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That in odd, send. My doc told me that it takes about ten years for most polyps to develop. I don't think that means there will be none n the next ten years. I would be surprised if they were able to completely get or even see all that are developing.

Well Golden I'm glad you had a treat. Lord knows my 60 year old eyes could use that. Send that snow angel to Vancouver will ya.

Glad, as Golden said, here in Canada I may need to just ask to have a colonoscopy and even if I asked if they didn't think it was warranted they still might not. But thx for the cautionary tale. I'll keep what you said in mind.

Both my parents had cancer. My mom breast cancer and my Dad died of pancreatic cancer so I should be more careful.

PB: In answer to your question, my DD, who is a ginger was easily able to fight off the anesthesia because she wanted to watch the procedure. When the gastroenterologist came in, he said to his team "get her under now!"

golden: Well then - LOL.

My uncle refused to get his colonoscopy even against the prodding of his many brothers. He died an unnecessary death of colon cancer. Sad story to that is that he was given dilaudid BEFORE checking vitals. My friend works for his former doctor.

It would be interesting to know death stats from colon cancer in the U.S. compared to Canada. I might have to look that up.

Interesting stat, Norway had the highest rate of colorectal cancer in women. Something hereditary, somewhere, not in my family that I know about. But I am a 100% Norwegian.

Colorectal cancer is expected to be the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in Canada in 2021 (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers). It is the second leading cause of death from cancer in men and the third leading cause of death from cancer in women in Canada.

In the U.S. too, third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the U.S..

Stats are interesting. I wasn't aware of the Norwegian stat. There is no cancer in my family either, that I am aware of.

glad - Between your surgery and your unplanned retirement, you have gone through 2 major changes in the last few months. Even if getting out of that toxic job atmosphere is a good change there are secondary losses. Still allow yourself to grieve.

Unseasonably warm weather here. Went for a walk wearing a light jacket.

No need for name calling or profanity on Aging Care.

My ex died this morning. We had become friends and kept in contact. I will miss him.

I’m sorry about your ex passing Golden. In my experience once I’ve loved someone, I always do. Might not always like them, but always love them. My condolences to you and your family.

Golden, I’m sorry for your loss.

I'm so sorry, Golden.

Golden, I am so sorry, I still love my ex and it will be hard to lose him, too. He is the father of my children, there will always be that very special connection.

Golden, I am so sorry for your loss.   Your husband sounds like the kind of man many women would want, someone who can be a husband as well as a friend.   I hope you can find peace as you progress through the grieving process and think of the positive influence he was.

My brother died of colon cancer. He did not want to do the prep. He was 66 years old. He told me he wished he had the colonoscopy and felt regret.

Golden I'm sorry for your loss. You are fortunate that you remained friends. I don't want anything to do with my exes.

Hugs to you!

golden: I am sorry for the loss of your ex. Condolences.

A friend just passed of appendix cancer. He was 51 years old.

Llama -so sorry your friend passed - my sympathies. He was young!

Sorry Llama.

My this site has been full of sad news lately.

Llama, so sorry.

golden: Thank you so much. His cancer was extremely rare. He passed 18 - 19 months after dx.

Gershun: Thank you very much. Indeed it does have some bad news.

glad: Thank you. Sometimes deaths seem to come in groups of 3. It did for me. My 40 year old friend passed of cardiac arrest. She had Down Syndrome. Another friend passed from a stroke - aged 65.

Golden and Llama, so sorry for your losses.

PB: Thank you so much.

So I'm home again all squeaky clean inside 😏, I'm not sure whether to count this as the start of a new diet plan or make up for lost time and eat like a pig 🐖.

I had the colonoscopy because the tumour from my endometrial cancer revealed a genetic anomaly that predisposes me to other lynch syndrome cancers. All in all the test wasn't too bad, probably because I can't remember any of it!

Eating my favorite Limited Edition holiday white fudge covered Oreo cookies.
I was up for the challenge to have these delivered by Instacart, not an easy thing as the stores were out of stock, it took awhile.

Thanks everyone. Gordon was "a force" in the words of an old friend. We didn't remain friends, but started redeveloping our relationship on a friendship basis a few years after we parted as, although our lives were taking different paths, we continued to care for one another. He became one of my best friends. I could talk to him about anything, We supported each other when our son died.

Talking with G the last few months, he knew his days were numbered. He had several heart bypasses over 10 years ago and never did get his diabetes under control. I wasn't surprised when I got the news but I am sad - not for him as he is free of his earthly troubles - but for myself and the others who will miss him.

He wanted us to spread Gordie's ashes in Jasper this summer. I will do it in both their memories.

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