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Glad: Hope you get less sore. Praying for you.❤

Hope you feel better soon, Glad. You’re in my prayers.

Need: You're very welcome. I hope she can work remotely as long as she needs to till back to 100% wellness. It looks like so many states with vaccinated individuals will be back to mask mandate.

Golden: Imodium does work for me - normally. It just didn't work that day. Wow. God bless your mother. Thank you.

EB: Have you had corticosteroid injections in your foot before? Glad that you were able to get some relief based on Barb's suggestion.

Golden: Thank you for that and indeed I am not ignoring my episodes. I've already set up my online portal, scheduled with my gastroenterologist, my neurologist, my cardiologist and my new Nurse Case Manager. Since an ER is only as good as is possible, including overnight hospital stay, they may not be able to get into lab values - thoroughly. That's where the patient portal comes in so that I can look at the whole picture. I am very proactive about my health. Thank you so much again.

LLama and Glad, wishing you both speedy recoveries.

In case I've missed somebody, wishing everybody good healthy days ahead. 💗

Hello Llama,
I never had the steroid injections before. The podiatrist did not offer me the treatment. His inserts are not working too good that I purchased at his office for $50. Loose and slip forward. The ice bottle and exercises work better so far. I might consider injections if my foot continues to hurt. Thank you.

Hope you feel better soon. Prayers and hugs sent to you.

To those suffering with plantar fasciitis: I've been in that club. I've done: rolling foot on icy thing; store-bought arch supports; custom made orthotics; stretching exercises; cortisone shots; Grafton scraping, dry needling -- and none of it worked. Even though my podiatrist insisted that weigh had nothing to do with it, my PF gradually went away after I lost 30 pounds over the covid lockdown. Now, I have a very athletic but rail-thin friend who also suffers from PF, so this counters the weight philosophy. Maybe it was coincidental in my case. All I know is that aggressive and consistent treatment did nothing. Then I stopped treatment and lost weight and now it's finally gone. I play doubles tennis 2x a week and try to get my 10K steps in on the other days and I do still use the custom inserts and gel inserts in all other shoes. Just want to say there is hope for you that you won't have it forever. I wish I could tell you when to expect relief. May it be soon!

Well a very dear friend of the family since I was a kid just called and has Covid as well as his family. They were all vaccinated. He feels very sick,, temp, muscle aches, sore throat, sweats and weak His 80+ year old father is sick to his stomach. One of their friends had a bad cough and three of them were together. They used to live a few dorrs down from our family, we were very close growing up. So Sad.

Oh Geaton, thank you so much for telling us about your foot problem. I gained about 15 lbs. this past year. Diet here we come. Boy I am serious about dieting now.

EB, wishing you much success in getting to your desired weight and staying there. I was already overweight at the start of the lockdown then gained 8 lbs almost immediately. Prior to that I "couldn't" lose even 2 lbs so I put some skin in the game and purchased the Noom app. I endorse Noom because it is scientific, logical and research-based. It addresses the psychological reasons why we over eat. Noom does not sell any foods, meals or plans, does not tell you what to eat or when. It gives you daily brief readings (like proven research results and solid information so you learn to be a critical thinker when it comes to fads), assignments and challenges so that you choose how it goes. It even has a "social" intranet of other current Noom users and a coach to connect with. If you don't own your habits and choices you won't succeed. And one must view things as a lifestyle change (permanent) not a diet (has an expiration date). If one does not address the psychological reasons for over-eating or poor eating then one will absolutely never keep the weight off. This is why so many bariatric surgeries fail. Bottom line is: calories in/calories out is what makes one lose or maintain weight, and the goal is healthy/beneficial calories for best health going forward. It is hard at first but I promise it gets easier. This July has been the 1-year mark since I started. I told myself at the beginning that I'd be satisfied even if I were only losing 1 lb a month but keeping it off (so I had tempered expectations: slow and steady wins the race). I truly surprised myself that I've been this successful thus far. I feel great and have held off diabetes, my main goal besides just having more energy and not looking like the QE2 in a moo-moo.

((((((glad))))) Take care. This too will pass

My mother had appointment today with her podiatrist of 20+ years. My mother presented him with a lovely gift. The doctor is retiring after 41 years of loyal service to the hospital and of course to his patients. He told my mother she was his favorite patient. He will be missed. We said our goodbyes and mom told him she will miss him, I teared up, niece teared up and her doctor teared up then gave us a big hug and said goodbye.

Ready to go into the house after moms appointment and she started whining like a little puppy dog. It was raining at a steady pace. She did not want to go out in the rain. We stayed in the car until the rain stopped.


