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Thanks everyone. It sure brought back some memories. - good ones of childhood and more recently. Despite mother's BPD difficulties she organized several family reunions and her 100th birthday party. At these, I caught up with cousins. Good times, nice people. lots of nostalgia.

Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor are back in Canada!!!😌

Appreciate that bit of news, Cwillie, and your discreet way of sharing it.
Of course, I looked it up.

So, just thought I'd post on here and vomit my thoughts out. Anyone mind? LOL

I've just been thinking about things a lot lately. Is there anyone else out there who thinks too much like me. Who lays in bed at night ruminating about things that happened a long time ago? I hope I'm not the only one.

I relive my care giving days with my mom and second guess stuff. Why I continue to torture myself God only knows. Maybe I need a new hobby?

I have been struggling a lot lately with depression. Partly cause I'm weaning myself off of hormone replacement I suspect. My gyno suggested that sixty should be the cut off point for that and as I'm turning sixty in a little over a month that's what I've been doing. I'm really worried that I'll go into a full blown funk when I'm off of them completely and I really don't want to go down the antidepressant road again. Been there, done that, have the t-shirt. I understand they are very helpful for some people so I'm not suggesting they are bad. Just not good for me.

I've really been missing my cat Daniel who we had to get put down in August too. I took his passing really hard. We still have his brother but he's sad too. I won't get another one now though. I think it would be unfair to him. Maybe one day but not now.

So, that's what's on my mind today. Thx for reading. :)

Gershun: Big hugs ((( ))). Overthinking can be tough. I could say to stop, but easier said than done. As I have 14 and 3/4 years on you, I don't have time to rethink what I could have done better as far as living out of state to care for my late mother. Was I perfect? Of course not. But I haven't the time to think on it. Also, losing a fur kid IS hard. I hope that weaning off HRT is successful for you. Better days ahead for you, Gershun.❤

Thank-you Llama!

Gershun: You're welcome.💛

A big barf up can be good for you! 🤮😆😊

I too am a night-time-ruminator.. sigh. I read somewhere that the memory & thought brain cells are still active but the problem-solving cells have switched into downtime. A-ha! So round & round the thoughts go.
Iacknowledge them (oh you again) then say see you later (sod off) & try some menial mental task to distract ie saying the alphabet backwards. Picturing a 10 move yoga practice is my current fav.

I chucked the HRT recently too & slipped into a grey place (v similar to going off the pill when younger). But not a black place. It's manageable.

I keep reminding myself if it cannot be cured (feeling grey) then contain. To add extra kindness for myself.

RIP furry Daniel.

Gershun, sending some kind thoughts your way 🤗

Thank you Beatty! For the giggle @ big barf up comment too.😊

Gershun, you are definitely not alone in re-running thoughts impeding your sleep. When I can't sleep, I have started putting on a movie I like and listening to it. The dialog gives my mind something to occupy it, but not too much since I have heard the movie before.

Scurried down and got my booster

Coyotes having a grand old time out there this morning! Sounds like there is at least 5-7 of them.I

Guess I won't go for a walk.

I try to remember to take my fox 40 whistle and coyote spray if I walk the trails during off peak hours, I figure that covers me for both two and four legged predators.

Here it is bears I worry about. 🐻 They were scarce in town after the fire but they are back now. 18 have been euthanized this summer and I saw bear scat on the trail I walk in the woods. I have never had them go for my garbage cans but advice was posted by the wildlife guys to keep your garbage cans inside or wash them out. I guess should get some bear spray and/or stay on the edge of the woods.

Oof, I'm hurting lately. Trying to keep up with a pressing school schedule and keep other "life balls" in the air -- work, roommate searches -- It has been enough for awhile. Who has time for friends and family, much less fun...?

I'm thinking about moving to part time school for my last year in the BS program. That would give me more time to sort out how to do entry level/internship requirements for some of the positions I'm eyeing for the future... and covid is still a factor for consideration, limiting some things.

Everything is good enough. I can't complain. But I'm tired, and achy, and it's just wearing on me. Thanks for giving me a place to put this down. "Ain't no use in complaining when you got a job to do." Canadian Bryan Adams... I thought he was cute when I was in high school, all over MTV with his rugged good looks.

I have about 3 more pressing days of school to finish out work for this term. I'm beat. Somehow, it will get done.

Re rumination - I have had a lot of that at times and knowing that we can choose our thoughts I choose to recite a hymn, or a piece of scripture over and over until I fall asleep. It takes some discipline to stay on the track I choose, as the other thoughts keep intruding, but with practice it helps to redirect your thoughts to something more pleasant. Going over and over the negative stuff drags you down. Other than that I go on my laptop and engage in something there.

((((((ali)))))) I know you will get your school work done. I think it is a great idea to go part time. You are carrying a very heavy load. Middle son D worked full time though with very flexible hours and did full time school, but he still lived at home with me and though I did not do laundry etc for him ( I was working too) he had a secure peaceful place household that was supportive of him. And he is a very laid back person who doesn't get upset about much - just who he is - and not that he had much to get upset about. You are in a very different situation. I'm sorry about the aches. Robax helps me at those times. The more I have destressed my life the less I have aches and pains. I recently found out that while acetyl L-carnitine helps with brain function, L-carnitine helps with muscle strength. I had only been using the former and have added the latter to my supplement regime. I think it is helping. You are making great progress!!!

