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cwillie- no name calling please.

What we have observed so far since the release of the Covid vaccines:

Covid vaccines do NOT prevent infection.
Covid vaccines do NOT prevent spread
Covid vaccines do NOT prevent mutations

Vaccinated people still get Covid, spread Covid, and some died from it. Same for unvaccinated people. No difference.

The only thing Covid vaccines are supposed to do is to reduce the severity of the symptoms. This benefit has to be weighed against the severity of the side effects of the vaccines.

The US government just awarded the first claim of injury or death from the Covid vaccines. There are currently thousands of claims allready filed. And I expect a lot more soon and in the future as long term side effects come to light.

Sorry Polarbear, I don't know what you are talking about, I didn't call anyone here any names. If you mean the anti vaxxer comment - that was about the fanatical, in your face, rude, and disrespectful of everyone else just doing their jobs people who are acting like idiots, yes IMO they are very much looney tunes (and given that we are nearing 90% vaccinated they are very much in the minority). If you choose to not vaccinate but are going about your life following mandates (however reluctantly) and respecting other people's different choices this in not you.

Cwillie, my mistake, it was Golden who asked. For the record, I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I'm anti-mandate (everyone should have the right to control the destiny of their own body and health decisions). I've had covid and have had the first 2 Pfizer shots. I won't be getting any others since it won't affect anything and I don't have any underlying health issues. My husband, who has never had the vaccine, still has not gotten any variant of covid, in spite of living normally and maskless among people, and in a family where many have had it. I actually DO know people who are paralyzed with fear, and are ruining their Christmas holidays with their obsession about masking, vaccines, boostering and who gave covid to who. Not provable who gave it to who so why even go there? I'm talking about healthy people who have no real reason to be so afraid. It's sad.

If we all just change the name of something, then change the definition of everything, and then remove the time and dates from all publications, we will end up brainwashed, gaslighted, and confused.

Changing the name of this thread from ON MY MIND to
OUT OF MY MIND may shorten the posts, because no one wants to admit how crazy the pandemic has made each of us over a long period of time.

Geaton - I think a lot of the difference in the level of fear might have to do with how the community as a whole in your area are behaving, I suppose if I lived in a place where nobody took any precautions whatsoever and was going about their lives as though the virus was a hoax I'd be a lot more distrustful. I've never felt the divide between your nation and mine so definitively, and to me it's telling that so many of our anti vaxxers seem to consume so much American media that they are often heard spouting quotes about politics, laws and the constitution that are not relevant in Canada.

send - you may have something there though I am not admitting to being one of the crazies 😉

cw - amen, the great divide...

The new daily reported cases of covid have absolutely skyrocketed where I live. Hospitals are raising the alarm, again, that they have extreme bed/staff shortages. It's troubling. From what I've read, the vast majority of new patients are those who haven't been vaccinated.

Health and healing to all. We've been through A LOT the past 20 months.

Hey, some good news! At least for me. ;-) Financial aid will cover part time status this next term. I will get half my grant money and all loans awarded, and no gap in enrollment status for the loans that could affect cancellation or trigger payback. This is great.

Ali, good news indeed!

Watching the news, announcement of colleges that will not open immediately after Xmas break. Sounds like two years ago.

Ali wonderful!

ali - great news about your school financing!!! Yay!! I am so happy for you. Not good news about covid cases going up. It's happening here too.

Golden: Prayers for your grandson and your daughter.

Ali: That's great news in re your college.

Well we broke down and got a new mattress today, delivery to be on Sun so thats at least after the holiday. I sleep very poorly, get lots of joint pain , and hubs is always hot. He could not wrap his head around those purple mattesses that come all rolled up ( our DD got one and loves it) so we stopped by the mattress store today to look at one. So after lying on it, and trying all the bells and whistles.. the guy says if you like that,, completely different but same price mostly,, try a tempurpedic.. OMG I am love,, at least with the trial, and we get 4 months to return it if we don;t like it. It has massage, goes up and down on the feet and head, and I could not feel my hubs moving around AT ALL !! That is wonderful right there! You sort of sink into it after a few seconds and feel all supported. If I sleep better it will be worth every penny!

Well, hate to be a downer especially at this time of year and with all the other bad news around but I have gotten so depressed the last two to three days. I always get depressed this time of year but this is a hundred times worse. I don't know why or how I've gotten like this but just wanted to come on here and vent.

My tolerance to my hubs and his emotional roller coaster personality is down to nothing and I think that's part of the problem. I'm always having to adjust myself to his moods. If's he's up it's a good day but when he's down and when I say down in his case this can mean just about anything. Swearing, cursing wishing death upon his fellow mankind, or sullen, whiny and constantly complaining and feeling sorry for himself. Its gotten to the point that I don't even enjoy his good days anymore cause I'm just anticipating the bad day just around the corner. He's not abusive. He's just self centered and childish. He comes from a culture that babies their men and treats them like they are Kings. I'm not from his culture.

