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I don't know if Statin drugs can cause severe foot pain.
But I will share that I do have severe foot pain and do not take statins.

Bridger, sorry to hear about your ankle. Hope you are now on the mend and just continue to get stronger.

NHWM how are your daughters?

Need: Hope that your daughter has been released from the hospital.

Thinking of you NeedHelp. Hope your daughter is doing better. Sending my prayers.Hugs.

Finally starting to sleep better. I have a selection of seven different pillows in my bed.😂 it is an exercise to just get myself situated. Then wake a couple hours later and adjust pillows again.

The chest area is relaxing a bit not as tight as it was. When I was released from the hospital I was sent home with oxygen. Now I am convinced it was because my chest was so tight, just not able to breathe deeply. The oxygen was picked up last Thursday. O2 readings are in the mid 90's this week, last week low 90's. I wondered if there was an altitude component also. The hospital is 2,000 feet higher than home is.

Well my brother is out having breakfast on the back porch and I put on my classical music on the front sunporch and put on my computor but low and behold brother is sitting on the porch now. I just told him I was going to finsih my breakfast he laughed and went to his room. LOL. I am not a morning person, love the peace and quiet and brother is a talker. I ask him if his mouth ever gets tired. He is a good guy, though.

Looking at my MIL’s dementia as a blessing today. She was mad as the devil at me last night when I refused to turn off the kitchen light. First she wanted it on, then she wanted it off. On again, and the second off again, I refused and told her I’d do it at bedtime. Oh, the FIT she threw!

Today…she’s forgotten all about it, and has told me that I’m a “good girl” and that I work so hard.

There are blessings to short term memory loss. This is one.

I overdid. Doc cleared me for some range of motion exercises. ROM has gotten pretty bad. I did too many and am hurting. Had Moderna #2 yesterday so that may have something to do with it. Taken some Advil, now will try to nap, I feel exhausted.

As an aside, the vaccination rate out in this rural area is only about 20%. But, it must be getting better, as I was waiting for mine yesterday, one other person came in for it. And the increase has spurred the health department to update the website.

You are getting funny during your reovery!

You and one other person vaccinated!

Has anyone heard from NeedHelp?

Glad: Please take care of yourself. Get some rest as you had your second jab, not to mention you'd just undergone surgery.💜

EB: That is a no; I have not seen a post from NeedHelpWithMom.

Not that funny send. That is just the way it is out here. You can walk in even, don't need an appointment. Me and one other person is a long way from 20%😉

My niece brought my mother some face cloths to fold and she started folding them and then fling one to the side and said "I would not have the patience" and now she is talkng to herself and complaining about foldng them. She was great before she gave them to her. LOL.

"It's not that we grow more patience as we grow older, it's just that we're too tired to care about all the pointless drama" I like this saying and how true it is.

I went out "on the town" for a few hours last night and it's the first time going to any social location since pre-covid. It was a great experience. I got to wear some of the nicer clothes I own that sit there collecting dust, and had some new experiences. So many places to go dine and socialize here! It was fun to try some new places. There is a common policy of mask-optional for vaccinated people for dining/nightlife. Might sound funny to some, but masks are still required for all retail spaces here, and schools, and I'm sure many other places. It's the first time I've been in a public setting and didn't wear a mask the whole time. Chicago's vaccination rate is just over 50%.

It's very rare for me these days to get out at night but it was a nice variation. There are many things I *need* to do with school these days but it was great to do something just for fun for a few hours.

I went for follow up visiting my ankle and femur. Have to have another surgery to place another pin in my lower femur. Surgery on Wednesday. Hope I don’t need another rehab in skilled nursing.

Bridger: Prayers sent for your upcoming surgery next Wednesday.

Bridger, best wishes.

Bridge, thoughts and prayers sent on your upcoming surgery next week. Sorry to hear this and hope everything turns out well.

Back to work this week, if doc's office will get the release to HR. Will be half time this week, then we will see. That is pretty good I think, doc initially said minimum of 4 weeks, maybe up to 6. Thursday will be 4 weeks. Pretty good for an old girl.

Memorial for HS bestie is Friday. Will see how I am feeling..

Talked with identical twin, also bestie, last night. She had not felt much like eating for at least a couple of years. They never thought it could be a medical issue. Neither has seen a doc for years. Tumor was id'd in January, removed, as much as they could in February. It's had spread to other organs. She elected to start chemo which weakened her significantly. She got down to 78 pounds, she was about 5'6" .

This is very hard on twin sis, they had always been very close.😢 Twin was advised to get colonoscopy asap. She did and all is good.

Release from doc finally came in this afternoon back half time tomorrow.

My chest is finally beginning to loosen up a bit.

Glad: That is great. Don't overdo it; that is good you're doing half days.

glad - that's great on both accounts! Take it easy.

I'm in the thick of class work again, have a few complaints about one behavioral management class... including that I had to do a team assignment by myself since classmates weren't responding or interested... Been too frustrated with that class to do much besides cry to myself about it. I hope the worst is over.

Something my grandmother said in the last few months of her life popped into my head tonight. I don't remember what we were talking about -- and she was 10 years well into dementia at this time -- but she said something like, "That's the thing about Life. You don't really know how you're doing until later, you just do the best you can."

I wish I had had more time with her before the dementia. Or even after she had it. I loved caregiving for her much of the time and even the tough days were ok because she was so appreciative and we had a special connection. I have some regrets because I didn't know a thing about caregiving while caring for her that last year.

I'm thinking about heading towards senior social work in my education. The ABA psych degree I'll have in a year (less than a year, I think, I'm not counting just plodding through) would be good for getting into gerontology social work graduate programs. There's clearly a need, and it would be less education and, I think for me, more fulfilling work than what I was planning before. I know none of these plans will be easy to accomplish, or any of the work easy, but the right goal helps motivation.

My yard really has gotten grown over with weeds since I have not been able to do anything with it for four weeks, and won't any time soon. I have called four different people that do yard and garden work, nobody has called me back. I guess people really do not want to work anywhere.

Talked about it at work today, my new assistant said she would be very happy to help. She and her husband came over this evening, cut the acre, trimmed and made a serious dent in the weed, three bags full (isn't there a nursery rhyme like that?). What a blessing she is and what a great job she and her hubby did. She didn't want payment, but I will get her to accept when I have cash at the office, or I will sneak it into her bag. They will be back to finish the weeds. Feeling so grateful!

Glad, I am happy for you. It was very nice of your new assistant. Try not to worry about the weeds, lawn. There will be plenty of time later for all that. Give yourself time to heal and enjoy resting and the down time.

Hope everyone is okay tonight. I am off to bed early.

G O O D N I G HT !

Send, you are so sweet. Hope you had a good night.

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