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Change of plans for our anniversary dinner out. DH's stomach is messed up including a hernia. So I already picked up carryout salmon and raspberry topped cheesecake from Outback. He can eat mild and not red meat.

Llama - congratulations on your 40th anniversary. What was the gift from your DD? I'm just being nosy. Haha. You don't have to answer.

Pam- congratulations on your 40th anniversary, too. How did you celebrate it?

Did anyone read the new side effect warning the CDC just issued with regards to Pfizer and Moderma vaccines?

So far, it's a very small number reported, but it worries me. What else will be reported in a year, 2 years, etc. down the road.

Polar we went to our river house for a few days. It was cold and sort of rainy but we still had fun!

Pamzi, Happy belated anniversary!💐

Sounds like a fun time at the lake house.

Polarbear, what I hope they won’t be reporting in 2 years’ time is thousands more deaths from Covid. My AstraZenica vaccine carried very very small risks of blood clots, far smaller risks than some of the surgery and medication I’ve opted for in the past. I wish they wouldn’t hype up every single adverse reaction, it doesn’t really help anyone.

Just a thought, but it could be that long-term positive health effects are found from mRNA vaccine technology and it will be used more extensively to treat other things. It is weird being part of the world's largest vaccine study, haha, but we do the best we can with the knowledge we have. I trusted that my personal benefits would outweigh the risks for covid vaccines, even if by a small margin. I think only time will tell at this point. All the predicted data from studies can't account for every biological variable.

Here's hoping for the best. :-)

Llama and Pam,
Happy Anniversary! Hope you both have many more wonderful years ahead.

Polar: Our DD typically gives me llama based gifts. I have a bunch. But this time since it was both of us it was 'cold, hard cash' to the tune of $40 to match 40 years.

Early: Thank you so much!

Hi Margaret, I don't think it's good to hype news either. This piece of news was not widely publicized. I have not seen it on any TV station. Perhaps, I missed it.

The CDC in the United States considers this serious enough that they called an emergency meeting to discuss this rare side effect.

In Canada, the same side effect has been noticed, too.

In Germany, the government actually just announced their recommendation that healthy young people should avoid the vaccines.

As a parent of 2 teenagers, I should know all the risks and benefits before committing my children to taking the vaccines.

Here's from the CDC: “CDC continues to recommend COVID-19 vaccination for everyone 12 years of age and older given the risk of COVID-19 illness and related, possibly severe complications, such as long-term health problems, hospitalization, and even death,” the agency wrote.


I saw that report. I am not an alarmist but I think the facts speak for themselves. Yes, side effects are rare. Still, side effects are reported and studied. I am glad that it is being taken seriously. I have had doctors tell me that they ‘practice’ medicine and there are no guarantees that things will always work out perfectly 100 percent of the time. Very true statement! It’s important to follow up on any concerns.

There will always be a chance of something going wrong in medicine. It’s concerning. All we can do is look at all of the facts, weigh pros and cons and decide what is the best option for our own individual needs.

Hi! Continuing conversation, here vaccine is only being given to people over 16, Pfizer for people 16 to 50, AstroZeneca for 50+. I’ve read that children are less likely to get Covid because as we get older our immune systems become more specialised to the things they learn to guard against. Children retain a broader ranging immune system. But everyone is still learning. Let’s hope we learn more about all the vaccines while your teenagers are still young.

I think the CDC statement ‘given the risk of COVID-19 illness and related, possibly severe complications, such as long-term health problems, hospitalization, and even death’ was about Covid, not the vaccine. Thank heavens!

If I’ve got the maths right, my blood clot risk with AstraZenica is .003%, 3 in 100,000, and it isn't necessarily fatal. I think the Covid death rate in the US was a lot higher than that.

Concerning Covid vaccinations for younger folks, our family finds ourselves squarely in the middle We have multiple kids in the 12-16 age range who will be going back to a full-time in-school experience where last year's scaled-back attendance proved covid is catching and the isolation periods following exposure can really derail things. Then there are the kids under 12 who may need some level of protection. We ran the schools with 50% of the kids attending Mon/Wed or Tue/Thu and Fri used for deep cleaning the school. Although the numbers were low, children did get covid and required hospitalization and vents for treatment. Deaths were very rare (only 2 in our area) and were confined to previously undiagnosed conditions with the heart, lungs, or kidneys. About half of the kids who had covid showed some problems/continuing symptoms 3 months after they were considered recovered. Kids are supposed to recover eventually, it's mainly just taking longer to recover completely.

