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TN I have missed many events of my grands. I am about 2.25 hours away. Isn't there somewhere you could stay the night? I wouldn't make that drive that late. It could even be a deer running into the road.

There comes a time that it is ok to say no. It just is not as easy as it once was. If you do go, drive safely. The only way I would do this is if I was staying the night.

TN, if you have time before leaving for the game, stop by a sporting goods store (outdoor, hunting type) and get a pack of disposable hand warmers. Each warmer is about the size of a tea bag. Shake one for about half a minute and it warms up. They will last about 8 hours. Stick one in each glove—toasty hands! Some also come with adhesive backing to be applied to the first layer of clothing over your skin. Do not apply to skin! You can then put more layers on over the first.

I’ve used both. I put the adhesive backed ones over my kidneys and one each on my upper arms. They helped me stay warmer outdoors for hours in very cold temps.

Check the package for the expiration date. If it’s close to expiring, they won’t work well.

Enjoy the game!

Hallam, The warmers are also good in your boots or shoes

Seat cushions are another must have, they are very popular with hockey parents and hunters too.

We have seat cushions, but I hadn't thought of the hand warmers - going to pick some up on the way out of town. I don't expect my feet to be cold because I have insulated boots and hunting socks.

I have found double duty for my swimming clothes. The "rush" shirt and pants that prevent sunburn (and offer more coverage than a swimsuit) I started using when exercising in the pool also provide a good layer for the winter. They're soft and body conforming while still being thin and "slick" enough to allow an outer layer of garments. Being overendowed on top has meant finding a swimsuit that stays in place while actually swimming has always been a challenge. When I discovered the rush sun/swim shirts, I basically gave up. I can wear a comfortable front hook bra and the shirt with swim shorts or skirt and be completely un-self-conscious. After burning my skins sitting around the pool watching the kids, I got a pair of the full length "pants" too. I may not be the greatest fashion statement, but I can play with the kids and enjoy the water too well to care.

OB74, I have used the heater insoles and toe warmers. Truly a blessing at times, especially at 20 below.

If anyone is thinking of getting a seat cushion for outdoors, I recommend getting a closed cell foam cushion. They are durable and warm to sit on. There’s usually a grommet and strap so it can be put on your belt, if you wear a belt. Durable? Yes. The two my wife and I bought maybe 20 years ago are now used by our daughter and her friend. Get the thickest one you can find; your butt will love you!

The cushions with styrofoam beads in them may puncture and the beads will leak out. Don’t ask how I know.

TN: I agree with Glad about finding a room for the night and not making that 3 hour trek back in the dark. Please be safe.

Hallah, I’m always looking for ways to stay. We live in the mountains of Kentucky most of the time. Barns are cold in the fall and winter.

OB74, look for “long johns” that wick moisture away from your body. Cotton, such as a t-shirt, holds the moisture in and cools a person down. Use the wicking underwear as your first layer. You may have to add more layers of long johns depending on the temps outside. Insulated bib overalls are a big help too.

Amazon has a slew of “wicking long Johns”. They come in lite, medium and heavy weight. Cabelas and Bass Pro Shop has them too.

Hope this helps!

Hallah, Got my Long John’s on. It was 28 when I went to milk at 6:00.

OB your profile says you live in Kure Beach, NC. I am confused.

Got back home just after midnight. Stayed warm and enjoyed the game. Had the Friday fish fry at dinner at Cracker Barrel and got to the stadium early. Coming home was easy, no traffic to speak of through Knoxville! My grand-nephew played well but his team lost. The stadium was wonderful, nestled in the mountains of the Cumberland Plateau of middle Tennessee; a "short" mountain chain surrounded the stadium like the sides of a bowl, decorated in fall color and a beautiful clear sky, also showing multiple colors as the sun set. Then a game with only a few spectators; it was easy to socially distance, about 10 feet between each group. Stayed toasty warm thanks to the suggestion of chemical hand warmers in my coat pockets! They not only warmed my hands but provided heat through the pockets to help keep the inside of the coat warm too.