Had my third carotid arteries ultrasound as I have a heredity factor of stroke - my mother's cardiologist missed the fact that one of her carotid's was 100% blocked; thus she suffered an ischemic stroke, ending her life. Maternal grandmother also passed from a stroke, though only 73. Results already given to me today = right carotid clear, left carotid very minimal narrowing.

Llama, that’s great news. Always good to be proactive.

Golden23 - re: rumination - always mentally go thru the hymn "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God". It was my grandma's favorite hymn and the first hymn I learned to play on the piano.

Llama - good for you!!!

Bridger - it helps doesn't it?

Polar: Thank you. Yes, I asked for the carotid check.

Golden: Thank you.

Welp, I turned in one final paper and hope it's decent enough... I'm sure it is... and the other projects will have to wait. I haven't slept right in a few days.

Rumination. I catch myself revisiting the same hurtful topics in my mind pretty often. The best thing I've learned to do is to to mentally change the channel. The channel switches back on me without my noticing, but then I can change it again as soon as I notice it. And again. And again. I think about anything else in that moment that helps me smile, even if it's a fake/forced smile at first. :-) I wish I had a better solution. I wish I didn't think so often about how my mother and brother have impacted me in hurtful ways. It's funny-strange because my caregiving years were to my father, and definitely the hardest years of my life... but that's not what hurt the most. The negative "voices" and situations in my head always involve my mom and my bro and their reactions to different things I went through in childhood and caregiving -- their constant, lifelong treatment -- but not the more discrete negative circumstances of those situations. It's interesting what impacts our mental health the most. Some studies I've read for school on childhood abuse and PTSD indicate it's not the most acute tragedies in our lives that contribute to persistent symptoms, but instead it's the chronically hurtful, emotionally-confusing situations over time. (That's my non-expert takeaway 😉).

Gershun -- I need a new hobby, too, away from thinking about things that hurt me. I can relate. lol I hope you find the help you deserve. Practicing CBT methods and distracting myself through positive ways -- anything else but that same old script -- helps me. It takes a lot of effort on my part, though. My picture should be in the dictionary next to "neurotic personalities." I like to watch/read true crime stuff but not sure that's the best thing for me sometimes. lol Losing a pet is very hard. And changing hormones add another complex layer. Big hugs.

Golden -- I take inositol, and other supplements you've discussed, every day now. I appreciate your input and your experience with these supplements, and with CFS and Fibromyalgia issues, and I try daily to find supports and to keep on. I knew I was physically crashing after caregiving -- something had drastically changed for me during those 6 years -- and I asked my mother about different ways to find assistance somewhere, with family, that could provide me with a stable environment for a bit. Those ideas were harshly shot down. I didn't pursue it any further. I appreciate that struggles make us stronger, but I also know that I hurt and want to sleep from the time I wake up until I go to bed again, every single day with very few exceptions. The supplements help, I think, because I'm doing it, I'm moving forward. Thank you for the kudos!!! I take gabapentin every day now, when I feel an overload of muscle pain. It's a small dose but it gives me something to dull the ache. I'd prefer nutritional supplements rather than pharmaceutical stuff. Big (((((hugs))))) back at ya.

Happy National Coffee Day! But, what the heck with the little shop I go to on Saturday? There have been rumors of a sale. It was closed all day yesterday, and the Facebook pages were taken down last night.😮😮 For National Coffee Day?!

It will be interesting to see if there is an announcement today. Where will I go on Saturday?

The owner had talked about moving to a larger space on Main St. So many vacant store fronts there. Maybe new owner opening a new space? A friend is the city economic development director, but I would think she would know. But, hush, hush?

Llama, Good that you had carotids checked and clear.

Golden, Brings back happy memories and is comforting if I have too much on my mind.

waiting on the ambulance to come. I hope I get a lighter cast. I can't lift my leg with the one I have now. I'll still have to keep it elevated all the time.

Glad, Hope you get a new coffee shop.

Oh no, not another toilet paper and paper towel shortage !! Turns out to be a shortage of dock workers to unload the cargo ships.

Bridge: Thank you. Got to watch out for heredity factors.
Hope that your ambulance ride worked out and that you get a lighter weight cast.

freqflyer: More than just paper products will be in short supply so I've heard.

Went to surgeon's office. Giant cast removed, x-rays, surgeon twisted my foot around (painful) and I got a new cast. It's one layer thinner than the original. so still bulky. Still have to keep it propped up 24 hours a day. Still can't lift my leg up by myself. Not as much progress as I had hoped for, but at least I moved forward a little. It looks like I'll be in this place at least two more months. I miss being at home with my family, especially my baby grandson. Will also miss the births of my next grandchildren.

ali - I find the supplements really help. I have had to reduce the inositol to 250 mg or I am too sleepy in the daytime. Reducing your dose may help with the sleepiness. OTOH maybe you need that sleep. Hemp oil helps some too. I find alone it doesn't do much for me but with the inositol I think it does. I know the childhood extending into adulthood emotional abuse leaves lasting scars. I still deal with it.

glad - hope your coffee place starts up again. That's such a nice habit.

ff and Ll -Yikes! I hope not.

(((((bridger))))) sorry you are stuck there for 2 more months and will miss the births.

Leaves already falling here. Fall colour season is very short.

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