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LOS ANGELES (Reuters) -Pop star Britney Spears on Friday regained control of her personal life and her money when a judge ended a 13-year conservatorship that became a cause celebre for fans and critics of an arrangement typically meant to protect the elderly.

Send, I think thou doth protest too much.

Your intentions were made very clear after polarbear responded to your 1st Scripture and you posted more Scripture.

Oh, just cut it out you guys! This is a good thread that is being spoiled by petty discussions. The admin. may remove it. They have done that in the past when a stupid discussion got out of hand.

Just agree to disagree and let it go!


This is when I really HATE to see every comment in my feed. I don't need to read this kind of nonsense. Agree, just agree to disagree, leave it be.

Barb: Thank you for your post. I had a relatively good day and was even able to drive myself to my pharmacy, to gas up my auto and to get a snack. That was huge for me. I have read up on the Holter monitor as best I can. In your opinion, why do you think my physicians would take my issue seriously if I was a male?

kellse: I thank you so much for your post and your similar story. Supposedly, presyncope is a real conundrum/is tough to get to the underlying cause. My life changed dramatically in June/July as I formerly was a very active 74 y.o. I am glad to read that you have not had any presyncope episodes in 2 years! That's great! I appreciate SO much all help, truly.🧡

Apologies to Polarbear for making it personal.
Letting it go.

Wow, what a gift! We had a lot of snow yesterday. The Amazon delivery guy dropped off a parcel this morning and then took a broom and started sweeping my door step. I was blessed and thanked him. Then he took the snow shovel and shoveled the whole driveway!!! I asked him if I could pay him and he said "No. This is just for you."

Tears! I am double blessed.

Hi Golden,
What a very kind and thoughtful man. I am going to say a special prayer for him. It is truly a blessing!. Hugs.

Thanks, EB. He is always very up beat and courteous, and I appreciate him.

Send. That’s very nice of you. Thank you.


Hi everyone,
My mother is doing extremely well. We are heading to the beach for the afternoon. Mom loves the beach. Hope you are have a great day!!

Llama, glad you are feeling better!!

Barb: Thank you so much!

Where oh where is the snow?! None to speak of this year, a few flakes doesn't count. It has been so dry and warm. Unseasonably warm, 70's often. Finally tomorrow 50's and more seasonable for awhile. How on the list of latest snow ever. Last year first snow was in early September, that was very early.

Latest ever recorded for this area to get snow is November 21. Looking like this year will set a new record. I enjoy the change of seasons and this fall is nothing like I have ever seen before. But the trees are all without there leaves now, some strong winds last week. So, snow come on!

I met with a tropical doctor today and she is having tests done. Blood test for Schistosoma antibody and stool test for oval parasite. These parasites can live in the body for years and disrupt organs. and cause disease. Thank you all for advising me. I really appreciate your time. Will keep you updated.

early: So glad that you saw the specialist today, "the tropical doctor." Please update with the recommendation(s).💛

Earlybird my question to you is: Did my comments about my itching suddenly motivate you to finally address your twenty year itching problem? If it did, good on me!

Wow, 20 years of itching...
That really puts the 7 year itch to shame!

EB - so glad you are looking for a diagnosis and treatment. Prayers for success.

So blessed again as my dd and family came over yesterday to do some stuff here for me. Sil did the most of it and gdg piled in and helped. Then I got great bear hugs from the grands and dd. Slowly getting things accomplished here. Feels good.

Full Moon is @ 99.7% and waxing...
Waxing = showing bigger
Waning = showing less

Anybody feeling weird or experiencing physical or behavioral symptoms?

There is also reported an eclipse, or partial eclipse in some areas.

I get my information from 'time and date' dot com.
Fun to watch.

Hello everyone,
Just had my lab work done at the hospital. Thanks to you good people I am awaiting the test results. Hope they can diagnose the problem.

Gershun, definitely did help me get on the ball, but also others that recommended to see a specialist for a possible parasite. Gives me the creepies. It will be so great not to be itchy. Thank you so much!!

Its been a while since we've had such a blatant troll sneak by the filter 🙄

Earlybird, I hope you are just an itchy lady and don't have any parasites. ;-)

My prayers are with you for this itching to be over and no issues.

early: Glad you got your blood draw done at Mass General. Prayers for good results. A friend of mine just went there for cardiac stent placement.

It was cloudy earlier in Chicago, so I didn't have much hope of seeing the lunar eclipse. Just now as I'm lying in my bed in the dark, there was this bright light shining in my eye. There it is! From my bedroom window I can see the moon clearly and the eclipse is about 1/3 of the way through, I think. It's supposed to get to a nearly full eclipse. Neat.

Kinda cloudy here to see the eclipse. Found where it can be watched online.

Well, I got tired of waiting for a snow forecast to put the flannel sheets on my bed. It is now done, maybe it will help the snow arrive. It was down to 17 degrees last night, that low of temp should not be allowed without snow. They always feel so good.

Anyone watching 20/20? Sickening, how does someone get away with that kind of abuse of so many of their own children for so many years?😢

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