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I'm sorry for your loss Outerbanks! HUGS!

Answering your question Send: Yes, still itching.........not as badly but yes, it's still not gone completely.

I don't go in to see my doc till the 18th. I scheduled an in-person visit this time and the receptionist seemed very put out by this. Don't know why.......I'm double vaccinated and all that. Maybe doctors are getting lazy. I could just discuss my itching over the phone but I have a couple of suspicious moles. At least I think they are moles. But I want him to look at them. If she had suggested I take pics of them and send them to them or video chat and show them I would have probably hung up. I mean, come on!

I hate it when I have a problem and I have to wait two weeks to see a doc cause one of two things happens. The problem gets worse and I go to emergency or it stops altogether. If it stops great but then I never know what it was or get any kind of definitive answers.

I hope the itching just goes away!

Then the diagnosis will have been, you had the heebie jeebies.

Thanks for answering me Gershun!

Our doctors have never stopped seeing patients and adviced against the jab.

Doesn't make any sense to not want bodies in the office if they have confidence in the jab.

Not being against what others choose for themselves. Just don't personally have any confidence in an ever shifting solution, especially when I hear of situations that herd immunity has been reached without one jab, speaking of the Amish communities.


Didn't the CMA tell doctors to get their butts back to the office?

Or maybe that was just the OMA 🤔....
Ah yes, that was the OMA and the Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health

My prescription for the itching is wine with dinner, followed by several cocktails, then a hot toddy at bed time. It won't stop the itch but by then you'll probably be too hammered to notice 🤣🍷🍺🍹🍸

Lol@ Willie 😂🤣😁

Yes, then my problem will be injuring myself staggering to the bathroom.😆

OB: I am so sorry for your loss. Deepest condolences.

Send: No, I do not have IBS. Yes, I eat many small meals. It is a real conundrum. I do not consume alcohol. I have increased my intake of water dramatically. Thank you for your suggestions. This is challenging and tonight after eating well, I felt weak and even had to take a snack into my bathroom while I bathed. Ridiculous!

early: So sorry that physicians did not help you for such a lengthy period of time. You must be a VERY strong individual. Hope you get help from Mass Gen. A friend of mine just went there for cardiac stent placement and he is a retired EMT.

Llama, good article on presyncope:

Have you been checked out by a cardiologist? One friend who had this was discovered to need some heart-related procedure, don't recall what.

Barb: Thank you for that link on presyncope. I am familiar with that particular link. Yes, I have seen my cardiologist twice as of recent. I had just requested and received my third carotid artery ultrasound. My PC doctor mentioned yesterday about some patients having to wear a Holter monitor for presyncope yet neither my cardiologist or my neurologist has mentioned this. I will have to press them about it.

Gold idea, Llama. I am also thinking that the Holter we be a good idea-- it should show what's happening" in the moment". There are also multiple day EEGs, which have to be done "in house" as an inpatient, but that might reveal something.

I can't help thinking that perhaps they aren't taking this quite as seriously as they might if you were a guy...

I had the same problem as you. I spent 2 days in the hospital when I fainted outside the hospital .
I had MRIs' of the skull,neck spine and the heart
I wore a holter monitor. I had an echo(which led to the heart MRI). Countless ultrasounds. .
They really could not find anything other that I had Low blood pressure in one arm.
I was taken off the hydrochlorothiazide.
So far i have had 2 years free from the dizzy spells and fainting.

Sorry this isnt much help

On Nov 8 polarbear posted
"Talk show host Wendy Williams got vaccinated, then got COVID, now suffered serious medical issues, canceled shows through October. Not sure if she's back."

I was just reading something unrelated on line and came across this

"Williams announced she had been diagnosed with Graves’ disease, an autoimmune disorder that causes an overactive thyroid, three years ago. She has previously taken extended breaks from her show in 2018, 2019, and 2020. The host also contracted a breakthrough COVID-19 infection in September (despite being vaccinated), although a previous announcement assured fans she has since fully recovered from the virus."

(Sorry for resurrecting this but I felt compelled to set the record straight)

Cwillie- set record straight? Obviously she got covid and got really sick despite getting the vaccines. No such thing as breakthrough cases.

why don’t you set the record straight on Maddie De Garay, the 12 yo girl who volunteered for Pfizer’s vaccines and is now maimed for life because of them. Her parents testified in front of Congress , yet news media suppressed their story, FB blocked their support page. Comcast cable negated on running their ad. All while Pfizer’s refused to acknowledge their responsibility on ruining her life.

Cwillie, please set the record straight for her. She needs help. The power that be intend to bury her and her story.

Polarbear, pro jabbers are not interested in the actual truth about the harm being done. It's collateral damage and they are perfectly fine with that. Nothing personal cwillie.

