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I have had a bit of insomnia lately too 😞. I hope all of us get the rest that we need.

One o'clock in the morning,
and it looks as if it's going to be
a long and sleepless night.

The coffee did keep me up last night.
I was sleepy at first, but then, could not get back to sleep forever.

Practicing self-discipline next.....


I know why I am not sleeping. My oldest daughter is back in the hospital. Grrrrr. Everything is delayed because our hospitals are full with COVID patients.

They are keeping the COVID patients isolated. My daughter is a bit anxious because she has to wait longer to have her procedure done. There’s complications with her diabetes too. So, they end up keeping her longer.

Please say prayers for her. I pray continually for my girls. I missed so much of their lives when I was caring for my mom. I would have never dreamed of things being the way they were or how they are now. I guess I am in a bit of a funk. I’ll be better when my daughter is out of the hospital. I hate that she has Crohn’s disease. It has been miserable for her.

I guess I will try to get back to sleep. I fall asleep, then wake up. If I can’t sleep, maybe there is a good movie on Netflix to watch.

Sorry to hear that your daughter is having a difficult time with her condition.
And very scary to be in a hospital during the pandemic.
I was hoping that a really good specialist M.D. would run across her and get her the care she needs for true healing.

I will be praying directly to Our father, who art in heaven....
On behalf of you, your husband, and your two daughters.

And hoping you will continue to be strong!

Thanks for telling us NHWM!

I have added your family to the prayer list at a praying church.

NHWM, sorry to read about your daughter. I am sure that this causes anxiety all on it's own, then add in the COVID surge especially in the southern states adds additional concerns.

Met friends for coffee this morning. Felt good to do something normal, first time on my own in nearly three weeks. Now it is time to nap.

Needhelpwithmum, I am so sorry for your daughter and yourself. You are in my thoughts and prayers

Need, hope your daughter starts to feel better soon. Sending my thoughts and prayers to all of you during this stressful time. Big hug.

NHWM, I hope your older daughter get well soon.

I just read up on Crohn’s disease. The symptoms sound awful.

NHWM my thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Send: Get gummy melatonin. You, too, NeedHelpWithMom.🍬 That image was the best that my smartphone had.

Need: I am praying for your daughter. That is alarming to you, most certainly. Although my DD has never been dx'd with Crohn's, she does REALLY have to watch what she eats. If she is served a buttered bun of a hamburger at a restaurant because cook erred, she must then take a powerful pill and go right to bed (done for the day).

Was to see the doc Tuesday, she moved me up to tomorrow. Infection in the incision.😕

I'm sorry Glad.😕

So sorry glad. I am relieved they moved you up. Prayers sent to you.

Oh no, Glad!!! You don't need more to deal with. Hope it heals fast! ((((((hugs)))))

Hello glad,
Thinking of you this morning and hope things go well with your appointment. Prayers sent.

I am thinking about you Glad! Hope to hear good news from you soon.

Glad: So sorry that you have an infection in the incision and will pray for you.

Infection not as bad as it looked. Doc told me to put gauze on it yesterday, when she took it off today much of the yucky stuff had been absorbed. Don't even need antibiotics, but keep an eye on it. So that was a relief! I don't even need to see a medical oncologist. I am in very good shape. No radiation or chemo needed. In the grand scheme of things I am very fortunate.

A call from my dd1 to tell me to call ts2 who has been trying to reach me. I just have not felt like talking with anyone much lately. Dd1 told me that one of my best friends from high school has passed. Colon cancer stage 4. Hard to believe, am I in denial?

When my mom passed this friend made a beautiful, smallish flower arrangement on a rattan heart and such a sweet note. My mom was the fun mom and helped friends with crafts and sewing and just ideas. This friend worked in the grocery store floral department where mom always shopped. She would tell me stories of mom getting lost in the store. Mom was always found on the candy aisle.

She loved my mom and mom loved her. And there were two of them, identical red head, Swedish twins and went to the same church as well.😢

Glad. I am happy the situation is not that bad!
Needhelpwithmum: what about your daughter?

Glad, feel better; I'm so glad that's it's not such a big infection!

I’ve been off here for several months. I fell at the end of April-shattered my ankle. Spent two weeks in hospital and eight weeks in nursing home, have had three surgeries on ankle complete with pins, screws and a metal plate. Did nerve damage in my lower back. Still not walking much except on walker.

Oh my! Bridger, that was terrible what happened to you. I am so sorry to hear. I can't imagine all the pain you have had. It takes longer to heal as we age. Are you stil doing PT? Have faith that you will heal and walk normal again.

So sorry to hear about your fall Bridger.I am glad you are back. Hope you continue to improve. Sending prayers to you.

Glad you just made my day. I am so happy everything turned out in a positive way. Yay to glad!! No chemo or radiation. I bet thats a relief for you and the family. Take care. Keep posting dear one. Big hug.

Glad - that is great news - just heal up and no more procedures. Sorry about your friend. She sounds special. Re ts2 wanting to contact you -when and if you feel like it.

bridger- sounds nasty. Hope you get our mobility back.

Years ago, when I fell and broke my ankle (not as serious as yours), I was having trouble walking. Some of it was caused by lower spine issues. A wheelchair was sent. (Not a treatment, and to be avoided).
When I walked into the chiropractor, holding onto the walls for balance, I did not even think there was a chance for me. But within two months, I could walk again.

You might know this already, but be sure to fully investigate the reason for your fall. It could be neurological, or a medication (even statins).

And slow way down. My feet were not going in the direction I was aiming them, so I had a total of 3 falls over two years.

You can recover! Do your PT, and if you can, see a chiropractor when the time is right.

Best wishes Bridger!

Do you think severe foot pain can be caused from statins?

Glad: That is a big relief.

Bridger: Oh, no! Hope you feel better soon.

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