did he decide to turn on all of the lights while I was sound asleep? He tells me that he did not do it and that every light in our house came on and he didn’t do it. I told him that I certainly didn’t do it because I was asleep.

Okie dokie. Hubby turned off all of the lights and has his engineering team investigating the situation. Our home uses all of the ‘smart home’ devices.

Meanwhile, our youngest daughter calls from Denver to say that her company is going back to the office and she is going to have to wake up earlier for the drive to her office. She has worked remotely ever since Covid.

My husband mentioned to our daughter that the strangest thing happened with our lights. He told her how they all popped on at once. My husband heard our daughter say, “Ooops, Dad, I may be responsible for all of your lights being turned on so early. I think that I still have my Alexa connected to your house. I instructed Alexa to turn on all of my lights early for me to get ready for work, so she turned on your lights too.”

My husband had to tell the engineering department at his work to stop the investigation and explain what happened. He told our daughter to modify her instructions to Alexa. When we first installed ‘smart home’ devices in our home, the kids and my husband waited until I was watching a scary movie and would shut the lights off to frighten me. Hahaha, then I would hear my kids giggling.

Oh gosh, if our deceased forefathers came back to this world, they would be so confused with Alexa and Google. 🤣 It can get crazy at times.


How far is daughter from work? Denver traffic is terrible, allow plenty of time. If on the other side of town, allow an hour. Front range dwellers are fleeing because of the traffic, rudeness and cost of living is off the charts. Home prices are absurd, people make offer and will lose to someone offering tens of thousands more than asking price. I heard of one instance where someone offered 100k over and lost the home to someone that offered 115k over.


She moved out of her other neighborhood. She wasn’t happy living in the third floor walk up after getting her dog. She wanted to be in a building with an elevator. Her rent is high, even for a one bedroom. So, now she is uptown, which is more expensive. She says she put her work address in her GPS and it said her work is about 30 minutes away. Thanks for the tip about traffic. She’s starting at her office soon. I will have to ask her what area it is in. She said that she was going to do a drive by to see the area and check out traffic.

Her friend just bought a condo or should I say that his rich parents bought it for him! Yep! They bid way over asking price to get it. It’s expensive living there, salaries are higher than in Louisiana.

Fortunately, they started my daughter off in a great position at her job. There are people who have worked at the company for years and didn’t get the position that she has. She loves her job! She says that she is going to miss working remotely. Her company had spoken about doing a flex schedule but decided to go back to full time at the office. So, she says she needs to buy ‘work’ appropriate clothes. No more t-shirts and ripped jeans!

llama - take care. Sometimes life can beat us up.

margaret --mother took statins for years and they may well have contributed to her longevity. I can't take them - I get weak legs so I have to work with my lifestyle.

need - that's funny - modern tech!

glad -i would love to be offered more for my house than I will list it for! Not going to happen here.

Golden: Thanks. Had a 2nd night of insomnia. Ugh.

Need: LOL. That was funny.

Need: I told my DH the story of your Alexa and the lights. Unbelievable, right?😀


I am glad that my daughter modified her instructions to Alexa! I did not like waking up to bright lights in my bedroom. 🤣 hahaha.

I had a good laugh reading what happened with the lights in your home!


We laughed about it too. So, did my daughter. Believe me, my youngest daughter has always surprised me with her antics! LOL

Hmmm I must confess I am being a little bit naughty with the horrible supplier I have to work with...
I am no longer doing her job for her and when she asks really stupid questions I answer her just sending her links which would answer her stupid questions or would show her she is wrong, not me neither the rest of the staff.
I am feeling better! I wonder why it took me so long to react...
And when she creates problems I will just take a step back and let her fix the mess she made!


Sounds like a wonderful plan to me. If it weren’t a work situation and a person continues to ask stupid questions, you could give them stupid answers! LOL I have done that at times with certain people who really work on my nerves. It shuts them up quickly! I am only referring to people who know better but are just plain stupid. Hahaha.

I really am all about helping those who are truly in need and honestly don’t know a solution to an issue.

You know the type I am speaking about though, we all do. They are attention seekers, and they attract the wrong attention with their nonsense.

I have always appreciated help given to me when I need it but it’s absolutely necessary for us to do our part instead of expecting others to constantly bail us out. Your coworker will learn by doing things for herself.

I have been trying to teach her for more than 18 months but she just won't listen. Even the director of the company said "she just does not read my mails neither does she listens to my words. He said she is deaf as far as I am concerned. He said I must be more zen and let it go! He is the boss and well he is right I can't teach her anything if she is not humble enough to listen and learn (I have been working for the magazine for 19 years, she started 2 years ago).


That’s sad that she isn’t willing to listen. That would drive me crazy too. It’s not always easy to be zen. When you can, I would let it go. It’s hard because everyone should work together as a team. When people don’t do their fair share they slow everyone else down.

Some people are lazy at work. They don’t want to put in the effort to do a satisfactory job. It’s very easy to lose patience with this sort of person.

I hope that your coworker improves, so you can concentrate on your job.

Need: I don't blame you. I wouldn't like that either.

Nephew #3 hasn't even booked a vaccination yet and today I flat out asked him to help me understand why. He says he thinks it's too much of a hassle, so I offered to book an appointment for him but he wouldn't let me do that either. This is a man who goes into houses every day delivering furniture and sometimes spending a lot of time inside setting up. He used to be freaked out about that, I can't understand why he's so blasé now.

I have just had my first pfeizer shot.


Yay! That’s wonderful!!!


One of my good friends is a nurse and she says isn’t getting a COVID vaccine. She doesn’t get any vaccinations, flu, pneumonia or shingles.

Sorry your nephew won’t get his.

I recently heard on the radio that USA is probably not going to meet the goal that President Biden had in mind for the number of people being vaccinated. We are close but some people don’t want to get vaccinated. I am with you. I can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t want to be vaccinated.

NHWM - According to Ontario Vaccination Data as of today slightly more than 70% of those eligible (12+) have had their 1st dose (it is our strategy to concentrate on getting first doses out to as many as possible before worrying about the second one), people on this side of the border are generally very keen. If he had a real concern or was apprehensive because of misinformation I could work with that, but this meh attitude has me baffled.


I understand. I would feel the same way. I can’t convince my friend to get vaccinated. I am baffled because she is a nurse. You think that she would know better.

I also heard a report where hospital employees were going to sue the hospital they worked at because the hospital made it mandatory to receive the vaccine. It’s a controversial issue.

I had a consult with my doctor last week about the vaccines. My platelet number happens to be extremely low, some years, it doesn't even register, that's how low it is. I am at a great risk of having blood clotting problem. The J&J vaccine has proven to cause the platelet number to plummet in a small number of people. My doctor advised me to not take that vaccine. She said the other two vaccines haven't shown the same side effect. She also said no one at this time knows the long term effects of any vaccine. Not the CDC, not Fauci, nobody.

I am very hesitant to take a chance. I want to wait and see. I don't want any politician to pass any law to force me to take a risk that they themselves won't have to pay for the (deadly) consequences.

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