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Could not watch that show. So sad, a real life horror show. 😟😤😡

My flannel sheets are fresh and clean last night. Cozy.

Sleep well, strong lady.

Watching the show now. Horrific!

New scam to watch for (I have been waiting for this thread to open all day). Since the scam calling has curtailed a bit these same thieves are now sending text messages. The crooks want you to respond "wrong number" or anything to these messages to get information from you. I received two of these bogus text messages today. One that told me my table is now ready. It is tempting to answer "wrong number" but DO NOT do it.

Glad: Geez - that's a new one. Of course, never respond.

I've gotten texts to my phone that look like Amazon texts that say something like, "Here's your order of a new phone. If you didn't do this transaction call/reply here."

It's a scam preying on people's fears of scams. What a crazy world.

Flying to NC tomorrow morning to visit my Mom. She has moved from AL to NH. She seems to be doing okay with the change. Her afib is out of control. Going to her cardiologist for that and her CHF. NH home doc thinks she may be ready for Hospice. She probably can’t have another ablation for the afib.

Ali: That Amazon scam has been going around for a few years.

early: Are you expecting Mass General to call tomorrow with the blood work results?

Hello Llama, I hope I get results soon. Doctor said it is a specialized test so I think it might take awhile. Thanks so much for your concern, Llama.

My husband flew me to NC today. We spent a few hours walking on the beach. I went to the NH to see Mom. Her room is nice, large and plenty of light. I measured her windows. Going to order draperies tomorrow. She seems to be fine. I ate lunch with her. The food was good. Tomorrow we’re going to do some cleaning out at the house. My parents bought the house in the 50’s for a vacation home. Lots of junk accumulated over the years. We may retire here. I’m ready to retire; husband wants cut back on flights but not quit completely.

early: You're very welcome. I hope that you get good results from your specialized blood test.💛

I took Mom to her PCP and the cardiologist. Both suggested Hospice. So I'll talk to Hospice tomorrow and get that set up. Spending a day with Mom reminds me why Dad got a legal separation. I love my Mom but she can be so argumentative and difficult.

EB 0 thinking of you and your tests, Prayers for good results and treatment if needed.

OB - it's an emotional time for you and yours. Glad your mum has a nice room and good food. Don't overdo the cleaning out.

Ahhh 🥶🧊❄ -22C (that's - 8 F) feels like - 29C (-20F). That's a little cold for November. I think I'll go out and get the mail tomorrow!

I was checking the forecast for northern AB this morning and I thought of you Golden. I also thought way too early, way too cold....there's no (insert favourite expletive) way I could live with that.

Wow! You’re having some cold weather up north. Got Mom set up on Hospice today. They’ll start Friday. Worked on cleaning out the house. Got 2 bedrooms cleaned out. Will start again on Friday.

Happy Thanksgiving to all Americans here. Have a great day and (don't) eat too much 🌽 🍗 🥧

Warm day at the beach. After all of the Thanksgiving hoopla we cleaned out another bedroom. Last 2 bedrooms will get cleaned out tomorrow. Husband and son have an overnight to Florida - then back home to KY. Start cleaning out there to move mid January. Another years long accumulation of junk, but the farm is sold and retirement is on the horizon.

We recently had a drive by poster start a discussion about how to stop elder abuse. Said she sees it everyday and warned us all to be careful, as we are next in line to be old and abused. Alienated from her own children because they are abusive to her.

I was in the grocery store and a senior lady in an electric cart, was being helped by a middle aged man, he was holding a basket so she could pick out individual green beans. I was waiting to get green beans and she was blocking the access, which was fine, I only mention it because I heard the following interaction between them while I waited.

He asked her what she was making with the green beans and she snarkily answered that she was making green beans. He said he was asking because he thought she might be making a casserole or something for Thanksgiving dinner. She then, still very snarky replies that she isn't having Thanksgiving, she is all alone and nobody invited her, so she wasn't celebrating. She was obviously very bitter and kept biting this nice man as he tried to create conversation while she picked one green bean at a time.

So he asks her if she has any family, because he was alone with his mom and that his sibs were in rockport. Well, she instantly says that's where her family is and they start having a pretty nice talk. Then he asks her if she can mobilize in and out of a car. She says she can, so he invites her to come be with him and his mom. He will pick her up and take her home. Telling her his mom would love to have someone to hang out and play cards with and he would be willing to give her free transportation. They exchange numbers and I was so happy for her.

