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Second day at nursing home. Interesting to see what really goes on versus what older folks tell their visitors. For me, the biggest thing is boredom. According to my 16 yo grandson it's his kind of life. lay in bed, sleep and watch TV.
Sounds like my dad; he liked the nursing home.

dear everyone and our LOs,

wishing us a wonderful, happy new year 2022!!!! :) :) :) :)
may all our wishes come true!! :) :) :)

i wish all of us great leaps forward to further solve our difficult situations.
it's a new year very soon.

lots of hope.
infinite possibilities.
a new start.

pre-new-year hugs!!!! :) :) :) :)

bundle of joy :)

oh -- and so many of us have cared, and loved, helped our LOs in soooo many ways (whatever form that make take) (there are many ways to help) ----

be proud of all the help you gave!! :) :) :).

different topic:
some of us have verrrry ungrateful LOs, verrry abusive LOs, who try to make us feel horrible, trample on us, try to destroy us, want us absolutely not to feel proud of ourselves.

be proud of all the help you gave!! :) :) :)

pre-new-year hugs!!

bundle of joy :)

Westminster Dog Show to be rescheduled. New case count number per day, shattered, new restrictions for the National Western,

While omicron appears to be not as dangerous, it spreads more easily, what will the next variant do? It could spread easily and cause more death.

Hard to believe we have been doing this for almost two years!

dear glad :),

wishing us all well! :)

regarding variants...corona...
since the beginning we've been told everything, and the opposite...

--masks don't help; they help; they don't help
--corona is not mutating, don't worry; corona is mutating, there are variants
--don't worry about the variants, you're vaccinated; worry about the variants, sometimes the vaccines don't work
--the vaccines are safe; the vaccines aren't safe (in norway, research is showing that the vaccines might be affecting many women's menstruation negatively); they're unsafe; they're safe...

the news changes constantly.

i think, trust your instinct.

pre-new-year hugs!!

bundle of joy :)

My son and grandchildren stopped by to visit. On their way to start the long drive back to IL. Won’t see them again until late summer. Ordered some new books. Plenty of time to read.

My DH and I dodged a major bullet! So on Christmas eve, DH's sister hosted his side of the family's Christmas get together, but as I had been having the presyncope AND the fact that we would have to travel 2+ hours in bumper-to-bumper traffic, we opted out this year. Well, his sister, who was the host, her husband tested positive for Covid. Many of the family members in attendance also got it and they are having a difficult time obtaining sold out test kits. I am about to turn 75 in two weeks and I don't need Covid (who does?).

glad: Westminster Dog Show's rescheduling is big news. 😢

Becky: Travel mercies to your son and grandchildren. Get into some good reads.📚📚 You possess a positive mindset. Do you still reside in Maine at the NH? I believe that you recently gave the answer to Barb - Idk what your answer was.

Llama, Yes I am in Maine. I moved away after my husband died, but came back.

llama -so glad you and dh dodged that bullet!!!

South Africa (where Omicron originated) has lifted its restrictions because the 4th wave has already peaked.

Last night our MN local news reported 6750 cases of covid with 48 deaths (that's less than 1% death rate and they don't report which variants did what).

We keep getting reports from my MIL's facility of staff testing positive but still no infections in the residents, thankfully.

Wishing all a healthy New Year filled with peace and joy!

The unfortunate thing about omicron is that although it is "54% less likely to result in hospitalization" there are exponentially more people catching it.

Yesterday's local CBC coverage reports "726 patients with COVID-19 being treated in hospitals, up from 420 last Wednesday", also "There are 190 patients being treated for COVID-related illnesses in intensive care units, compared to 168 at the same time last week". Our government has once again slapped restrictions aimed to curtail outbreaks in long term care and other congregate settings. Many hospitals are also once again postponing elective surgeries as they prep for an influx of patients (and that means everything that isn't imminently life threatening). Sign, déjà vu.

Nephew #3 is currently isolating with minor symptoms, there is no testing capacity available but since he was in close contact with confirmed cases on Christmas day we all are certain it's covid, the first case in my family.

Geaton, I heard subsequent reports saying that the Omicron variant actually originated from Europe. But it's neither here nor there at this point.

Sad to hear about Nephew #3 with symptoms. I know you were concerned for your nephews, and had warned them. When that anger that may start to brew gets hold of you, remember it is your heart that is hurting.

People are not thinking straight. They do not consider the earliest guidelines in 2020 because they are smarter and have rejected advice, made up their own

Early on in 2020, the chiropractor was taking temperatures before people could come in. Turned out, this was a good test, and they sent someone home who it turned out had Covid.

I'm not angry Send, he did everything right I think. He and his housemate both have been vaccinated (better late than never), they were invited to her grandmother's on Christmas day and other family members attended unexpectedly because the gathering they were supposed to attend was cancelled due to the host having covid 🙄. Because he works as a furniture delivery man he opted to isolate even before becoming symptomatic in order to protect the public, and that makes me proud!

Sorry to maybe project that anger on you, Cwilllie.

I guess it is me that is angry that these sad and scary things are happening beyond anyone's control. To the whole world, and close to home.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wishing all of you a peaceful and healthy New Year.

Same to you Early Bird.

Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year - peace, joy and love. 💖💙💛💚💜🧡🕊

Becky: Maine used to be my former 'back yard,' so to speak. My mother (and me when I had to leave Maryland and take care of her) lived 3 miles from the New Hampshire state line.

golden: Thank you.
Happy New Year!

cwillie: Prayers for your nephew.

EB: Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to each and every one of you on here!

Nephew #2 popped the question (and of course she said yes)!
That means he finally feels he is in a stable place in his life and career now, so double yay!

Finally got some snow!

Strange landscape in Boulder County. 1,000 burnt homes now with several inches of snow on them and areas still smoldering.

I'm happy to see you posting Glad, after watching the news I was a little concerned you might be in the fire region.

Thanks CW fire area about 80 miles southwest from here. We sure did get smoke on Thursday. Initially, they thought the fire might have been started by downed power lines. No evidence of that was found. Now video from a ring camera show a shed (probably 120 square feet) on fire sometime before the inferno began. 😕

glad - I know what you mean. The winter after the fire here, one area of the city that had been completely burned looked kind of eerie - "skeletons" of the houses in the snow,

cwillie: Congratulations to your nephew and his fiance!

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