Just very tired of the MSM creating fear and BS so sheople line up to get themselves and their children injected with an emergency use vaccine, because the one approved by the FDA is NOT being used in the USA. Now the flu is a danger since they can't control everyone with covid, so what next to take the rest of our freedom away?

I find it very odd that someone with graves disease, which is easily treatable, would put their lives on hold for multiple years because of it. My dad had it diagnosed 35 years ago, one hospital treatment and end of story, no further problems. Not that it has anything to do with the jab, just saying it doesn't make sense to not just deal with it.

I’m not for or against the vaccination. But I am against government mandate and a leader on TV endlessly talking about Covid and what a wonderful job being done. And all the talking head doctors everyday. Give it a rest.

Proverbs 27:12
The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.

Send, I agree. I intend to keep my two teen girls far away from the dangerous vaccines.

Can’t imagine what the parents of the 12 y.o Maddie Garay are going through. I do not want my daughters to risk their lives ‘to keep others safe.’

2 Timothy 3:7 Always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.

You are being disingenuous polarbear, the message your post clearly promoted was that her poor health and inability to return to work was related to having had covid "despite" being vaccinated, therefore implying the vaccines don't provide any benefit.

I DO NOT deny there have been tragic vaccine side effects, but everything I've read tells me that the scales of tragedy are most heavily weighed on the side of those unvaccinated who became ill.

Now I understand your grief and obsession for this unfortunate child of 12, (Maddie McGaray), reported suffering over 6 mos. ago. You have two teenage daughters and of course are concerned for them. It is a very sad occurrence.
It is not that we do not see the tragedy, and grieve.

I do not understand why you keep repeating her sad story, over and over, and including it in your debate(s) over the pandemic, Covid-19, and vaccines. It appears you just want to debate Covid, and cause division. You twist people's words to suit your opinions, making it appear others agree with you. As if you are a professional provacateur.

You have let people know. We have read it.

Maybe you could start your own thread about the pandemic, and people who agree or disagree with you can go there to discuss this hot topic.

Believers have been relegated to the Believing Caregivers thread, biblical posts are not welcome in most places. I understand that too.

The things you bring up repeatedly are already on the news, blogs, and other social media sites. It is overwhelming.

Can you give us a break? My condolences for your fears, personal losses, and concerns. You have offended people who generally like and appreciate you.
Even people who may agree with you. However, your approach is not going to win anybody over. And no one is going to agree with you on everything, especially if you are an extremist or conspiracy theorist.

My dh's mother sends e-mails of every volatile issue on the internet. We both had to make a special folder for her e-mails to collect, so we would not have to read them. Sad, that her platform issue it to get rid of the population, never have children, green burials-to an extreme. Sends this info to her son, her own child. She never connects to him on a personal level, never talks to him, just forwards stuff.

She is a narcissist, and would never receive what I am trying to let you know, for your benefit. Can you tone it down a bit? Or start a new thread?

Send, I did NOT start talking about Covid today. It was cwillie who brought it up. I also did NOT start discussing covid on Nov 9, someone else brought it up first.

No idea why you said I twisted anyone’s word. Are you referring to my agreement to the proverb? I didn’t rewrite the words, just agreeing with them.

Send, Polar is not guilty. If you don’t like her comments or discussions, scroll on by.

Wondering why people use the Scriptures to make others wrong.

It is no wonder people don't want to hear the good news. Especially when it is used as a sledgehammer

The "scripture" used had nothing to do with the Covid topic or Polarbear.
I was using scripture to change the subject. Not to make people wrong.

Romans 7:15-20
15 For I do not understand what I am doing; for I am not practicing what I want to do, but I do the very thing I hate. 16 However, if I do the very thing I do not want to do, I agree with the Law, that the Law is good. 17 But now, no longer am I the one doing it, but sin that dwells in me. 18 For I know that good does not dwell in me, that is, in my flesh; for the willing is present in me, but the doing of the good is not. 19 For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want. 20 But if I do the very thing I do not want, I am no longer the one doing it, but sin that dwells in me." NASB

This is about the Covid-19 vaccines:

"A breakthrough infection is an infection with a virus, bacterium or other germ after you have been vaccinated. This is an expected occurrence for a small percentage of those receiving any vaccine, since no vaccine for any disease is 100% effective in preventing infection in every person who receives it.
Breakthrough coronavirus infections happen when someone who has been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 becomes infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Lisa Maragakis, M.D., M.P.H., senior director of infection prevention, and Gabor Kelen, M.D., director of the Johns Hopkins Office of Critical Event Preparedness and Response, explain what you need to know about breakthrough coronavirus infections."

This is the current terminology being used in the medical profession
"Breakthrough infections".

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