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becky - better the fibula than the femur!

polar - yes, indeed, Thx

Gokden, I am glad the eggs made it;-) Priorities, right?

Hope you feel less banged up soon.

ITRR. ] thx. Actually with the black eye, I look more banged up than I feel. So thankful!

Becky: Oh, my! So sorry. I saw your post on the dinner thread before coming on this thread and I saw that you missed the dinner cutoff and wondered.

golden: Oh, my! Sorry that you, too, had a mishap. Hope you heal quickly.

Golden, be careful! I am glad you didn't land on the eggs either. That would have made one heck of a slippery, slimy mess.

Take care of yourself and be careful. Good thing you didn't break anything. Strong Scandinavian stock.

llama -thx -I'm doing fine.

thx glad - makes me wonder at the wisdom of my driveway being kept so clean. Landing on snow would have been softer. The eggs would have been a mess and what's more I would have had to clean the mess up!

I will have to practice better lifting technique - i.e. not bending over but squatting to lift. Strong Scandinavian stock for sure. I don't remember anyone in the family ever breaking bones though one of my boys did break a couple as a child. Jumping off the garage roof feet first onto frozen ground is too hard for the heels.

What about placing some sort of sled type object on the porch with a rope to the door so you can just pull it in to unload? Label the sled, of course, to leave objects inside of it.

glad - it hasn't been a problem as usually the groceries are piled very close to the door so I don't have to reach far, and eggs are normally bagged. I should have either stood closer to them or, even more sensibly, squatted to pick them up. If they had been in a bag it wouldn't have happened. The bottom of my door is not level with the stoop so anything like a sled would have to be lifted over the door sill which wouldn't be easy.. I'll just be more careful from now on and practice my squats and proper lifting technique more. 😉

One lady I know who has back and balance problems has a table on her porch for deliveries. That's not a bad idea.

I did alert instacart and said I did not want that shopper again - not bagging eggs????.

golden: You're very welcome.

I’m being moved to NH today. My orthopedist says swelling has to go down before he can operate. Probably 3 weeks. New x-rays read by radiologist show 4 bones broken in my ankle and foot along with tibia fracture. NH will keep my foot/leg elevated. My stepson who is a doctor thinks I have 3 to 4 months before I’ll be up and around much. Getting hauled around to go for dialysis isn’t much fun either.

Oh, Becky! That really sucks. I am so sorry.


Becky, ugh I'm so sorry but hang in there and have a speedy recovery!

bechy - That's not good news! Hope they treat you well in NH. Heal fast so yo can be out of there. You are on dialysis?

Golden, Yes I’m on dialysis for over a year now. Do 5 days a week at home. I try not to talk about it much. It can be annoying but better than the alternative. My stepson is going to bring my equipment to the NH so I won’t have to be transported. My regular dialysis tech will come for my treatments so the NH staff doesn’t have extra duties.

So sorry the hear that, Becky. Glad you have family support and cooperation from your regular dialysis tech. Now you have me confused between fibula or tibia fracture We've ruled out the femur. Stay safe!

Becky, great big warm hug.

Continued prayers for your health and sanity.

Golden, I’m confused too. According to the last ortho it’s also called a tib-fib fracture. It’s a matter of inches above the ankle. I think my 8 yo grandson has it right. “Mimi broked her whole leg”. All I know is it hurts.

Real, my sanity is already questionable.

Becky, that's what the prayers are for. 3 to 4 months of recovery would be difficult for those not already in question ;-)

I would be a full blown nutter. Oh wait, maybe....

From the mouths of babes, yep, your whole leg got broked.

If you think of the last chicken drumstick you picked clean, the tibia is the main bone and the fibula is the skinny bendy weedy one at the back. They call it tib-fib for short because both tend to get displaced. With the tibia (I think I'm right in saying) it's usually (?) a spiral fracture, unravelling itself like one of those cardboard tubes you get in the centre of wrapping paper. Very sore and miserable, I'm so sorry for it.

CM, Thanks for your explanation. Better than the 2 ortho docs and radiologist.

becky - sounds like both tibia and fibula are broken - your grandson got it right. With ankle and bone involvement too - OUCH! I hope you tolerate pain killers well. Prayers for quick healing,

Finally, G-d is good. One drop of love {by making available these Pills to people that cannot take the vaccine because they have medical problems as listed below} will and can create a sea of good will very happy tears.
The antiviral pills aren’t for everyone who gets a positive test. The pills are intended for those with mild or moderate COVID-19 who are more likely to become seriously ill. That includes older people and those with other health conditions like heart disease, cancer or diabetes that make them more vulnerable. Both pills were OK'd for adults while Paxlovid is authorized for children ages 12 and older.

Becky: How are you doing today? Sending prayers to you. Sorry, I posted this before I had a chance to get on my phone and I see that you have additional bone breaks and that you have to wait three weeks. Terrible. And painful. Sorry, too, for the dialysis.

Llama, Got transferred to NH. Didn't get my first choice but it's nice. Fairly large room, big enough to hold my dialysis equipment. Plenty of staff. My son and grandchildren arrived for a few days. Got a cast on my leg so that I can't displace anything before surgery in a few weeks. My stepson is the in-house doctor which is good. I'll have to get used to the noise. It seems a little much but maybe that's me. They moved really fast because they needed my room for Covid patients. I can lay around the NH just as well as the hospital.

Becky: It sounds like you are being well taken care of at the NH. It's nice that your son and grandchildren are there and that your stepson is the in house physician. I am so sorry that this happened to you.

I got my NH schedule for showers, hair washing, etc. Got menus for the week to make selection and what’s available to eat 24/7 and when it will be delivered. Big event was getting fitted for a wheelchair with a full leg extension. Seems well organized.

Becky, you said this place wasn't your first or second choice. As an academic exercise, can you reveal the number of stars this place has on CMS?

I often found that the quality of care and the rating often didn't add up.

Barb, I didn’t check. My stepson is the house doctor for several NH’s. I went by his recommendation.

I just checked. It got 5 stars. So did my other choices.

Becky: I'll keep praying for you.

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