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Barb, are you trying to trade-in your car at the dealership? Now that you know it's worth something you can consider selling it on Nextdoor or -- you'll always sell it for a way higher price. Don't go by the KBB value, look around the state at what same or similar is selling for. The dealer can't give you top dollar because they have to turn around and sell it at a profit.

Post it online for sale. If you get a lot of replies you know you underpriced it. Pull the ad. Wait a week and repost it at a market-based price. KBB doesn't take into consideration supply/demand or any other peripheral economic conditions. I sold my mom's Forester for $5k more than the KBB. When one person complained I had to actually inform them of the law of supply and demand. There were no other Foresters within several states and hers had low mileage and in excellent condition. You can do the money hand-off during a weekday inside your bank. Whatever you wind up doing, I hope it goes smoothly!

Glad, well nothing too fun in a crazy roommate (filing PPOs and evictions, holy wow -- I'm happy that ended decently) and a very sick cat. But that's all over. Time to watch some comedies and remember my sense of humor before I turn into a grump. 😌

There were some funny moments from roommate before it got nutty. After she called the police and reported that I assaulted her, I didn't find anything funny anymore. But I had some laughs with coworkers along the way and afterwards about some of the things she did and how zany it all was. My coworkers are really good for me and keeping a sense of humor, and I have a gf in St Louis that I text daily and we bring out the best (worst? lol) in each other's cutting humor about silly things and life's irritations. Jokes abound when you both work in service industry and deal with customers and coworkers all day. It's our little version of The Office for us.

Here's to you and a fantastic set, whether you refurbish or go with new. ❤️️

Glad, I was shocked to read your news but see you are already weighing up your attack approaches & choosing your weapons - like the warrior woman you are.

Glad (((((hugs))))) you have a great attitude. I have had two friends with precancer. Both chose mastectomies and one did reconstruction.. In the first case there was a high incidence of laterality so she had a second mastectomy and reconstruction with it too. It went very well for both. One said to me. "I am not letting this define me." and she didn't. Sounds like you are on a good treatment path. Keep us updated. Yiu are a warrior woman indeed!!!

barb - good luck with the car

ali a visit to your doc with your list of ailments and a full check up can't hurt. For me the only drug that helps the muscle pain is methocarbamol. Thiamine is an essential cofactor for several enzymes involved in brain cell metabolism (internet) In a survey of people with CFS it helped 2/3 of them. (Health Rising)

The LCIS doc told me was not actually cancer. The IS is "in situ" so ha s not spread. LC is lobular carcinoma.

The DCIS is ductal carcinoma in situ. Cancer in the milk ducts but has not spread, become invasive.

All very confusing as I am very much learning from this experience. I have never know anyone to go through this.

I appreciate all of you!

A friend who beat breast cancer was made of good Viking stock, she is cancer-free over 10 years now. She has a good support of friends she made during her treatment to this day.

There are groups of supportive people. One is called Circle of Hope. Maybe look these up?

Finding a teaching hospital may help, because you can get a room while undergoing treatment-maybe even take your cat. I am thinking of the Mayo Clinic.


When things are confusing, most people feel at their worst. I hope you find clarity in this situation soon. In time, things will improve. It can be unnerving to process all of the information you’re being told by your doctor. Bit by bit it will become clearer to you, and you will start to see a path to follow.

I have always found transitional times to be the most difficult. It feels like we are hanging in limbo until a plan is in place. Once a plan is underway, things will begin to move along and you will start to feel productive in working towards having these medical issues behind you.

Wishing you peace during this difficult period in your life. Don’t lose hope. So many advances have been made in medicine. I am in awe of the strides that have been made during our lifetime.

I was getting my mother dressed this morning and she asked for her bra. She has not worn one for about ten years. Six months ago she asked for her girdle LOL.

EB: Aww - that's both sweet and cute!😀

Another bit of COVID vaccine news - I'm not doing this to be controversial. I'm doing it in the spirit of sharing information.

The World Health Organization (WHO) just posted on its website the following.

“Children and adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults, so unless they are part of a group at higher risk of severe COVID-19, it is less urgent to vaccinate them than older people, those with chronic health conditions and health workers,”

The Pfizer/BionTech vaccine was approved by WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) for people aged 12 years and older.

“More evidence is needed on the use of the different COVID-19 vaccines in children to be able to make general recommendations on vaccinating children against COVID-19,” the website states.

NHWM - how are you doing with the house cleaning and staging?


I packed up over 20 bags of stuff out of my bedroom closet! Geeeeez! Why did I keep all of that?

My hall closet has tons of gift wrap, gift boxes, gift bags, to and from cards, ribbon, my kids old crayons, watercolors, games and playing cards. I give gift cards now so I am not going to use that stuff!!