The older kids, at nearly 13 and 17, are in the process of getting vaccinated with Phizer, at their request and their father doesn't see a good reason to say no. They are both heavily involved in sports and do not want to miss games and mess up practice schedules again this year if they are exposed to someone with covid. There's a minor thought their vaccination could prevent the younger kids (and others who cannot get vaccinated) from possibly getting covid.

So far my family has been lucky. No one in the immediate extended family has gotten covid, although several members of the extended family have had covid and a couple has spent several weeks in the area hospitals. The worst was my uncle and aunt, who after delaying getting the shot, came down with covid in April and spent several days in the hospital. At their ages (75 and 72) we were very worried.

On my mind - beetles. Big black beetles!

The other day sitting peacefully on my sofa I felt something crawly on my neck and swiped at it and it was a big black beetle -about 2" long with long feelers and legs. I know it came off me but I didn't see where it went. It must have come in on the firewood I had brought in a little while before. I don't know how it got on me. I took off my outer clothing and shook it all and put it in the basket for the laundry - not that those things couldn't survive a wash cycle or three.

I haven't found it yet so I guess we are living in some strange kind of truce. I keep hoping the kitties will find and demolish it, though they tend not to kill the bugs they find, just play with them.

Meanwhile, every time I feel something on my skin - like my clothing or my hair, I suspect a revisit from Mr. Beetle. Eeeeeew!!!!!!!

So, I think I found the answer to resolving some of my issues with clearing out our accumulation of 30 years in this house in order to downsize!

Off and on, I have been doing a little bit of getting rid of things. It’s amazing what we keep due to it being sentimental.

Well, I had my husband help the other day. He took objects out of my hands and said, “Really? You want to keep this? Why?” It really helped! LOL

I want to know how people downsize for a ‘tiny home.’ Geeeeeez! I can’t imagine. Not that we are going to move into a tiny home but our real estate agent says that we should get rid of as much as possible to make our move easier.

I have decided that we are not going to pack up ourselves and hire professional packers. They charge by the hour. So, that is another incentive to remove as much as possible. We have a huge kitchen in our house and I removed bags of stuff just from the drawers. I still have the cabinets left to do. I don’t cook for an army like I used to when I cooked for my entire family and extended family. I had so many things that I don’t use anymore.

The other thing that I am concerned about is photographs. I have so many! Have any of you thrown out photos? I have too many. I am not a scrapbook person to do any of that.

I have things from my husband’s grandparents that I cherish but I don’t want to keep everything. The kids don’t want it. Not everyone is into antiques. Any ideas?

I have a huge attic that has tons of stuff in. It’s all got to go! Who knows if my daughters will ever have children? Do I still keep the crib, changing table, stuff like that? I kept them because I bought expensive ones but don’t those change as far as safety standards go and so on?

I have wedding gifts still in the original boxes! Beautiful gifts but I never used them. Some items I completely forgot about.

If anyone has been through this, please tell me what you did. I don’t think that I will miss things that I never use. Do I donate? Rent a dumpster? LOL or what? I am not a hoarder. I have a lot of space that we filled up over the years and inherited many items from my husband’s grandparents. I don’t think that I want to rent storage because like I said, our children have their own tastes and they have very limited space.


That is a creepy feeling! I don’t want to feel anything crawling on me! LOL

The cats will get them. My cat went after lizards in the yard.

Need, I am in awe of you clearing out the entire house!

At present I have lost motivation to even sort my desk.. but I will follow & cheer you on.

We are looking to downsize within a few years, kids don't want it need our stuff.

I can rationally think 'I never use that', or I don't need that anymore' but I still can't seem to throw it away 🙁.

DH is good at clearing out MY stuff but has his own... shed + garage piled with 'things that might come in handy some day'.

Nhwm, I had to downsize drastically when I got divorced and moved out of my 3 bedroom house with an attic and basement into a 2 bedroom apartment. I also had to clear out the house my mom and dad lived in for 60 years.

I DID rent a storage space. It gave ne more time to go through stuff. I had to declutter my home to get it on the market. But I gave myself 6 months to finish cleaning everything out of that storage space.

The stuff that I kept (and which is now in my 2nd husband and my storage space) is mostly my kids' stuffed animals, books and stuff like that. My daughters were happy that I kept their (and my) dolls and dollhouse.

In terms of my mom's house, I was fairly non-sentimental. I hauled a lot of stuff to Goodwill and put stuff out by the curb. Word went out and lots of folks who looked like they didn't have much to their names showed up and took home goods. It made me feel good that kitchen stuff was going to be put to use.

