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Llama, I think I told doctor when I got home but they did not think too much about it. It was tiny little bites probably 100 of them on my top thighs .It is like having hundreds of mosquito bites all over my body. So darn itchy. I went to dermatology back then and he told me not serious. Now sp telling me it is a parasite I am going to do more research and perhaps go to Mass General in Boston.

earlybird, if you don't make any headway with the derm doc try to ask for a referral to an Infectious Disease specialist, emphasizing your recent swimming in the Amazon. If they think it's "just" hives then they don't bother thinking beyond that. Do some internet searches (like "skin problems"+tropical +waterborne+"amazon river") and see if you can find an image of what looks similar to your skin problem. This helps the docs move along faster. Here in the land of 10,000 lakes we have a problem with Swimmer's Itch, also caused by a parasite. The Mayo website says it goes away after a week and they just treat the itching. Not saying this is your skin issue, but wondering how long you've had it?

Hello Geaton,
I had it was a little over twenty years. That is a good idea. I will make an appointment with ID. I can't stand this itch. I have my niece scratch my back frequently and I use a rake kind of thing .I so appreciate all the help I can get from anyone .Thanks so much.

Thank you all for trying to help with my itch problem. I appreciate all the advice and will take it seriously. Hugs to all of you.

Logging out for the day to avoid a troll....

EB, Sometimes itching can be caused by high blood sugar. A friend had this problem. Went to dermatologist etc with no relief. Young ER doc did blood work referred to endocrinologist who prescribed a type 2 diabetic med. No more itch!

My dad on Hospice has quit eating completely. He will no longer drink Ensure, just tiny sips of water. He has no pain, a little anxiety controlled by minimal doses of Ativan. I’ve sat with him most of the day. I came home for awhile will go back to the NH in an hour or so.

OuterBanks, thank you!. My A1C was around 6.0-5.7. My entire family has blood sugar issues. Most are diabetic. I am due for my annual next week and I certainly will discuss this with my primary. Many thanks.

OB: Many thoughts going out tonight for your father.🧡

early: Do you mean to imply that you've been enduring this itching for two decades? I hope that is not the case.

OuterBank - I can sense from what you wrote that your dad is at peace with his imminent death, and that he has no regrets or things left unsaid or undone. That is a blessing. I am sorry for your impending loss.

At my annual Medicare visit today, I experienced another episode of the presyncope. My physician, who is really a PA, had me lie down and brought me a juice. Complete loss of bowel function almost, but made it to their restroom. She was almost going to call 9-1-1, but she knows based on my input that the ED physician can't help me.

OB, may your dads passing be peaceful for all of you.

Prayers sent that it is.

Llama - my goodness, that was a close call. Glad you made it to the restroom. So sorry you're having these episodes.

PB: Well, I don't drive anymore - can't operate a motor vehicle with presyncope obviously so DH drove me. I was almost glad that it happened then so my PA can see what I have been enduring since July. Although certainly not a good feeling at all. Thank you for your kind words. Presyncope can be a conundrum.

EB - I hope you get to the cause of this itching and get something for it.

Outerbanks -my prayers are with you and your dad. My mother lived only a few days after she stopped eating and went very peacefully. I am glad your dad is in no pain and his anxiety is treated. Take care.

llama - hope your various doctors come up with a diagnosis and treatment for this condition.

golden: Thank you so much.

Hello Llama, yes it has been over twenty years with the itching since Peru. What is one to do when the doctors seem to think it is not a problem. Some said it was dry skin. Thanks to all of you that offered sound advice I am doing more research and looking for a good dermatologist that will take my problem seriously. I am thinking of Mass General Hospital in Boston Mass.

I had itchy skin when my blood sugars were at 'high end of normal range'. Prob just me being weird - just a thought.

OB, one of my Grandparent's chose when to stop eating. Calm, peaceful, natural 🕊️

Warm thoughts to you.

I have shopped on Amazon, but never swam in the Amazon.

Do you have IBS?
Depending on the cause of your presyncope, one of the treatments is
changing your diet, which may mean consuming more salt or potassium, eating smaller meals more frequently, drinking more fluids, or avoiding caffeine and alcohol.

That is not weird, it is a good explanation for a reason why someone could be itching. Maybe someone could start a whole new thread on the topic of itching. I have looked here on the forum, so many causes-some are neurological, interesting. The topic needs an update.

Have you found a cause yet? Are you still itching?

Dad died last night. Said a few words and was gone. Very peaceful. He did not want a funeral so burial will be this afternoon.

((((((hugs)))))) outerbanks. My deepest condolences. I am so glad he went peacefully, Wishing you peace and good memories.

Outerbanks- so sorry for your loss. How are you doing/feeling?

Sorry for your loss of your Father.

Polar, I’m doing fine. Probably will all hit me later.

OB, so sorry for the loss of your dad.

OB, I am so sorry for your loss.

May The Lord give you strength and grieving mercies for this new season in your life.

My most sincere condolences Outerbanks.

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