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It is the same in this country. The difference is that the media reports that Pfizer is approved for the youngers. Nothing about Moderna not being safe.

Saw neurologist today about my presyncope. He rx'd an M.R.I. Hope to finally get resolution.

Thanks CWillie - Sent the link to a friend who has young adults in family.

SNOWING! A bit here, but lots in the mountains, roads are awful, too many not ready for this.

Name calling is not nice.

I’m in rehab/skilled nursing - NH. The NH unit is on another hallway. I can hear what is being said at large nurses station. Today a lady was sent home to her family. She had been admitted Medicaid pending.

During the mandatory look back they discovered very large cash gifts and real estate transfers. The family had spent all of the money and was unable to pay for care. The NH had given them 60 days to try to find a solution. The sum transferred was said to be $500,000. She was sent to her sons home. Her daughter accompanied her. I hope they take good care of her.

Oh my goodness! Half a million dollars in assets transferred out to be given/hidden away so that tax payers would have to pick up the tab for her NH care. Nice!

I feel sorry for the elderly lady. Her $$ is gone. Will her children take good care of her after they spent/ squandered her $500,000? I have my doubts.

Polar, I don’t know them personally, but they seemed to live a very comfortable lifestyle. Lots of boats, cars, travel, etc. I hope they take care of her. She’s in her 90’s.


Bridge: I also hope that they take care of the elderly lady. Perhaps the family would be called "cash poor." I've known some people like that.

Re Transferring 500k... I'm not surprised it was caught by look-back but I think many more situations fly under the radar.

Random insert: I'm waiting for full moon correlation studies to come out. I have never found anything scholarly (haven't looked that hard), but I know what I know.

Happy Hunter's Moon, all. I've been wondering what my problem is tonight, why I can't concentrate for 10 seconds at a time. Like so many times before, someone mentions "full moon" or I look up in the sky, and sure enough. Hard to explain. I can live with being superstitious but it's a heck of a coincidence for me! 😁😱

*(If I did this study, I'd have to control for female cycles, which happens to coincide for me...🤔 I think I just debunked my own theory. Hope this makes someone laugh. I seriously just put it together. Oof.)

AliBoBali - moon cycles affect a lot of things from ocean tides to animal mating cycles. I don't see why we humans would be impervious to the moon's effect.
Also, you can't debunk your own theory based on just one subject (you). Don't you need a minimum number of subjects for a study. One is certainly not sufficient.

I haven't been very present on this particular thread but has anyone heard from NeedsHelpWithMom lately? Last I saw they were recovering from a hurricane and some possible other issue?

I agree with everything you said, Polar.

I was "bouncing off the walls" last night, so unusual for me... since I'm usually feeling tired. I could not concentrate at all to read my school text. It was very strange.

You can do a case study on a single subject or a within-subjects design on a single subject, before-and-after and can repeat (ABAB), on a single case, but depends on what you're studying. A lot of information about the brain/body started from single case studies, such as the study of Phineas Gage. I could act as my own subject and measure different variables... but expect it wouldn't hold much academic weight since lower/single participants mean lower internal and external validity. 🤓

There are different human physiological correlations for full/new moons -- e.g., heart rate and blood pressure. I think moon phases do affect human behavior, even if the bulk of scholarly studies find no correlation with whatever they're looking at. There is a lunar hypothesis, that lunar phases directly affect human behavior, but it's controversial. "Lunatic" is from lunar, and this has been a belief commonly held in human history, as we all know.

I think it's all verrry interesting. lol

I need to stop eating all the Halloween candy because that's a confounding variable for my hyperactivity! 😆

COVID spreading rapidly again here. Laying low, staying in, enjoying my own company. Son is coming this weekend. It will be great to see him!

NHWM has been gone a few months now. Yes there was a hurricane and one of her daughters was ill. Hope all is well with her.

I’m home from NH. Sitting outside looking at river and enjoying my garden. Husband, housekeeper and sons did a great job keeping things the way I like them. Grand babies are coming this afternoon after naps. Can’t wait to see them.

