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cw - glad it is over and all is well. Better to know that you have Lynch syndrome and take the necessary precautions. Whichever route you take enjoy your Christmas treats!

Thanks Golden, and ((((hugs))) for your loss.

As much as I hate the idea of being caught up in the medical system I know how fortunate we are to have access to it.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

cw - we are indeed blessed in Canada by our health system, though long may we have little use for it.

early bird - You ARE an early bird. but Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and all! 🤶🎅

early: An early Merry Christmas to you.🎅

Too much covid around. Rocketed cancelled for the rest of their season. Saturday Night Live cancelled tonight.

Stay safe and be smart all.

Three NFL games cancelled tomorrow. Colorado Avalanche no games until the 23rd, ten layers out with covid.

I just finished my finals for another term. The workload was brutal at times, like every other term, but I keep saying that it just adds to my sense of accomplishment when it's done! hahah Gallows humor...

It's on my To-Do list to get info about continuing school part time instead of full time. I've finished 14 classes and have 4 + capstone left, and I'm torn about whether to keep the pedal down or ease up. I think info about financial aid will help me decide. Not sure they would cover as much for part time.

This time of year always seems to bring so many extra responsibilities. My car needs new tires for the winter and my battery was dead yesterday so that needs a check up... and work parties and family gatherings and travel, and I guess the nephews/niece are getting cash again this year because I have no clue what to get them even if I went to a mall.

And I don't host or cook a thing! Hats off to those of you who do. :-)

Hoping there isn't a spike in covid cases after the holidays but... we'll see.

glad: Right about Covid. The Omicron variant is bad.

Ali: Congrats!

Glad I hear ya about covid. Our hockey games here in Vancouver are cancelled for the next few days. I was looking forward to watching tonight.

All the restrictions are slowing getting reinforced again. It's sooo depressing. I've got covid fatigue on top of covid fatigue.

No Christmas get togethers this year, not that I'm too disappointed about that cause I usually regret going to be honest but I am so sorry for everyone who this is affecting.

Insomnia: why can't it start in the morning..? :-) The pressure of finals plus onset of menses have combined (and the full moon). For decades, this has been a recipe for bad insomnia for me. It doesn't help that I ran out of Ambien during finals and didn't have time to go pick up more. I'd love to get off of them but they've been so helpful. My PCP supports my continuing on them after hearing me complain about sleep habits and fatigue for years. I keep checking with her that it's ok for long-term use and she gives me this stern look, and remarks in an authoritative tone and Filipino accent, "WHY SUFFER??" I don't have a good answer for that. lol Why suffer indeed.

Over several hours, I've taken two melatonin tabs, two doses of dyphenhydramine, and glyciene. I'm relaxed... but can't sleep. Doc and I talked about insomnia last visit. She shared that she couldn't sleep for several days that week and was picking up her own Rx for Ambien. I think hormonal changes play a big part in insomnia for women.

thinking about us here on this website, and our LOs...
the various hard situations we're dealing with.

emergencies, problems, illness...

wishing us luck! :)

sometimes, it's simply a matter of luck...our LOs's health is better/less complicated than someone else's health.

and then there's money...the more money your LOs have, the more options they have.

courage!! :)
we're trying our best. :)

Ali you should have called me. I, too, had a very hard time last night. Finally got to sleep 230ish. I took first advil pm about 1030, then a second about 130. Once upon a time I took ambien, it cause me to have very scary and vivid dreams, one of which I still remember.

Going to spend time with the kiddos today, spend the night, maybe make krumkake this afternoon, Mexican traditional holiday dinner tonight of tamales and tacos with fixens and sides. Follow up with my doc tomorrow early am.

Anyone find one of these free ornaments in their Xmas tree? Turns out it is very venomous.

The stuff nightmares are made of!

I saw that Glad!
It makes me think of the time I brought a bunch of plants into the house because of an unexpected frost and inadvertently brought a garter snake in too and it came out to explore once it warmed up🤯🤣.
TG we don't have venomous snakes where I live!

I saw Christmas tree “bonus” ornament video. I knew there was a good reason I have a fake tree!

Church Christmas school program was this morning. I lead K-3 choir. Everyone looked cute but this undoubtedly was the most off key rendition of “We Three Kings” EVER. Now I have to go to Girls and Boys club party.

hugs, everyone!! :)

wishing us a great xmas!!! :) :)

let’s make it the best xmas!! we all deserve it, after all this weird pandemic stuff/laws/etc.

i’ll be with my parents.
:) :)

i have lots of wonderful surprises for them. i hide roses every year, and then Santa appears (looks a bit like me) and gives them, with a note (handwriting a bit like mine). my parents are suspicious, but they still believe in Santa.

Right on schedule - winter is here. Cold, windy and little ice droplets. Supposed to get down to 2 F. Light snow forecasted for a couple of days later in the week. Ice on the lake but not solid yet. My walk tomorrow will be bone chilling. There are some new little boys down the lake road. They’re from The Sudan. They are amazed at the lake and don’t understand ice at all. Snow will be really exciting for them.

NHL has shut down all games now until after Xmas. Many shows cancelled. Other sports teams evaluating what to do. Are we heading where we were two years ago with everything shut down?

