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glad - I am shocked at the uncaring and ignorant, not to say unsafe, attitude of your bosses. IMO you are well out of there. That's a large number of deaths for a small community. As of Sept 30, 2021 we have had only 30 deaths for the whole time of covid and our population is around 75,000.

Ignoring law enforcement is crazy!!!

How wonderful to pick up where your mum left off. She was so talented and I know you are too. Good luck!!! New adventure, indeed!

.Strange coincidence I have had a feeling I am moving into a new life too. I had a dream where I was in a house ready to step out the door into wide open spaces.

Gershun, I know you are right,, it's just hard to do it again. I was of course happy they even thought to send her a card,, at her age so many were gone.

I saw the best bumper sticker on a policeman's personal vehicle.

I battle the evil
You want to pretend
Doesn't exist

Made me think of all the caregivers that are taking care of difficult parents and being told by drop in siblings that the parent is just fine.

I battle the decline
You want to pretend
Doesn't exist

Just a shout out to all of you that face the battle daily, with your elder loved one(s) and the knot heads that pretend all is well. You are all heros in my book!

ITTR: That's a good one. I can relate as my sibling was like that as it related to caregiving.

One of the items I was accused of doing is telling others about a positive Covid test of one of my assistants, a HIPPA violation. Thank you Verify, a spot on the news, employers are not subject to HIPPA restrictions. In fact, thinking about it you want other employees to know of exposure so they watch for symptoms. In fact, after this employee finally told me, I let one of the other departments know of the result, the head of that department scolded me for having this employee going into other departments.

The bosses may have adopted another policy to keep it all private, just another irresponsible action by this group.

Transparency which is paramount to these crazies? 😅😅

My husband died well over a year ago. I stay fairly busy with various activities and some family things. I’ve wondered what I would do if a man asked me out. Well someone did this evening. My response was to freeze and stammer that I had plans Saturday evening. A lie, but a relief.

glad - what a horrible group to work for! Yes you want other employees to know of exposure!!! I think it is their right

becky - next time do you really want to say "Yes"?

DD had her biopsy today. The dr did the biopsy of the lymph node lump and said "This doesn't look like anything." I am going to believe he knows what he is doing and thank God for answered prayers. That's two down (dgs and one of dds) and one to go. Continued prayers appreciated. We are feeling encouraged.

Golden I don’t think I want to say yes. Easier to stay home.

Becky - agreed, life is less complicated when you are on your own.

golden: That's good news.

Becky I couldn't imagine dating again. If I ever find myself single again (God forbid) I'll stay that way. I shudder even thinking about the alternative.

Good news Golden!

Gershwin, I agree about dating. Yikes!

It's endoscopy/colonoscopy prep day, I've only been up for an hour and already I'm "hangry". It doesn't help that I'll have to do the cleanse at sister's place since she will be my driver tomorrow. I. Hate. This.

Have fun, CW I just had to do that a few weeks ago. I didn't have to start prep until late afternoon the day before. But, couldn't eat. Think of it as a one day crash diet.😉😉

Hi cwillie, hope everything turns out well for you. Sending a prayer and hug.

cwillie-hope your procedure goes smoothly.

On the topic of colonoscopy, has anyone done it withOUT anesthesia?

My specialist said he had patients who had done the procedure without and were fine. They felt some pain and cramps but not too bad.

Mom died of colon cancer. I get a colonoscopy every three years-5 so far. Prep back in the day was "interesting". I've gotten used to it and some stuff has been streamlined and it's much easier to do. Every time the results have had pre-cancerous polyps listed. Motivation to keep doing the colonoscopy. I like to be zonked out for this, though a good friend prefers the twilight sedation-she enjoys chatting with the folks doing the testing and watching the monitor.

They rope was just for measure purposes.

The winds are absolutely brutal here! Gusting now probably 60 mph, forecast to get 100mph.

cw - good luck! Hope it goes well. I never had a colonoscopy -whatever drs I had at the appropriate age never suggested it and it wouldn't be recommended now without reason. I would have asked if I thought I needed one.

eb - nice to see you posting again.

glad - that wind sounds pretty ferocious. How does Ming take it? Rocky doesn't like wind.

Becky,, I agree I would not want to remarry, but a "friend with benefits" would be ok,,like gardening skills, a big tractor, a huge desire to take me on trips... LOL I am an only child, and for the first many years of my marriage hubs traveled 2 weeks a month. I am OK alone with my friends and daughter and extended family

I've never had a colonoscopy either. But I do a test yearly where they give you a kit to take home and you put a drop of poo (drop of poo?) ........whatever.

Anyway you put a small piece of poo in a vial and take it back to the lab. If there is no blood then they don't send you for a colonoscopy. Hopefully it is fail safe.

A CT Colonography doesn't require sedation and is just as accurate at detecting most precancerous polyps. For a traditional colonoscopy, a doctor inserts a flexible metal tube with a camera on the end into the colon through the rectum.

My "snow angel" just came to the door and introduced himself. He is the best looking tall dark and handsome young man I have seen in a long time. It's given me quite a lift! 😊

Golden, you don't say!! My, my.

Do share.😉

Nothing more to share, gershun. He did a great job on the driveway and I look forward to his next visit. A little eye candy once in a while is a treat for this ole gal. 😊

Get your colonoscopies! One of my best friends from high school passed of colon cancer in August, at the age of 68. Way too young and something that is easily controlled with proper care.

I have never had a clean colonscopy, two years ago 3 polyps, this time 5. Next colonscopy in another two years.

Gershun, I would not trust that.

Canada and the US have different positions on the need for regular colonoscopies.

These are the positions for colonoscopies in the U.S.

Most colonoscopies are completed in the left lateral (LL) position but in cases of suboptimal caecal preparation, changing the patient’s position to supine (S) and, if needed, to right lateral (RL) improves caecal intubation rate, mucosal visibility, and adenoma detection.

I knew what you meant Golden. (Adding that I had a much more difficult time figuring out what a snow angel was, and why he was at your door).

In the U.S. my friend had a colonoscopy, polyps removed, and was shocked when the gastroenterologist said to return in ten years. (She was 60).

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