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Yes, the night was okay Earlybird, and thank you!

Awake early, I ordered apple pie from instacart, will be here by 9:30 a.m.,

Today, I am celebrating my Uncle's life, as he has been gone one year today.
He was a quiet & a good man, a kind man, who rescued us siblings from my mother.
His presence in our lives was a necessary blessing, and I love him to this day.

Reading his obituary, I am not listed as a survived by his family, but that is okay because I am a survivor.

Send, I am glad your had such a wonderful uncle in your life. Sorry about your loss. How special for celebrating his life. You are a strong and loving person, Send.
The apple pie sound so delicious. I just love apple pie. Enjoy!

Just read that many hospitals nationwide might be facing collapse. Not because of too many COVID patients, but due to shortage of nurses, because nurses are either quitting or being fired for refusing to get the vaccines.

These same nurses were praised as heros and worked tirelessly for the last 18 months without vaccines now suddenly become a thread to public health and are vilified.

Polar: You are right. I went to the ER last night and was told hospital there and locally are at capacity.

Surgery was a month ago, July 22. This is a slow healing process. At least the vise around my chest has started to let go. Gone completely in my back. That was so uncomfortable! Now still some pain and tightness in my chest area. Stitches attached to my pectoral. Keeps me awake. Last week was only able to sleep about three hours a night, just could not get comfortable even withheld six different pillows (put the wedge away) in my bed. 😧😧Last night, finally, got about 6-7 hours.🌝😊

Hello glad, happy you slept well last night. You have been through so much, and hopefully this will be all behind you and be back to your old self once again.

Small concern of mine at the moment... and mostly just want to share *something* with *someone* in my isolated life. lol I tried to log in and take an online quiz tonight for a class and I keep getting an error message, "Time Limit Exceeded." I recall misclicking while browsing the unit earlier last week like I always do -- I go through and see what's coming up and what assignments are due -- and somehow I activated the 2 hour time limit for the quiz. Welp. I'm so hoping that this can be reset. This is a technological platform for an accredited online college... I can't be the only one who flubs up once in awhile, right? I sent emails about it but I'll have to wait. Hopefully someone gets back to me first thing tomorrow so I can take it on time for the week's end, which is tomorrow.

I have a new roommate for about 2 weeks now and she has a cat of her own. It's less than a year old, hasn't been spayed (roommate's working on it) so is going into heat every couple weeks, and acts more like a skittish, aggressive barn cat than a house cat. My chill older cat is taking it all in stride and I'm thankful. They've yet to "play nice" together though, just staring at each other and occasionally hissing and growling. I joke to myself they'll be buddies before too long. I hope so! I put it in roommate's lease that her cat adjusting to mine is a condition of her keeping her at the apartment. Super nice roommate, though, and she was a referral from a previous great roommate. That was nice because I wasn't actively looking for anyone, due to the problems earlier with a roommate and I had no desire to "get out there" again and find a good fit.

Glad, I hope you keep getting improvement every day. You're braver than I am. I think I would have insisted on prescription pain medication to help me sleep.

I’m still non-weight bearing on my ankle. Not doing much. I have daily physical therapy. My therapist is very good. I have a home health aide every day for 4 hours. She helps me bathe, get dressed and anything else I need. My housekeeper does most everything else but dinner. My husband and sons, DIL’s cover that. I need a lot of help but so happy to be out of nursing home. Hoping I don’t have to more surgery.

Glad, Good that you’re improving.

NHWM, wishing you would check in. It would be great to hear from you especially with Ida coming. Know that we are all thinking of you and hope all is well.☺

Pray for Afghanistan. Frightening and growing situation.

Amen Llamalover

Glad, I received a private message from NeedHelp a few weeks ago after I messaged her and she is taking some time off from the Forum to deal with some personal things. She seems to be ok and I am almost certain she will be back when things settle. I miss her and hope she is doing well.