It’s crazy to keep everything like that. I have stuff that I totally forgot about! LOL

I'm not sure that's news Polarbear, they've been telling us some version of that from the beginning, as is stressing that the priority needs to be in vaccinating higher risk adults. We need to keep in mind that the WHO is an international body and that in much of the world they are still scrambling to obtain vaccines, if anything I see this as a subtle chastisement of the fortunate nations for prioritizing their children over those at risk in other countries.

cwillie- maybe you're right. I didn't think of it from that perspective.

Hi everyone, I need cataract surgery in my good eye (I'm mostly blind in my left eye due to macular scarring probably from when I had chronic lyme). Living in Vermont there is only 1 surgeon that is close by and he doesn't want to risk the surgery right now (he said to wait another year which was 6 months ago).

I am having vision problems in my good eye and would like to travel to a highly reputable surgeon (New York) but due to caregiving I can't travel.

If I hire someone to stay with my Mom she would be very nervous not to mention the money it would cost as seeing a surgeon would be more then one visit.

That's on my mind....

Hello JennaRose, How about Mass General in Boston Mass. You need to take care of yourself too. When I had my surgery I packed my mother up with two family members and got a discount hotel courtesy from Mass General. It was a nice room and inexpensive.

JennaRose,  I would agree with Earlybird's suggestion; there must be other good hospitals that would meet high standards.   

You might ask the surgery boarders of the desirable surgeon in NY if they have any suggestions.  I've found that they have not only knowledge but flexibility.  

And as to your mother's being alone and nervous, if you know of someone (or would have to hire someone to care for her), give them both an opportunity to get acquainted well before having to travel for the appointments.


I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping all goes well. Take care.

Jenna: If I recall correctly (I am not too well today), I think Lahey Hospital in Boston is top notch.

LLama, why are you not well? Are you okay? Did I miss a post?

Take care of you!💝

Hope you feel better soon, Llama. Hugs!

Thanks everyone! I don't think my Mom could handle being in my car that long due to past driving experiences when I drove her to specialists that were 1 hour away. Boston is not close.

I called the eye doctor I knew when I first went blind in my left eye and he recommended a surgeon on Long Island which is a 4 hour drive from me.

I have a friend that would drive me to Long Island and back, the problem is finding someone who could stay with my Mom and sleep over.

The surgery isn't urgent but I just want to find a surgeon that is possibly closer to me compared to Long Island. I'm on the borderline of New York so Albany would be closer.

I'm really nervous about getting cataract surgery done because if the surgeon makes a mistake then I'm blind in both eyes. So no, I'm not just nervous, I'm really scared. That's why I want the best.

I have some other doctors I'm friendly with that I can call and see who they recommend.

I just don't know what to do with my Mom. Her dementia is progressing (though not bad) but still I notice subtle changes. She has some days where she thinks I'm her sister or one of her childhood members.

I'm the only one who has been taking care of her so it's been on me, not that I mind so much because she's so sweet and easy to take care of. There are no more family members left (I have an estranged sister but that's another story).

Again, I would love to see clearly out of my right (good) eye.

Thanks again,

Jenna call the Area Agency on Aging there must be a facility that would offer respite care for mom. AAA has so many resources at their finger tips, they are a great resource. You need to take care of you too. Mom will be fine.

Gladimhere, thanks for the suggestion, I will do that to find out what they say.

Depending on what surgeon I end up using I may or may not need someone to sleep in. That's why I will call doctors I know where I live and see who they recommend. It would be in my best interest (and my peace of mind) to find a surgeon that it only 2 hours or less away. That way I can come home the same day.

Vermont is a beautiful place to live and I'm lucky to have a good hospital nearby for Mom as well as her doctors. But for my needs there aren't many choices.


Need and Gershun: Thank you so much. I almost passed out while waiting for my DH to get 2 procedures this week. Called our DD, who took me to ER and her Daddy home. Had a blood sugar drop & not diabetic. I had not eaten and thought I would be okay - I was definitely NOT. Thank you both. 💜

Jenna: You're very welcome. Your vision is important.💙


I am sorry that you weren’t doing well. It’s hard watching our husbands dealing with health issues. How is your husband? How are you holding up? It’s nice that you have a daughter nearby that could help.

Good to see you posting, Glad. Have been thinking about you.

Need: On Tuesday, we (my DH and I) were all the way in the state capital, Annapolis. I had driven us to get his 2 procedures of colonoscopy and upper endoscopy when I became increasingly dizzy and almost passed out. I recognized that I needed to do something because I was quite bad! No choice but to call our daughter and had a whole battery of tests at ER - almost passed put there, too! Hubby has 2 hernias, which require surgery. So even if daughter was busy, her schedule had to be changed because I was IN BAD SHAPE. Her DH actually was at PT due to his broken finger. Thank you again. I scheduled appointments with my PC doctor and my cardiologist.💙


Geeeeez! Hopefully, things will go on more smoothly from here on out. Hugs!

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