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It snowed here last night. Hardly anything but of course Vancouverites freak out at a light dusting. You'd think it was a blizzard the way people react.

I love the kids. They run outside with their sleds that have been gathering dust and enjoy it!

Weather or not rain was predicted,
Weather or not the forecaster specifically said "No rain" for my town,
We've got rain! ☔️

Much needed, welcomed rain. Quiet rain. I've got the window open.

December 7, 1945
Watching ceremony in Hawaii memorializing those who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor, with the WWII veterans still alive in attendance.
The veteran with a caregiver knew to stand at the passing of the American flag on the big ship, during the salute.

I've tried to post this twice as a discussion and both times I was kicked off the site. Third time's a charm?

NPR is reporting a recall of adult bed rails.

Day of attack on Pearl Harbor was December 7, 1941

Ceremony has concluded.

Dang it, dang it, dang it! There was a chance of getting measurable snow overnight. Nope! The record for longest time without snow will be broken on Sunday. Next week? Record breaking temps in the 60's. Depressing.😟😟

I fail to see your problem Glad😉

You better be nice CW or I will report you!😘😘😉😉

Many thanks for prayers. My grandson's issue has turned out to be minor and he will have day surgery for it on the 21st. in Edmonton. I would appreciate continued prayers for my daughter. She has bloodwork on Monday and a biopsy on Tuesday, both here in town.

Today is 3 years since mother died. Lots of relief and a few regrets.

Take care all.

golden: Glad that your grandson's issue is minimal. Prayers for your daughter. Thoughts of you today on the three year anniversary of your mom's passing.

Requesting prayer as my 40 year old friend passed away from cardiac arrest last night. She suffered from Down Syndrome. Her mother, who is also my friend, could not even go with her in the ambulance as she is sick (she had another family member go). Today she and her sister have gone to the hospital with COVID.

((((((hugs))))) llama So sorry for your loss and for your friend and her sister getting covid. Prayers for you and for them. What an awful time! Thank you for continued prayers for my dd. I don't find the dates of my mother's passing very bad, especially this year with these other issues going on. I had a few thoughts of her, but many more for my dd.

glad - Suffer!!! 😉 Lots of snow here if you want it. 🌨❄☃

Llama - so sorry for you and your friend's family. Losing a child is probably the hardest thing.

LL, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend.

May the rest of the family get a healing touch from The Lord and grieving mercies for their loss.

Llama, so sorry for your loss. Prayers to you and to your friend.

Golden what a relief with grandson. Best wishes for a positive outcome for your daughter.

Well, today my position was terminated. Can a position be terminated? I think a major error.

I am really ok. Was sick and tired of the corruption in this local government. Most recently the county paying the county attorney for services to clear up property problems for a former commissioner. And I told them so. The group of them so terribly unethical.

But, what now? Maybe somewhere snowier?😉

Major tornado in St Louis partial collapse of Amazon warehouse many people trapped.

golden: Thank you so much. You're very welcome for the prayers.

PB: Thank you. It is very difficult for my friend to lose her daughter while she is physically ill.

ITTR: Thank you. My friend does have a strong faith.

Thank you, glad. So sorry your position was terminated. The college did that sometimes when I was there. It must have been very hard working with that corruption. I know you are a survivor and something better will workout for you ((((((hugs)))))
Hope the trapped people are rescued soon

Gershun: Thank you very much.

Glad: I am so sorry that your position was terminated. Years ago at my job of over 30 years, the company eliminated one position (same as mine). So yes, one person (myself) was forced to do the work of two. I was also made to work extraordinary hours on the salary pay. So talk about corrupt - I knew it. But I stuck it out to beat the system. Not the same as your situation, but I still wanted to share as maybe it will make you feel better. Hugs.

Sorry Glad that you lost your job. Doesn't sound like you are too upset though which is good at least.

You are a warrior though so I'm sure another even greater door will open for you (if that's what you want)

Something new in the New Year for you, Glad!
Lots of changes.

Wishing you many choices and happy opportunities coming your way!

Checking the news this morning left me wanting to crawl back into bed and pull the covers over my head 😟😞.

I know when mom passed in Jan, I went through her list and let all her friends know she had passed, I kept a record. So today the first Christmas card to her came.. with a letter. I had to again send out a card,, with the details.. It never ends does it? I know people just have names on a spreadsheet,, but this tears it open again.

Pam, I think a lot of people just live their lives on auto pilot. They look at things and listen to people with half their brains not even realizing that they aren't retaining anything.

I have been trying harder to be in the moment otherwise a whole day goes by and if I'm in my head too much I miss most of it.

So those "friends" are probably guilty of what I just said. Just a thought.

pamz: I am sorry that you to tell that person AGAIN that your mom had passed. I think some people may not think about what they're doing - or not doing.

pamz: Edit - sorry that you *had* to notify that person of your mother's death again.

I have decided to avoid the knee jerk reaction, sit back, relax for awhile. For now I am retired from public service. Nothing worse than having a panel of bosses, three of them. Two of which do not want me to do my job nor are they at all concerned about employee safety. And funny thing, I just got a new phone and the default ring tone is named "New Adventure".

On Friday, my last day, there was a murder in town. The killers initially escaped. About 2:00 p.m. some employees in my building got a shelter in place order from law enforcement. The killers were hold up in a house about a block away from my building. HR director, always the bearer of news like this said the commissioners do not perceive this as a threat. Operations as usual. This is not the only time something like this has occurred.

Covid was and still is a real struggle here and the commissioners determine d it was not a threat either. Did nothing about implementing mask policy or distancing, nothing. Over the course of the last 20 months we had 98 deaths. Over the past 30 days we have had 12 deaths. That is 10% of the total in just 30 days. It does not sound like a large number, but we are a very small community.

I inherited my mom's business and will see what I can do with it. She didn't start it until she was my age, so if she did it, in can do it too.

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