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TNtech- Unvaxed does NOT mean unvaxed.

It includes vaxxed that had one jab or two jabs less than 2 weeks before getting sick. There are talks now that the definition of unvax to mean not having booster jab..

Studies show that those who had covid now have immunity protection that is far superior to that provided by the spike protein laden vaccines, hence the need for booster shots and more booster shots. Your bodies will be full of disease causing spike proteins.

Forgive me...bringing up the topic of BEES is another very controversial topic.

When I told a friend the ground bees were packing up their little suitcases and moving out, she replied:

"That was really nice of you to give the bees some peppermint oils and thyme.
I bet they loved it.
I didn't know they had tiny suitcases though.
I just thought they carried everything in little backpacks"....🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝

Llama I work at Johns hopkins..

Today would have been mom's 95th birthday. I have been thinking of her all day.

Geez, this site is slow tonight!

glad - The memories flood back sometimes. Yes, this site is slow today.

Glad, God Bless you and your memories of your dear mom!

Glad: Happy Heavenly 95th Birthday to your mother!💜

Pamz: I did recall that you are employed at Johns Hopkins. How long have you been working there?

A big hug to you Glad

Has anyone heard from Earlybird? It's been over a month since her mother's birthday trip. Hope everything is okay with her.🧡

D@mn. My 9 year old grandson's class has been exposed to COVID. They all have to quarantine for 10 days (along with their parents). He's going to miss Halloween...

Daughter says there were lots of tears but she opened the Halloween candy and he seems a bit comforted. Sigh.

LLama I have been there 24 1/2 years! I specialize in Neuro patients. In fact I only work in the NCCU ICU.. We get both medical and surgical pts, and have 4 rooms that are used for airbourne isolation and now COVID.. I am senior staff for my department,, and still love my job! Most days...LOL

Plywood got up to $88.00 a sheet, down to $22.00, finally getting there.

pamz: You must excel at your employment.

Will not be answering the door for halloween! Kids are the most affected now by covid. Last year was very quiet. The year before was a nightmare, probably 100-150 trickssters.

Dont forget to set your clocks back next weekend.

I've decided to skip Halloween this year too but it's not because of the pandemic, rates here are very low and even urban centres have been given the green light by public health.

Glad and cwilie: I hear you - will shut off outside light - not passing out candy. True story is when I was living and caring for my mother, whose birthday is on Halloween, and she tells me that she gets "cute" trick or treaters. Well, the first group were 6 older teens who were smoking and no doubt casing her home - saying "trick or treat" in deep male voices. I told mom that we were shutting down the operation, but the next trick or treater was actually quite a clever costume: the kid's costume was a table.

I just find it tiring to put on a sparkling smile for all the trick or treaters. The toddlers who have their parents with them are one thing cause I don't need to fake a smile for them but the older, smarta** kids just irritate me.

Fortunately I live in a mostly adult condo development now and there won't be any trick or treaters.

Not that I begrudge kids having their fun. Then can just do it without me now. LOL

I live in a 3 building complex. This year, as last, we will have an outdoors Halloween parade and a screening of The Great Pumpkin. Treats will be distributed.

I’m looking forward to tomorrow evening. My husband always dresses up to hand out candy. We sit on the front porch. We have about 75 - 100 kids every year. I’ve got 125 candy bags ready. Sons and husband will eat any leftovers.

Bridge: What will his costume be?

Llama, I think he’s going to be a mummy.

Wish there was a "Mute" button that I can use so I don't see posts from certain people who complain endlessly but do nothing about the problems. They are complicit in their own misery, but won't take responsibility, most probably out of weakness and meekness. Such a turn off.

Polar, I agree about the mute button. Some remarks a little off.

Llama, My husband was a mummy. We had 105 trick or treaters. No older kids. Just the little ones who were cute.

Wait.... you had trick or treat today?

CW, Our Small town always moves Trick or Treat to Saturday night, if Halloween is on Friday or Sunday. Town has Trunk or Treat on Friday night. Lots of kids who live out in the country come to town for Trunk or Treat.

Bridge: That must have been a good costume.

Polar: Isn't there an option to "unfollow?"

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