The entire route was on the interstate so we had plenty of hotels where we could have stopped and stayed the night; we had decided to stay at one if it was too late or we were too tired. Between being in the cold mountain air and the excitement of the game we were well awake for the just over 2 hours it took to get home.

The only downer was my grand-nephew's mother finally showed up (he wasn't sure she would) in the middle 3rd quarter with a group of her friends planning to party in Knoxville after the game. When I spoke to him after the game, he said his mother came for the "social aspects" and not to see his team. Why can't that woman embrace being a mom every once in a while? I ache for the hurt I heard in his voice when I pointed out she drove quite a way beyond Knoxville to show up at his game and he responded "that's only so she can boast to her friends she was here". "She won't be talking to me about the tackles I made or the ones I almost made or the ones I should if I have made if I hustled more; she wasn't even watching the game." It makes me wonder sometimes if I'm doing the right thing. I love the boys and make a special effort to show them not only an aunt's but also a "grandmother's" type of interest these days because they lost both their grandmothers within a year of each other (one to cancer and one to a stroke), but I then wonder if my attentions just serve to contrast to their mother's and generate more negative feelings about some of her behavior. They lived with me for a couple of years during/following their parents' divorce and their father's remarriage (he's got sole custody). I moved next door to my nephew (1) to care better for my mother (I needed to move to a house better suited for her care) and (2) give the boys a chance to reconnect to their father (which happened, they eventually moved back home). Wouldn't it be great if life came with an instruction book?

Glad, Have homes in both places. Mom in nursing home near Kure Beach. Have farm and Dad in NH in Kentucky. I constantly juggle between the two. I’m an only child with legally separated parents.

Hello Everyone, I have been off Aging for awhile. Miss all of you. Mom had pneumonia and serious UTI'S and was hospitalized. One UTI after another and not sleeping well. Felt very stressed and realizing it might be time to place her on palliative care and hospice. She does not want to do that right now, Difficult decision but in the best interest of my mother it might be best. We had hospice visit our home. First step will be palliative care. We worked so hard this last year and is taking its toll on my mom and all of us. She stills wants treatment, though. Her memory is still good. She knows her family and oriented to place and little pain most days. Still walking with help. Family wants to continue as is. I will keep you updated. Thank you for thinking of me. Hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving.

Trip up north for my moms birthday was great. She was good and enjoyed the time we had up there. Counting my blessings.

TN, keep on caring for your grand-nephews like you are. From what you said earlier they need that love and caring you’re showing them. You aren’t wrong!

Ex with MS tested positive for covid earlier this week just admitted to hospital, he is having a hard time breathing. 😢

Sorry to hear that Gladimhere.

Glad - so sorry. (((((((hugs)))))))

Glad, good healing thoughts!

Earlybird, missed you and was worried. Glad you are back. Hard decisions, to be sure.

Tn, I think you are providing the support that boy needs right now. Keep it up and stay warm!

Oh Glad, so sorry.

Saying good night to all! 🙈🙉🙊

Earlybird: So glad to see your post, but I am terribly sorry to read that your mom has been quite ill. Praying for her and you.💜

Glad: I am so sorry to hear about your ex's Covid. Hugs.❤

TN: You are a blessing to your grand nephew.

Sorry to hear that Glad. This awful Covid. Take care.

Glad, Sorry about your ex. My cousin has MS and got Covid. Hospitalized for 3 weeks, but recovered now.

Anyone else have itchiness after getting covid vaccine? I've been having a horrible time of it, especially at night. Itching all over. No rash. It almost feels like an internal itch. I can't sleep at night because of it.

Baby fleas? Or white flea larvae?
Have you treated Henrick for fleas this year? And the rugs, sleeping areas.

The only itching I've heard of is on the arm where the shot was given, not a general all over itch. Maybe you should have your doctor test for some other cause (I was going to say thyroid but google tells me there are a bunch of other things too)

Gershun ((((hugs)))). Please see your doctor, to check it out. Have you tried an antihistamine?

sp - while it is true that antibody counts decline after vaccination that does not equate to efficacy. Decline of antibodies is a normal response of the immune system which is, at the same time, building up memory cells for use for the next exposure against that particular antigen.

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