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Llama - yes I do unfollow threads that just upset me to read, but there are other general threads for everyone to share which I don't want to unfollow.

I unfollow threads when I am sick of 10-15 responses in my newsfeed on the same question. I think having all responses on a thread to appear in my feed is absurd to say nothing of completely redundant! I prefer to see what is going on in more than one or two threads.

Two current that are in this class
Dad transferring drivers license to Florida
Mom always having to spend Xmas with daughter and not son.

I agree Glad!

Bridge, I would like to see your husband 👍

Mina, all my best wishes to you!

glad - I wish admin would put us back to the old way of alerting us to new comments on a thread - " 'so and so' and 3 others commented" or whatever it was. I too unfollow threads as the individually posted new comments to one thread sometimes fill up my screen and more. The old way gave us a much more balanced view of the activity in discussions and questions and therefore a better opportunity to stay engaged in various threads.

Admin -are you reading this?

The threads that fill up are almost always those that are featured in AgingCare emails, I figure if dozens of others are commenting I won't be missed when I bow out.
I'd still like to see anything posted by the OP highlighted in some way so that everyone can easily find any new, relevant information they post.

Completely agree golden! And I wonder if admins have looked to see how many threads go unanswered and not seen because of the threads that receive so many answers.

And CW, so often OP's do not come back. It would be helpful to somehow see or be notified when OP posts again.

When my news feed fills up with too much of the same, I not only unfollow the thread, I unfollow the posters who are keeping a thread going way past it's sell-by date.

Sometimes, I get irritated, and want to post: "Asked and answered".

Finally, I avoid the Aging Care forum for awhile, whenever I cannot be helpful, whenever people are getting mean, whenever it gets too out of whack.

I would love to have a notification when the OP comes back. We get that in our news feed, but it could be highlighted that this is the OP from a question/discussion you are following.

Anyone can contact the admins by sending an email via 'About Aging Care'.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page...

I've noticed a few regular posters who are guilty of resurrecting threads that in my opinion have already run their course. I can't understand why people who have been long term members still haven't figured out to check the date of the original post, or bother to scan previous comments, especially in short threads.

Not sure, but I think that the admins do get days off.

There may be a trend that the caregivers posting here are expected to be self-regulating and additionally, appreciated for self-moderating.

We can always vote with our feet by not responding at all to certain posts.

Whenever I become extra irritated by others, I try to look to myself as to why something so unimportant irks me so. Then I log out and go have some fudge.

Trending on AC:
Unfollowing threads.....

Cwillie: Oftentimes as of recent someone will comment on a really old post, bringing it back in the Feed, unfortunately.

Another thought have had is to allow the OP to close their own thread. I am sure, especially new posters, get sick of reading so many responses especially when so many are the same and might not be what the OP wants to read.

That is another good idea Glad!

I sent earlybird a message last night to check on her and her mom.

gladimhere, I like the idea of the original poster being able to "close discussion". We have that on the NextDoor [community] forum.

One thing I have noticed, some will read just the Title and answer, without reading the whole post and any of the threads. That happens in pretty much in all the forums that I view.

I stopped using the feed years ago, I found for myself it was easier to just scroll and read anything new of interest. If someone has written the very same thing I was going to write, I tend to click on the "like" key.

Worrying about my dad. He’s 95, many health problems including CHF and on Hospice. He’s eating very little but still drinking Ensure and water. His swelling is under control. His breathing is getting more difficult. I see him at the nursing home a couple of hours a day. I hate seeing him die by inches.

Great day at the beach. Beautiful weather. Went crabbing. Caught 32 big blue crabs.

OuterBanks74: So sorry to hear that your dad is on hospice.
Glad that you got to go crabbing. Did you a trot line or crab traps?

Llama, String, piece of chicken neck, plastic soda bottle. Pull up two or three at a time. My husband I usually set 5 or 6 lines at a time.

OuterBanks74: Looks like you used a trot line. Good for you.

Still no response from earlybird and no "like" to my private message. Getting concerned.

Covid this state is not doing well at all! Had to send both assistants home today, one started hacking yesterday, should not have come in today at all. But she did. Then she tells me that she tested last night with an inconclusive test. Sent her home, she stopped to be tested on the way home. She said she felt fine, it was just a head cold just couldn't smell or taste much (??????). This is an intelligent woman, prefers her denial. Well she tested positive. She is fully vaccinated with a booster besides.

Other assistant had to go home as well, she is not yet fully vaccinated.

I do not have to quarantine because I am fully vaccinated. Now just a waiting game hoping I don't get sick. 😕

I hope you don't get sick either Glad.

((((((((glad))))))) and prayers for you not to get sick. I live like a hermit again as things are bad here too though getting better.

Glad: Hope that you don't get sick. Take care.💜

Golden: You also take care and live like a hermit if need be.🧡

Back home after a quick trip to the beach. Probably won't get to go back until Thanksgiving. Went to see my dad. He's fading fast. Talked a few minutes and drifted off. His aide said he had a little Ensure, but nothing else.

We have snow in the mountains this morning! It's a very light dusting and the sun will quickly take it away, but still it's the first snow!

And as I enjoy the snow, I am planning my evening outside in the cold watching my grand-nephew play a football playoff game. It's forecasted to be 45 when the game starts at 7:00p. I am planning on wearing several layers and taking a thermos of hot sweet tea. I will enjoy the 3 hour trip across the state to the game site, lots of beautiful trees with fall colors to enjoy as well as the company of my big brother. The 3 hour trip home in the dark after the game (probably a loss, #4 seed plays #1) will most likely be less enjoyable. We will make it home about midnight.

Is it utterly disloyal to halfway hope for a loss so we don't have to do this again? I have attended playoff games in late November where it was actually snowing during the game... when I was 30 years younger. I feel the cold more now, at least sitting still, when I'm walking it doesn't bother me much. I think the medicines I take have something to do with it, just like they make me more venerable to sunburn.

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