I just can't do it anymore. When do I get to have my time to wallow? When do I get to lay around, feel sorry for myself and have him be my pillar of strength. Cause inevitably when I'm feeling sad and need comforting I may get it for half a day and then it's back to him, him, him, him. He's so used to me being the strong one, the sensible one, the comforting one that when I'm feeling like I've been feeling lately he just looks at me and gives me the "snap out of it" expression. He's completely useless in bad, sad, situations. When my mom was dying he couldn't even comfort me then. I've always been good at comforting myself with my faith etc. but that isn't even working for me these days.

These last few days I just have shut down emotionally. I don't have it in me to give him the pep talks, the listening ear, the adult speeches. I'm just so tired of having to prop him up endlessly.

I love him.........but I just don't know what to do anymore. I don't know if I can live like this anymore. I don't want to leave him but what do I do?

Any advice?

PS: He doesn't think there is anything wrong with the way he acts so suggesting he goes for counseling just won't fly.

Ali, great news!

Gershun, I am feeling VERY cranky also; at DH, my kids, everyone. I think its a combination of the dark, the seaonal expectation of joy and the recent surge.

Can you try just ignoring DH for a few days? Leave him to his own resources and don't participate in the "dance"?

I think I'm going ignore everyone myself...

(((((((hugs))))))) gershun - sorry you are having such a hard time. As I am sure you know, you can't change anyone else, you can only change yourself.

A few thoughts - "Swearing, cursing wishing death upon his fellow mankind, etc " - being around that is emotional abuse in my books. When he is behaving better, I would tell him that I can't be around someone who behaves like that as it is too hard on me -and when he starts leave the room and go somewhere else. He is getting what he wants which is your attention and support. You can choose not to enable his behaviour by changing your behaviour. Stop the pep talks, the listening ear, the adult speeches

I agree he is self centered and childish. Pandering to his moods doesn't do you nor him any good.

Focus on yourself and getting your needs met. "When do I get to have my time to wallow? When do I get to lay around, feel sorry for myself and have him be my pillar of strength." Take time to wallow if that's what you want to do. Have your pity party when you want one - BUT - and a big BUT here - don't expect him to be your pillar of strength. Find your support elsewhere. Maybe with a change in dynamics in your relationship he can learn to be more supportive - maybe not. In any case you need support sometimes and if he can't/won't give it you need to find it elsewhere. I am not suggesting you find another man. Think about where you can get the support you need. I know it is not easy.

You don't HAVE to prop him endlessly. It is your choice to do so or not. It sounds like you are burnt out. Concentrate on you and doing what is good for you, what lifts you up and stop doing what drags you down.

Gershun: I am sorry that you are having a difficult time. Hugs.💜

Scheduled Covid booster for 12/28 at local CVS, which is less than one mile away from my house.

Barb: Hugs to you, too. The holidays often are a difficult time.

Merry Christmas! I’m in the ER. I slipped putting salt on the porch steps. Broke my right lower femur. Orthopedist will do surgery next week. Meanwhile a cast and admitted to hospital. Glad I didn’t have holiday plans.

Becky! Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry to hear. Merry Christmas!

Becky, prayers for a fast recovery.

Becky, that must have been quite a surprise.  I'm sorry to learn it happened, and hope that your stay, surgery and recovery are successful, and quick.    Who knew that porches could harbor such a potential danger?

It seems as though others are facing some challenges as well.  I hope that relaxation, contemplation on life and family and what's good about life help you, me and the others here through the rest of the year and through the pandemic.

Becky - so sorry. Hope they look after you well and you recover quickly.

Oh dear. I guess I had better come clean, I wasn't going to mention it but...front porches seem to be dangerous places.

This winter I took care to set up mine and the steps for the winter with non-skid mats so I, visitors, and those delivering items would be safe, but I had an incident the other day, too.

The last grocery deliverer scattered the groceries all over the front stoop including placing two cartons of eggs, not bagged, on the edge of the stoop. I stretched and leaned over to get the eggs and started to lose my balance. Took a big step to counterbalance - all good so far - but that meant I stepped off the stoop, over a step and landed one foot on the driveway, which slopes down. From then on I must have looked like a drunken sailor leaning into a high wind as I lurched about 1/3 of the way down the driveway, trying to regain my balance, grabbing a rose twig on the way - which didn't help - and finally landing on my side with the side of my face and the edge of my glasses hitting the concrete. I got up right away.

My glasses aren't broken nor are any bones. I just have a little scraped skin on my knees and a small cut on a finger, a sore spot on my thigh and a few wandering aches here and there. I haven't found any bumps or bruises other than a goose egg under my eyebrow, a sore cheek bone and a lovely black eye developing where my glasses dug into my eye. I guess my bones are good and I consider myself very fortunate, if not very pretty, at the moment.

Had I been on level ground I don't think I would have fallen, but gravity took over.

I am so glad I didn't land on the eggs. 😉

Becky, sorry to read that. What do you mean lower right femur? I am by no means a skeletal system genius, I thought the femur was a thigh bone.

Fast healing and recovery.

Glad, It's fibula. Ortho guy just corrected me. Too many pain meds - my minds bad.

Becky - wishing you quick healing and recovery.

Golden - a close call, wasn't it? Glad it wasn't worse.

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