But, she starts being really negative that she doesn't know how to play cards and I spoke up saying how awesome it will be to learn something new while making a new friend. Well, she was just determined to be miserable about it.

This made me think of this poster. Because this woman was bemoaning being alone and bemoaning a true effort and invitation to change that. I realized that some people choose to be so miserable that nobody can get near them. This guy was really diligent in his efforts to be kind and helpful and offer a chance at friendship. I thought he worked at the store, he was a patron that willingly held that basket for at least 5 minutes, invited her for Thanksgiving and offered her a ride to and from and encouraged her to hang out with his mom and she didn't see any of that, what she chose to focus on was the negative. What she couldn't do, not that she might have a nice time or how awesome it was that someone, a complete stranger, offered her something lovely.

It just made me wonder how many, my mom is one, that declare abuse, neglect and whatever other negative thing to anyone that will listen and miss seeing the love being offered.

I think those that are alone and it is everyone else's doing, should take a good long look at themselves.
There are many people in this world trying to make real connections, we just have to be willing to look past ourselves.

That's what's been on my mind.

ITTR: This may be a little off topic, but I wanted to share it nonetheless. My late mother would say 'No one wants to hear your ailments/don't bemoan your life, etc.' My mother was a very pleasant and social person, even though she was a legally blind woman and did actually have many ailments, though one would never know it.

Up early to fix coffee for husband and sons flight. Carried a big pile of stuff out for trash day. Have a local charity coming to pick up some old furniture. We should have been cleaning this place out a little at a time. But when you’re at the beach, the sun and sand call you out to play....

LL, it is exactly in line with what I saw and have been thinking about.

Your mom was a wise woman to know that nobody's wants to hear about what ails you. Especially if that's all that they hear.

Finding the positive in any situation helps me cope with life and I always feel for those that can't see what a blessing they are being given.

It really makes me wonder how many are alone because they suck your life force with their negative, nasty attitudes. May God open their hearts.

I am still in my pajamas and it feels so good to just relax. Love the day after the holidays.

ITRR and LL - mother certainly chased people away with her negativity. We can all heed the need for being good company if we want some.

OB - sounds like you are making good progress. Sitting here looking at the snow and not even being able to imagine beach, sun and sand. ⛱ It's been a long time...

EB - Hey I am still in nightie and dressing gown and it's a normal Friday. There are no pajama police or nighty nazis around here! It's comforting to take it easy!

Finished with cleaning out !!!! What a relief. New mattresses delivered today.I have the beds made and bedrooms set up except my stepsons. He can do his the way he wants it, if he decides to live with us.

OB: Didn't realize that that house would be your new residence. Good for you.

ITTR: Glad to share a similar story. I aspire to be likened to my mother. Sometimes my factual nature gets in the way - LOL.

However, I always look to help the other person before I help myself. At Thanksgiving dinner yesterday where 30 of us gathered and after learning of an unpleasant dx of my DD MIL's, I made sure to help her get plates of food. But we are only 8 months difference in age.

LL, I am the same way. LOL

I am sorry about your DDs MIL. I am sure that she appreciated your help and you gave her something to be grateful for, because it is the small gestures of love and care that make us feel special.

God bless you for giving!

Llama, Yes the house I cleaned out is going to be our retirement home. Since Dad died there’s no reason to stay in KY on the farm. I’m ready to quit farming and relax a little. My husband and son are moving their flight business to N.C. We will move ASAP, but no later than 1/15. New owners take over the farm then. Hate to go back to KY today. I’d rather stay at the beach.

Funny thing happened. My Sweetie has mid-stage Alzheimers. I use my kids as sounding boards, and a place to vent. We ALL need someplace to vent. Thought my kids were a safe place to do so. We went away for a week in September, so no venting, although a lot of problems. However, when we returned, I decided to keep all that 'stuff' to myself as both kids thought it was time (their decision, not mine) to look into AL.....for both of us! Since no venting in the last couple of months, both kids think I'm doing so much better, because nothing bothers me any more! Learned my lesson.....

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