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Maddie De Garay, 12 years old in Ohio, volunteered for Pfizer's vaccine trial, suffered extreme reactions, now permanently maimed and in wheelchair.

Her parents have testified in front of the US Congress.
News media IGNORED their case.
Facebook SHUTDOWN their support page
Comcast REFUSED to run their ads to bring awareness after agreeing to do so.

Here are several public figures that suffered extreme vaccine reactions:

CELINE DION, famous French Canadian singer, can't hardly walk due to severe and persistent muscle spasm, had to cancel her Las Vegas show in August 2021, and Feb 2022. That means she's not expected to get well by then.

Midwin Charles, CNN and MSMBC legal analyst got vaccinated on March 1, posted on Instagram on March 19 that she felt sick. She died on April 6.

Talk show host Wendy Williams got vaccinated, then got COVID, now suffered serious medical issues, canceled shows through October. Not sure if she's back.

Tevita Bryce – New Jersey rugby player, 28 years old collapses on the field during game, no pulse, was declared clinically dead, later revived.

Richard Rowe: 41-year-old former Florida congressional candidate tells anti-vaxxers “I don’t give a sh*t what happens to you,” dead seven weeks after second Pfizer mRNA injection.

Many frontline nurses and doctors are saying the hospitals are full of vaccinated patients with adverse reactions. News media totally ignore them.

Thank you Polar for the information. I am still in pain right foot from the vaccine last April and seeing a pediatrist and physical therapist. I was unable to walk normal for months. I reported side effects to the CDC. I still believe in the vaccine but not sure I will get the booster injection.

Look, anecdotal evidence is not the same as fact and IMO attributing every case of illness or death in a vaccinated person as caused by the vaccine is the equivalent of the disproven attribution of every case of autism to childhood vaccination - almost all children get their vaccinations therefore almost all children with autism have been vaccinated KWIM?
And I can't speak to any of the others but Celine Dion categorically denies her show cancellation has anything to do with her vaccination.

Re anecdotal evidence. agreed cw. W

Factual evidence - in Alberta as of Oct 29, 2021, of the 58,313,753 doses administered, there were 5,653 adverse events which were considered serious (0.010% of all doses administered).

Sorry, never intended my itching comment to open a covid pro or against debate. My itchiness may have nothing to do with the vaccine or maybe it has. I just need relief and know you fine folks are always a fountain of information.

Please let's not argue.

Have you tried taking benadryl Gershun?

Willie, yes, Benedryl, Claritin, Aerios, Aveeno itch lotion, a one% hydrocortisone cream. You name it. I've scheduled a doc visit. Unfortunately can't get in to see him till the 18th.

The allergy pills are a temporary fix but leave me feeling out of sorts. I definitely want to get to the root of the cause.

I take Benadryl in the evenings; it makes most people sleepy so why not take it at bedtime? I have dry skin (a side effect of asthma) so I use a fairly heavy moisturizer cream each night. I have noticed my itching is worse a few weeks after the vaccination, but I don't know whether the vaccine is envovled. I have the long-standing problem with dry skin and I'm taking some new medications too. It could be involved, or be involved with a combination of asthma and medication, or it could just be it's the time of the year when allergies come in to play more anyway. The itching went away after a few weeks in the spring when I was initially vaccinated and I'm just hoping it will again this fall with the booster.

Early bird, I really hope your legs will get stronger and you will walk normal again. It takes a lot of COURAGE on your part to come out and declare you were hurt by the vaccines. In the face of constant pressures from everyone and everywhere, those who get hurt are afraid to speak up because they will not be believed, but instead be attacked, ridiculed, shunned, blocked from social media, even lose their jobs. Especially those in Hollywood and entertainment industry, they worship the covid vaccine as if it’s a religion. Those who work in that industry are even more afraid to speak up because they for sure will be shunned and not be able to find work again.

Gershun, have you tried stinging nettle tincture?

