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OB: I am sorry to hear that your mother has taken a turn for the worse. Prayers sent.💛

early: That is good. What about the bumps on your skin?

My Mom died during the night. I’m glad I made the trip last week to see her.

OuterBanks, I am so sad to hear this. So sorry for the loss of your dear mom.

OuterBanks, I'm sorry for your loss. May you and your family receive peace in your hearts.

So sorry for the loss of your mother. What a blessing that you were able to see her before she passed. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time. Big hug.

OB - my condolences on your loss. Take care of you.

EB - so glad you don't have any infections. I hope you find a good cream or lotion which helps.

OuterBanks, please accept my condolences on the loss of your mother.   I hope you and your family can move forward with cherished thoughts of her involvement in your life, and your support of her.   May you have peace as much as possible as you and your family approach life without her.

OuterBanks, my condolences. May peace be with you as you grieve.

OB, I am sorry for the loss of your mom.

Wow, she was really blessed that she didn't linger for a long time.

May The Lord give you grieving mercies and strength during this new season of your life.

Outerbanks I am so sorry.

Finished cleaning out Mom's room at the nursing home. Hard to believe that both parents died within one month. I'm kind of numb. I'm glad they both passed quickly and peacefully. thank you for the condolences.

Just found out from dd age 56 that she had a mammogram followed by an ultrasound, had to see her dr right after for a follow up and she is to have a biopsy (which hasn't been booked yet) asap. I know others here have gone through similar. Her youngest son age 16 has a small red spot on his cheek and he has had an ultrasound, then an MRI and I believe is to have a biopsy some time but it isn't booked yet. I would appreciate prayers for both of them. It never rains...

I was home alone today. Lady came to the door and said her report said there were two seniors living in the house. She left two cartons on the porch. She said they were our senior boxes for Dec. The boxes contained raisins, juice boxes, crackers, etc. Is this usual? We’ve never gone to the Senior Center or signed up for anything.

golden: I sent you a private message last night because it was the only way I could respond. Prayers for your DD and your grandson.

Golden, Prayers for your daughter and grandson. I hope biopsies get scheduled and results are negative.

Golden, I hope everything works out for your DD and grandson. I'm sure everything will be fine but I'll still pray for you.

Golden, I tried everything I could think of last night to see what you had posted here. For crying out loud just when you really want something to work, it doesn't. Hopefully that problem is fixed now. Wonder if the fix might possibly be removing the redundancy of the newsfeed.

So sorry to read about your daughter an grandson. Know that I am thinking of you and them.

I just recently went through the breast cancer scare. I was very fortunate it was caught very early.

Watching Annie Live. I must say I am thoroughly enjoying it, even the cleaner commercials.

Hello Llama and golden
Bumps on my back are tiny pricky things that you can't see but you can feel. Have no idea what it is, but It might be an allergy. Aveeno antiitch product I am using and seems to help so far. Thank you both for your concern.

My condolences on your losses, OB. I'm glad you find some comfort in their peaceful passings, and hope you have support from friends and family right now. Did you ask the delivery person where they got their info? Could be a simple mistake on their part.

Golden, hope everything is resolved quickly and no need for further treatments for your family.

I'm almost at finals week of this school term. My grades are great and I'm a stress-basket as usual. :-) I think finishing out the four remaining classes in the degree one at a time could be a good idea, as the topics are more difficult and complicated at this level. Pace it out. Reduce crisis. Spread the load. Kinda like long-term caregiving duties...?

Have a great week, all! Almost holiday time!

OB: So sorry, but I am just now able to pull up this thread. I am very sorry to read of your mother's passing. Deepest condolences.

early: Glad that you got some relief from the bumps by way of a cream. You're welcome.


You had me googling Glad - this is in the high elevations and although the headlines imply otherwise it is not a new thing. From World Atlas

"Some parts of Hawaii receive snow. The islands experience nonseasonal snowstorms only at the summits of the state's three tallest volcanoes, which all have elevations greater than 10,000 feet: Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, and Haleakala. During the winter, it rarely snows in areas of Hawaii that have an elevation below 9000 feet. The rest of the island sometimes experiences fog and mist during winter, but not snow. The summits of the three mountains may receive 2-8 inches of snow, along with icy roads and rain. This snow often remains on the ground for just a few days, and then quickly melts away. Sometimes snowstorms hit the peak of the three mountains, especially Mauna Kea, forcing officials to close the summit to the public. Snowfall is not only a common occurrence on Hawaii’s volcanic mountains, but it is expected each year. In fact, Mauna Kea means "White Mountain" because it is often covered in snow."

Thanks CW, I wondered and you did it for me. I just never would have thought of snow in Hawaii.

cw Years ago I reported a neighbour to the bylaw office for noise pollution. He played music so loud I thought it was my kids doing it in our basement, He got a visit from the bylaw officer and it stopped. More recently a neighbour on the corner lot built a shed in their front garden and it backed onto my front garden. I talked with the bylaw officer and he said it was not allowed and they were required to move it which they did. In neither case did it affect my relationship to my neighbour as far as I could see. There are bylaws about noise levels, and garden sheds. It's not personal.

19 degrees, chill factor 9 degrees. Such cold should be unlawful if it is without snow! We have yet to have our first measurable snow. In all my life I have never experienced fall. And the forecasters are saying this may be the first snowless fall ever. I do not like that. Here we tend to go from summer to winter. Last year our first show was in early september.

what's on my mind?...

dear everyone :),

hugs! :)
i'm writing this, in an attempt to give us all courage!! :)

many of us have truly very difficult situations.
"many of us"...let's define that for a moment.
99.9999% of "many of us" are women: caring, loving our LOs, while the majority of men run away and dump it all on the women.
there are always exceptions.

it's good to keep in mind, that there's something very sexist going on.
something structurally very wrong.

something that's been going on for generations and generations (dumping it on the women, while men/brothers/uncles/sons/etc. go and have full, exciting lives).

there are 3 types of violence... violence (for example, physical/psychological/verbal)
...cultural violence (for example, monopolies over literature, movies, books, sports, subtly deciding our values)
...structural violence (for example, laws/policies/institutions that make it impossible for people to provide for themselves; for example, world hunger; laws that make it impossible for people to have access to food and water) (for example, that 99.99999% of us caring for LOs are women, often getting poorer and poorer, while men get richer and richer).

i'm a lawyer, against world hunger.


returning to our LOs:

it's very hard to find good solutions sometimes - but they must exist. there is always a solution; keep looking.

------------what is the goal?

"kill yourself to keep other people alive", obviously isn't the goal.

finding the right balance, between helping your LOs, and helping yourself, is hard.

and the more money your LOs have, the more good options there are...

"beggars can't be choosers"...
if you're very poor, it's very limited what will happen to you, when you get elderly (which facility, hiring good/trustworthy in-home care, etc.).


but there are solutions; keep looking.
humour helps...
healthy food, peaceful sleep...

hug!!!! :) :) :)
don't abandon your dreams.
and if you're a woman, EVEN MORE SO. don't allow it!!!!

you weren't born to have your dreams ripped out of you.

bundle of joy :)

Our weather has been up and down, a few days of snow followed by enough days above freezing to melt the snow. We are expecting another plunge today.

I check nephew #2's forecast periodically in an effort to feel connected to his life - this morning they have an extreme cold warning, -17°F (Feels like-35). Just no. frigging. way.

Very strong winds here tonight from 6 P.M. until midnight.

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