Went to Hospital ED on Thursday for COVID-19 test as I was weak AND could not smell a pot of coffee I had made for DH. Was COVID negative and also negative for Flu A and B and Respiratory Syncytial Virus. I have a nose like a bloodhound so that was a red flag for me.

Bridge: Glad to hear that you are home. Nothing like your own bed, right? I told the nurse at the hospital ED that I just wanted to go home and get in my own bed.

Llama, so what is the cause for your weakness and loss of smell?

polar: Weakness = presyncope (waiting on neurologist ordered and accomplished on Friday head M.R.I. results)
Loss of smell = sinus blockage

As we age, wondering when it is that we can say: "I've forgotten more than you will ever learn." (joke).

Glad: Yes, code orange for COVID-19 at the hospital. I, too, miss NeedHelpWithMom.

Are any of you on this forum living in New Zealand? My son just got a job there and will be moving to Auckland in January (if the borders open) -- I'd love to talk to you about life in NZ. Thanks!

Glad and LLama, I am so sorry your COVID numbers are still rising, Here at my hospital we are down to only 25 pts ( 1,000 bed hospital) and I am glad of it! Most are not in the ICU at this point, and many came in for other issues and were tested here and found positive. I am thinking the vaccines are helping ! And due to mask wearing the regular flu numbers were almost zero last year! So that is good news too. Alot of the co workers at the hospital are hoping soon we won;t need to wear our masks for the entire shift,, but I really don;t see this ever happening again. It is hard to talk to the pts with a mask on, or understand reports as sound are muffled, but it is safer in the long run.

My sig-other spent the past 5 days in Florida, visiting a relative and going to her son's wedding. He just go home, so I asked him how was the mask wearing in Florida, he said hardly anyone had on a mask.

Thankfully sig-other has had his shots, including his flu shot. But I still worry about break-thru infections since we are senior citizens, and he does have medical issues. He's not easy to live with if he has a simple cold :P

His grown daughter and her teenage girls flew in for the wedding, too. The daughter has Lupus and I don't think she even got her first covid-vaccine shot. It's all political where she lives. Sigh.

I find the term 'break through' when referred to COVID infections meaningless. Unvaccinated and vaccinated can contract and die from the virus. As more and more people get vaccinated, most of the cases of hospitalization and deaths will be the vaccinated, then it's not 'break through' anymore.

Doctors should know bwtter about the asymptomatic nonsense they have been shoveling. They ruined a lot of people's lives because of their lies and many couldn't even say goodbye to loved ones. And ironic Pamz in the comment below said many were in the icu for other reasons but tested positive for covid. This allowed the media and the hospitals to lie through their teeth. We should all be angry at what a fake pcr test and a lying cdc and governments around the world have done. Plus hospitals are to blame also. Stop the government hand outs and emergency use and see how fast this disappears. Even the media is being rewarded with a lot of money in the new budget they are trying to pass before December.

Pamz: The hospital's ED that I use is in Glen Burnie.

polarbear, in our area over 98% of the covid cases are in the unvaccinated, over 98% of the ICU admissions are unvaccinated, 98% of the ventilated, and 99% of the deaths are from the unvaccinated. Yes, some vaccinated people are getting covid, but the ones that do get it usually have a mild case _unless_ they have some problem with the vaccine, like my cousin's FIL who took medication preventing rejection of his kidney transplant. Over 90% of people over 65 have been vaccinated in our hospital's operating area, and the people that are being hospitalized and are dying are younger in the most recent covid spike (average age is 47). Just over 25% are children (long hospitalizations but no deaths yet thank God). Our spike is over for now, with hospital resources going to 90+% utilized back down to 45-55%, but healthcare workers fear the traditional winter spike of flu and covid _may_ overcome resources.

Dr. Pollard of the Mayo Clinic says because we have missed our herd immunity opportunity, people now have three options: get covid while unvaccinated, get covid after being vaccinated, or live in isolation. The local numbers are showing much better outcomes for those who have been vaccinated and only minor effects of being vaccinated. As one doctor here stated, "I haven't treated one patient in the ICU or signed one death certificate for someone because of vaccine complications."

You Americans kill me 😯🙄🤣

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