Thanks, Barb.

Your advice is exactly what our real estate agent said, that we have to set a time limit on it. Otherwise, it is too easy to procrastinate and not get the job done.

I have a beautiful doll house in the attic. I have some dolls that my oldest daughter loved as a child but she hasn’t taken them. My youngest daughter hates dolls and clowns! LOL She says that they are creepy and isn’t having any part of them. She never played with or collected any dolls. Although, she did take a few Barbie dolls in the bathtub with her. My mom would pitch a fit because she ruined their hair! 😆

Thank God that I don’t have a basement! Basements can hold a lot of stuff! Just like garages. Some people don’t have room for cars because of all the junk in them.


Yes, this is true. Men aren’t as sentimental about our belongings and they keep weird stuff! LOL

I dearly loved my mother in law. She told me the funniest stories about my husband when he was a young boy. My husband had a key collection as a young boy. He took them everywhere he went. He was fascinated with keys. He would carry them in his pockets to try to open doors with them. LOL

One day, his mom took him to buy clothes from a department store. They arrived a few minutes early and were waiting outside for the store to open. Sure enough, he reached into his pocket to get his keys to try and open the door. His mom was used to him doing that and of course, he was never able to unlock a door and it kept him busy as a young child. This particular day, his key had unlocked the door! His mom was floored! Hahaha 🤣 She had to explain to the manager that her son collected old keys. He still has that key collection in his nightstand drawer!

For me downsizing is difficult. I am tackling it a bit at aa time.

Need - 3 piles -donate, toss and keep. At some point a dumpster can be useful.

Like others I have things that my kids and grandkids don't want. In a spare bedroom, I am getting down to the old family photos, which ideally I would scan and send to each of my kids, but life is not ideal. The other spare bedrooms are fairly well sorted. I'm accumulating some things in the garage for give away. It's not a fun task.

I just found my cards given to me when I was an infant. They were almost falling apart, just like me.

Golden: We have DD's things for p/u that she probably won't want - or will. I mean if you haven't seen the item in DECADES, you forgot that you even possessed it, right? Good luck.

Okay, what about books? I have a hard getting rid of books.


It isn’t a fun task. It’s hard to stay motivated.


Don’t get me started on cards! 🤣 Geeeeez, it seems like I have millions of cards!

If we are honest, we will admit that the more space available, the more inclined we are to fill it up.

I have a friend that went through the extreme coupon savings! She became very proficient with it. She had her huge walk in closets filled with her items. She had enough products to donate to the military troops, the homeless shelters, her church and so on. It took hours for her to do this type of couponing. It’s like a full time job! Eventually, she stopped doing the extreme couponing because it was consuming all of her time and her closets were full!

Need: I was overrun with greeting cards! My mother loved to send them. As a result, I had her's and my own. As now I use a greeting card company to rave reviews by my recipients, I just donated all of my supply. No need for them.

Recently when we got EVERYTHING out of the attic (and that wasn't the first time we had done it), the strategy that I used is I looked at everything very fast/quickly - else if I looked carefully at every item, I would never get finished and I would keep a lot - far too much!

We had our DD's Barbie car - in rough shape. I asked DH where it was, but it already removed it from the house and put in a trash bin.


Very smart! We can’t keep everything. It’s too much. Even if it’s organized well, it’s excessive. We fall into the rut of, ‘What if I need it one day?’ Items are stored away so long though, we forget we have them! Or, how about the excuse of, ‘It’s such a good price, I better get this now while it’s on sale.’ My husband says, “It’s only a sale if you need the item!” I am coming around to his sense of logic!

Need: *He* already removed the Barbie car and took it up the road to trash. Yeah, I kept very little. I just located some of my hair that my mother had saved from when I was 8 years old - threw it in trash without hesitation. Your DH is very smart to say that about "a deal."


Barbie has more belongings than some people have! LOL 😆 She has a fancy car, a ‘dream house,’ tons of clothes and shoes, etc, etc, etc.

One thing that I didn’t think she had when I was a kid was a ‘handsome’ boyfriend! LOL, I thought Ken was dorky! My brother’s G. I. Joe was my Barbie’s boyfriend! Heehee

Need: That's right about Barbie and her accessories. LOL. There was a real life woman who wanted to look 'just like Barbie.' I think that she was the gal who had every plastic surgery imaginable. Do you recall hearing about her? That's funny that you thought Ken was dorky.

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