Just a reminder that yes, the Omicrap variant is more contagious but it is far less deadly, as mutations always are. Look up the stats. Also keep in mind that when they do report covid-related deaths, they aren't telling (or don't know because they didn't test) what variant was responsible.

Glad, I sure hope not. I miss watching my hockey. It's been the only thing exciting lately. Now, if I don't even have that anymore. Well to be frank. That will just suck!

Gershun starts for all teams wednesday, avalanche are shut down with ten players positive.

Glad, that's too bad. As of today no new players have tested positive on the Canucks. But latest I heard is maybe it's a go on the 27th. But it changes every second.

We'll see.

Our provincial infection rate is heading up like a rocket and since they've now opened up booster doses to pretty much everyone the chances of me snagging an appointment any time soon seem pretty slim. The local pharmacy told me to check back late this week but I did this dance without success the first time around so I'm not holding my breath.

College teams all in place, ready to play, then cancelled. Lion King cancelled until December 28. Yes, all due to Covid.

We had a significant surge here 2-3 weeks ago, probably not omicron, wait and see.

My student advisor called me today. Turns out, she'll be the deciding factor for full-time vs part-time. She told me that my next class is a prerequisite for the other 3. Unless I make a special appeal, I can take only one 6 credit class next term. I'm relieved and it's fine, even if financial aid doesn't cover that much. I think one term that's a little less hectic will set me up to go back to full time... and then I'm done in two more terms. So close but still so far away. Getting there, though!

geaton - I would like to see those stats. My understanding of mutations is that they can go either way though they are much more likely to become less lethal.

cw - hang in there and keep trying to get your booster shot. It appears that it helps.

glad - case numbers are going up in Eastern Canada, spectacularly in some places and also across the country. From 22 cases locally two weeks ago we have now 47 - not large numbers here, but a great % increase. It's not omicron - that is yet to hit fully. Hunkering down here for another covid driven winter.

ali - I think that is very good! You will have a break, relatively speaking, Enjoy!!! I remember 3rd year university and thinking "What's the point? This is going on for ever" but of course it wasn't - just felt that way.

You are so close to completion. What an achievement!!!

Grandson Joel had his surgery and is fine. Still waiting for results of dd's biopsy. Feeling the loss of ex. He was in my life - sometimes closer, sometimes further - for 53 years. It's a long time. We had ironed out our differences some time ago, so all that was left was the caring.

what's on my mind? :)

some quotes i collected in the past weeks.
:) i just want to lift us up, make us laugh, try to make us feel better. pre-xmas hug!!


...opinion has caused more trouble on this little earth than plagues or earthquakes. hold a pen is to be at war.

...when he to whom one speaks does not understand, and he who speaks himself does not understand, that is metaphysics.

...i'm not saying let's kill all stupid people. i'm just saying let's remove all the warning labels and let the problem sort itself out.

...a happy dog lying in bed, with headphones and listening to a tape recorder.
[canine affirmation tapes]
"good doggie! you're - such - a good doggie! aren't you? yes, you are!"

...aside from the people, the hours, the work, the pay, the stress and the migraines, this is the best job i ever had.

...sometimes when things are falling apart, they might actually be falling into place.

...the path to every victory is paved with predictions of failure.

...there is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come.
:) businessman to another, "now and again, i give myself a $10 million bonus. that's my favorite stress management technique."

...first say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.

...find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough. a harp and annoy everyone as you learn how to play it. something you were never allowed to do when you were younger, like make a mud pie or eat a whole tub of ice cream, or wear a "too-short" skirt and "not-very-sensible" shoes.

...always do sober what you'd do drunk. first. think later. it's the natural order.

...goodness makes greatness truly valuable. not think you will necessarily be aware of your own enlightenment.

...don't raise your voice, improve your argument.

...the first to apologize is the bravest. the first to forgive is the strongest. the first to forget is the happiest.

...excuse me, i have to go be awesome.

magic happens when you do not give up, even when you want to. the universe always falls in love with a stubborn heart.

inspirational-quote-girl bundle of joy :)

Cwillie, those who are interested in the stats can find them online. In the UK, where there is a high rate of vaccination, they are having as much of a surge in cases as far less vaccinated/boosted nations. It was just in the news yesterday that some US lawmakers who are double vaccinated now have covid (assuming it is Omicron but we are never told). This means the boostering is not effective against Omicron. Yet the death rates are quite low. The death rate is the ONLY stat anyone should be concerned with, not the spread or rate or infection. The death rates are low and thus we should not be paralyzed with fear at this much weaker mutation. Go out and live your life (and wear an N95 mask if it helps ease your mind).

It was Golden who asked about statistics Geaton, I'm a news junkie so I do my own research😉
Taking prudent precautions is not the same as living "paralyzed with fear" and I haven't met anyone in real life who is living that way. Personally I know that my age and with no high risk factors dying from covid isn't likely, but being sick as a dog and/or possibly needing medical intervention is not something I want to deal with if I can easily avoid it. I've always taken precautions during flu season too, and I have ranted here about the lax attitude of so many people who spread that to vulnerable people.

(masks are mandated here so of course I will be wearing one, the only people who aren't are the anti vaxx looney-toons so they aren't allowed to go anywhere, which makes them easy to avoid)

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