Does anyone else feel overwhelmed with all the terrible news at the moment? There is the ever present Covid backdrop, the plight of those trying to get out of Afghanistan and the casualties amongst those trying to help them, and the various extreme weather situations in many parts of the world. Where is the good news? Whilst I've been trying to recuperate after a fall and concussion, our DS caught Covid after a night out with friends. He had none of the classic symptoms so had cooked us a nice "Covid supper" before testing positive a day later - and just 1 day before he was due to have his 2nd Covid jab, so that has been delayed by 4 weeks now. He has been isolating in his room ever since (a week ago now with a few more days to go) while DH and I have had an anxious wait to see if we would catch it from him. It's a surreal feeling having to mask and glove up in your owm home, with various sanitiser sprays, wipes and gels to keep Covid away. Our home has always been our sanctuary but at the moment it doesn't feel like our safe place. Thankfully we have both tested negative. I guess that is my good news. I feel DH and I have just dodged a bullet. The vaccines undoubtedly helped us.

Chris: Praying for your DS, your DH and you.🧡

Thank you Llama. DS seems to be OK. He had a mildly sore throat (and mistakenly thought this was just a summer allergy), then a runny nose around day 3, followed by episodes of loss of taste and smell around day 5. He is now just very tired. I hope he doesn't get "Long Covid". Apparently these types of initial symptoms are now presenting amongst the younger generation with the Delta variant. No cough, no fever, no headache.

Chris: You're very welcome.

Glad, NHWM is evacuating this AM.

Prayers and traveling mercies for NHWM, and all the people in the path of the storm. Evacuations are not like a vacation, and are full of the unknown.

Prayers for the families of the 14 U.S. military personnel, who lost their lives in Afghanistan. Very young, in their early 20's. Someone's son or daughter.
💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔

For anyone in direct contact with NHWM, could you please tell her I'm concerned as well for her safety and that of her family?   Does anyone know if her daughter has been released from the hospital?

NHWM sent me a private message the other day giving her condolences about my cat dying. I think she is reading her private messages so definitely send her one if you are worried for her.

Hey Igloo!

On my mind…..caregivers and LO’ s on here, current events here and abroad, acquaintances with Covid, the passing of a friend’s mother due to Covid, on and on it goes. I pray for all that God will comfort, heal and guide each according to His will and in His time. His will be done.

Gershun, I am worried for NHWM and her daughter who was hospitalized in NO.  I would appreciate any contact you can make with her to let her know.   Thanks so much!

I don't read this thread regularly, so I wasn't aware of your cat's death.   I'm so sorry to learn about this; I've lost cats and our family has also lost pets throughout our lifetimes, and I know how devastating it can be.   I wish there were some way we could communicate verbally with our pets to let them know how much they mean to us and how much pleasure they bring to our lives.

I know that they respond different to my own "meow" sounds, but I've also seen that different cats respond differently.  My neighbor's cat, who roams my yard, often sits at my front porch gazing at the door, or sits in the back yard gazing at the dining room window.   But when I try to "talk cat" she listens for a while, then walks away.  I guess I'm not very skilled at cat talk.

Thank-you Garden Artist. I miss Daniel so much.

I don't have any special way of contacting NHWM Garden. I just sent her a message on her private wall. She did give me a like so I know she reads them.
Just keep praying for her. I'm sure the Lord will look after her.

Gershun, I don't think we ever get over the loss of pets.   I still wander back over the decades and can relive the times when my cats would jump up on my lap, begin kneeding and purring.   

Occasionally when I'm working upstairs I'll come across a ball of yarn or fabric where the cats were napping. It's very emotional.

Do you have any other cats or pets?

Praying for NeedHelpWithMom that she safe from Hurricane Ida.

Gershun: I am so sorry for the loss of your cat, Daniel. Our fur babies are our kids and it's painful to lose them.🧡

Mom, niece and I just saw a beautiful double rainbow. I never seen such beauty in the sky. Wonder if it means anything. Cousin in Arizona saw something similar at the same time.

I miss the Sears catalogue. I miss being able to see what styles and colours are new this year. I miss being able to place an order without having to pay almost double in shipping charges, and I miss how easy it was to make returns if things were not what I expected. I need new clothes, and I don't want to have to drive to the city to go to Walmart to shop their low quality crap, and I don't want to hit the mall either. First world problem (sigh)

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