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Went for surgery follow up. Have to go on 9/15 for my fifth surgery. Need a replacement pin and some screws to further stabilize my ankle. Will be at least 8 weeks before I can be weight bearing. Tired of using a scooter for everything.

CWillie, I miss the Sears catalog and Penney’s. Easy to order, easy to do return. I loved looking at everything. Better than sitting at a computer.

Any news from Needhelpwithmum? I am worried...

Me too. Course now she has the after affects of hurricane Ida. NO is still a mess.

Anche and Glad: Someone said NeedHelpWithMom was taking a break from the forum, I believe for "some personal things." I think it was Earlybird who said that, right Early?

Yes I had missed NHWM. But I get it. Having to deal with Hurricane Ida must be so very awful (& maybe bring back trauma too). I hope she is well 🤗

Sometimes we need to have a look around & pull back from the things not helping us, or not helping is as they once were. It's OK to move forward. I feel I am moving turtle speed at present - but at least not backwards 🐢🐢🐢

Doing more of what soothes & supports us is good.


I understand if NWWM wanted to stay away for a while, I am just afraid she might have real problems because of the hurricane or with her daughter.
Let's hope she is just taking some time for herself and that her and all her family are fine !

I remember EB telling us that but with Covid explosion and Ida in her area, so many things could have happened.

Wishing you and yours well NHWM if you are reading.😊😊

Heartbreaking story of high school football team; many members killed in a tragic bus crash 50 years ago tomorrow.

And of course the tragedy of 20 years ago, a day that changed the world and we will never forget.

Yes NeedHelp is taking some time off from the Forum. She told me she checks her messages occasionally. I was away for a few days otherwise I would have responded earlier. Need we hope and pray you are ok.

Went to an advance poll to cast my ballot this morning.

Even the strongest person can be watching too much 9/11 news and come away devastated and depressed.

Be careful, be stronger than that, turn off the T.V. after an hour.

It feels like the swelling and fluid retention in my chest and under my arms is finally starting to go down. It is such an uncomfortable feeling to have this extra fluid, just stuck, not going anywhere. Seven weeks since surgery it is about time.

Must wear my NYPD shirt tomorrow.

Glad: That has to be such a relief for you. Good to hear that the swelling and fluid are diminished.

Thinking about all of you in this sad, tragic anniversary. My thoughts and prayers go especially to the victims and their families.

For anyone who can use a hug today...


Sad day for America on this 20th anniversary of 9-11. Thank you, Anche.

I am so very sad... I am on a train, going back home. We have a delay of 90 minutes... Someone committed suicide... Someone you I heard a policeman say. I can't help thinking about this person and her/his family.
I am fighting to hold my tears back.

Anche: Did you know this individual? "Someone you?"

What llama said.

Sorry, I wanted to type someone young.
The newspaper now says a girl in her twenties.

Anche: Oh, okay. That's sad that the individual was young.

Fall is here with a vengeance. It is raining and blowing and 4C (39F) and a dark cloudy day. I think I want to stay in bed with a ☕ and 📚 but I'll just wait till the house warms up then start my morning routine. I'm not ready for this!

Rain rain go away....

Lost another good one - one of my male cousins, from Parkinson's aged 71 . I didn't know he had it. He was a nice man, a good father, husband. and grandfather. One of his granddaughters wrote of him "you taught me to sit still and gently with the simple things and, above all, to love comfortably." He will be greatly missed by his family.

So sorry Golden. ((((HUGS))))

Golden: So sorry for the death of your cousin. Deepest condolences sent.

Golden, so sorry about your cousin. Hugs

My most sincere condolences Golden

Golden, please my condolences as well.    I hope your fond memories of your cousin can sustain you as well as his immediate family.

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