It is the best allergy relief I have ever used. I have shared with dozens of people and they all have the same experience.

Most health food stores carry it and it starts working within minutes, if what you are experiencing is an allergy.

EarlyBird, I pray that you get a complete healing.

Gershun, your description of the itching does sound like an allergic reaction. My good friend discovered he had a seafood allergy when his well-meaning wife made him some dish with shellfish (which he apparently had never eaten before). He described the allergic itching as "inside" his body. I agree with taking Benadryl. I'm sorry you are suffering through that -- I pray you get some relief, and soon!

earlybird -- sorry to hear about your mom's pneumonia and UTIs... remember to also take care of the carer (you!)

Thank you Geaton!

Thank you isthisreal. I'll look into stinging nettle.

Gershun: So sorry that you are itching all night and causing insomnia. That's horrible.

Ugh - insomnia IS a huge problem. I have had to cancel out doctor and dentist appointments because of insomnia. Anyone else deal with insomnia? Tried melatonin and pretty much everything else.

EB: Hope that your foot pain is corrected by your specialist. Prayers.

Llama - my dear friend who is 84 y.o. suffers from insomnia for years. She typically doesn't go to sleep until 5 am or 6 am, then wakes up a couple of hours later, feeds the stray cats that come to her patio, then tries to sleep some more on and off until noon or so, then wakes up all tired. She has tried all sort of sleep aids, but they only work for a short time then lose their effectiveness. Insomnia is a big problem. I can totally relate. When I don't get enough sleep, I can hardly function through the day.

Because of congestion from my allergies frequently waking me, I developed a few ways to get back to sleep. A hot bath or shower helps; it relieves the congestion and is relaxing. I often play an audiobook or a well-known movie or tv show; it engages my mind just enough to allow me to somewhat forget/ignore minor pains and bothers. Using streaming services or a timer on the audio app, they can turn off and leave the bedroom dark and quiet after a few minutes, although when I was traveling for work I often left the tv on overnight. The "noise" in the room seemed to be better (sleeping wise) than the unexpected noises generated outside the room.

Hi Geaton.
Great advice as always. I actually took a day off the other day and did just what I wanted to do. That has not happened for over twenty years. Now I feel like doing it more often. I went outdoor mall shopping, had lunch, went for a ride, had Chinese food with my brother. It was a good day, indeed. I feel more renewed. Should have done it sooner.

Thanks, Llama. I appreciate the prayers.

Thank you, isthisrealyreal. I appreciate your prayers.

Gershun, I have a terrible itchy back since swimming in the Amazon river in Peru back before I started taking care of my mother. Nothing really helps. I think it is some type of water disease from being bitten over twenty times from some bug. Our tour guide left my brother and I in the jungle with no water for hours and it was so hot I decided to take a quick swim. It has been extremely itchy since the swim.

Insomnia is the worst. I've suffered for years. The worst part is then I lay awake obsessing and dwelling on bad stuff which causes me to then get depressed. It's a vicious circle for sure.

I take over the counter sleep remedies occasionally. Even the over the counter ones you need to be careful with. Other than that if it gets really bad I just sit up and read all night. Lucky for me I love to read!

Earlybird what you have is a parasite larvae from swimming in the water in the Amazon. I don't know what the treatment is but you really should seek medical help. They may be able to prescribe an antiparasitic for you.

Thank you very much, sp. The doctors did not seem to be worried and did not offer any treatment. I will check it out next week or I will self medicate once I do some research on it. I never had such itchy skin/back. I hope the treatment works. I really do appreciate your advice.

Insomnia, I swear by ZQuil. Liquid works fast and does work for me most of the time.

Thanks all for the tips on insomnia.
Hot baths didn't work for me, unfortunately.
Zzzquil gummies and tabs do work if the dosage is right.
Not being able to function - absolutely.

early: You're very welcome.
I hope that you can get some relief from your back; have you spoken to your physician about it and the many insect bites you endured years ago?

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