It is sad to lose a doctor that we appreciate. You will miss him but I am sure that you and your mom wish him a very happy retirement.

We sure did, Need. Wished him a very happy and healthy retirement.

Geaton, the real problem is my sweet tooth, I find it is difficult not having dessert and this has been since Covid. I have been baking a lot. My mom has a sweet tooth too. I pass a good bakery and I stop and get something and then that turns into wanting another. You are right it is some type of psychological filling a need. I tend to want sweets when I am stressed but it does make me feel better especially rich chocolate .I do make most foods from scratch. I eat healthy meals most of the time but the sweets might be the main problem.

I haven’t had any foot issues. It sounds painful 😣 and frustrating!

My youngest daughter had problems with bunions as a teenager. I didn’t know anything about those and was surprised that she had them. I used to think bunions were a condition that only old people got, because my great aunts had them.

My daughter had to wear certain shoes. When I did PT after my accident, I saw a young woman in her twenties that had bunions. She said that she loved wearing high heels and going out dancing. She was upset that her bunions were interfering with her social life! Hahaha 🤣

Oh my gosh, I wore high heels as a younger person, but the shoes that the young women are wearing today are ridiculous! I am afraid that I would kill myself if I tried to walk in some of those shoes. It’s funny, I loved stylish shoes when I was younger, I still like pretty shoes, but these days I am all about comfort. If our feet hurt, it is miserable.

Some people never wish to give up style no matter how much it hurts or even if they are off balance. There was a woman that attended my church who had to be in her 80’s. She was always dressed very well, including her high heel shoes. Her husband always wore a suit. When she would walk up to receive communion, she held her husband’s arm to keep from falling down!

After her husband died, I hadn’t seen her in Mass. I ran into her in the grocery store though. She was wearing sweatpants and tennis shoes! LOL

Foot doctor called today and told me to put Velcro in my shoes with the inserts. For $50 I would think he would exchange them for something different that fits properly.


Sorry about your friend getting Covid, in spite of already being vaccinated. As you know. the same happened to my daughter. Her entire office was vaccinated and there were breakthrough infections of Covid. She was fully vaccinated and still ran a temp, body aches, lost her taste and smell and had respiratory issues. She’s doing better now, but is still run down. My daughter has always had a lot of energy and now is drained after doing a few simple chores around her apartment.

I have cousins that are against the vaccine. I think that they were in denial about the possibility of getting Covid. Their eight year old daughter came home with Covid. Then their 12 year old got it, along with their mom and dad. They didn’t wear masks, went out everywhere, restaurants, church and so on. Sadly, their luck ran out. They were totally delusional about how Covid is spread and caught. I seriously doubt that they are skeptical about it now. What a tough way to learn a lesson!

Gershun: Thank you so much.

EB: Okay. I get corticosteroid injections in my arthritic knees and it's very helpful. I wish you luck if you get the shot. You're welcome.

So sorry for your friends. Prayers for them.

My niece is having a colonoscopy next week and just told me she is looking forward to going into a deep sleep and after the procedure she will have a nice snack. She had the easier prep five ago but insurance does not pay and she will be consuming a gallion of golighly prep. I guess you can kind of compare it to my dental cleanings at a school. My cleaning takes about 3-4 hours and I look forward to the time alone and the quietness.

New phase in healing? I have been so uncomfortable the last week and a half, not sleeping much. I think I slept 16 hours of the last 24. Just exhausted and doesn't take much to tire me out.

Still need second moderna, thought I would do it today, finding I am nervous if I have a reaction, then I will be really wiped out!

Your body has been through massive trauma and needs to heal!!!
If you are open to alternative therapies then a little bit of reiki or reflexology might be beneficial.

Sorry to hear that, glad. Are you taking pain medication and using ice packs? I am sure it is uncomfortable but you just had the surgery and it will take a little time to get back to baseline. I would call your doctor and tell him how uncomfortable you are and he might recommend something stronger for you. How about sleeping in a recliner with your head elevate to about 30 -40 degrees. That might help. Fractured ribs are no comparison but my broken 3 ribs were very painful and I slept better in a recliner. Bigelow Chamomile& Lavender Herbal Tea is very good one. It puts me to sleep within an hour and I sleep sound. I hope you feel better soon. Big hug.

(((((((glad)))))) sorry you are suffering. Lack of sleep and fatigue are the pits!!! I understand your concern about getting your second shot. You don't need to feel worse. It takes time to recover. Pamper yourself!

Place a pillow under each arm, from shoulder to hands, as you lay on your back.
Do your arm exercises when and as prescribed.

Soon, you will be feeling better.

If you need to skip a Covid-19 vaccine, can you catch up later with a booster? Ask your doctor if that is a good idea?

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