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Llama, I’m originally from WV. Moved to ME in 1983. Love all of New England. Moved back to WV after my husband died in 2020, but moved back to ME to help one my stepsons. I won’t move back to WV now.

Becky: Good for you. My roots are in NE, but I've been in the mid Atlantic area since '72 albeit having had to move to Westford, MA and in with my late mother to care for her in 2013.

Best wishes for a fantastic 2022 (or better than 2020/21 covid craziness), everyone! I spent NYE at home, then spent all day today doing a big clean out of clothes. It was long overdue. I have 6 trash bags for donation. 😲 Feels like it will be a good year for me -- I'm hopeful. Graduation is on track for 5-6 months from now.

My nephew is trying to set up a financial management franchise. I bought life insurance from him. Payments are too high imo due to being a nicotine user, but I am willing to help him out. He's only 22yo and working his butt off. I'm proud of him but it remains to be seen what will come from all his hard work.

I found out over Christmas that SIL and cousin had bad covid experiences the past year, including covid pneumonia, and both still have some remaining symptoms. This virus is terrible.

Glad, I'm relieved you are ok. NPR reported that Kentucky has a lot of wild fires right now -- and winter fires have never happened there before! Wow. Makes you wonder what is going on, and I'm praying this level of devastation will stop soon. I feel for anyone going through this.

Ali: It's always a great relief to purge out clothing no longer needed. I've done it multiple times. Congratulations on soon to be completing your college courses and getting your diploma.

Wow ali - what great progress!!! Grad in 5-6 months seems unreal. Good for you getting rid of stuff! I hope your nephew does well in his new business. I am sure it is a challenge and very nice that you are supporting him. Sorry about your family that has lingering effects of covid. That is what most concerns me abut getting it. It does look like this year is shaping up well for you. That's awesome!

I had too many visitors today. Friends, family, neighbors. Too much food, too many good treats. But now I’m worn out and I have to get up early. Dialysis and then transported to my nephrologist appt.

I found this interesting. I had been wondering how deaths from covid compared to deaths from flu. I finally read it today in a CBC New Brief

"Deaths from influenza and pneumonia typically number fewer than 10,000 annually in pre-pandemic years, according to federal health statistics, with COVID-19 deaths in Canada more than 30,000 in slightly less than two years, with evidence of neurological, kidney and lung issues for some surviving patients not typically seen in flu cases. In the U.S., COVID-19 has killed more than 800,000 Americans in two years, while flu typically kills between 12,000 and 52,000 a year"

Pretty convincing that this is not just another flu, however, like flu, it will stay around.

'"Certainly COVID will be with us forever," Dr. Albert Ko, an infectious disease specialist at the Yale School of Public Health, told The Associated Press. "We're never going to be able to eradicate or eliminate COVID, so we have to identify our goals."

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious disease expert, is looking ahead to a time when controlling the virus "does not disrupt society, that does not disrupt the economy."'

One bonus of wearing a mask in our very cold temperatures with a frigid wind is that the mask protects your face and makes going out much more bearable!!!

Went to nephrologist this morning. My dry weight is off so he reduced my fluids. I was limited to 32 ounces. Now I can have a whopping 26 ounces. I’ll be sucking a lot ice chips instead of actually drinking anything. More fun...

golden, those Covid death numbers are way INFLATED. They include everyone who died of the Flu and died WITH Covid, not just died OF Covid.

Last year, the CDC reported around 600 or so deaths from Flu compared to the average of 36,000 flu deaths in the US . This incredulous drop in flu deaths is due to the deaths being wrongly counted as Covid deaths.

So we had a very strange weather pattern here in the mid Atlantic. It was near 60° on Sunday and 28° with snow on Monday.

Just feel like the last 2 years were more like 2 days... stuck in a vacuum... while still caregiving my 94 year old parent in this Pandemic ... How do we make sense of it all?

Hi Heart2Heart! It's good to see a post from you, though I'm sorry you're still struggling on in your caregiving role. Speaking of the time warp of the past couple years, it feels more like 10 years to me. But, during my 7 years of caregiving, 2012-2016 were pretty much a blur. I have no idea where those years went. It was like Groundhog's Day -- nothing changed much or stands out -- except for the repeat crises -- so it was the same day after the other. I wish you some comfort though I don't have any advice (that you don't already know) on how to get that for yourself. Please do something, anything uplifting for yourself. It's been a rough couple of years even in the best situations. 💜

Yet another variant, multiple mutations.
This new mutant, called B.1.640.2, has 46 mutations in an "atypical combination," several more mutations than omicron, which has 37, according to a preprint study that has not yet been peer-reviewed.

Does anyone follow Dr. Roger Seheult, M.D. of Medcram?
Posted on facebook, plus an update on the omicron variant?

Interested in his recommendations for supplements to increase immunity,
(see his Video Update #59).

Also, drugs hospitals are using to treat the virus. (If I have that right). The recommended monoclonal antibodies (must be infused) are Bamlavimab, Estesevimab, Casirivimab, Imdevimab (Regeneron), and to neutralize the omicron variant: Sotrovimab.

Even the wisest and most educated can be influenced by personal bias and superstition, (look at Dr Oz - he may be a good/great cardiologist but he has undoubtedly backed a lot of quackery). The fact that Roger Seheult believes in his regimen doesn't mean it is effective, but it doesn't mean that it isn't either, and if something is cheap and easy and causes no harm them I wouldn't fault anyone who follows his advice. For me the important question is - is he making any money off any of these supplements?

Hello everyone,
Requesting prayers for my dear mom who contracted Covid. We just got the results today. I also have Covid and niece and brother still waiting for test results. Mom feels quite ill but stable.


EB, I hope you all recover quickly without long term effects.


EB, here's to speedy and full recoveries for everyone in your family. Today we got another letter from my MIL's facility of yet another breakthrough case in a resdient brought in by sick staff. The first rapid test was positive, the follow-up PCR test was negative, and so they did another PCR test and are awaiting the results. It will be extremely interesting to me if the 2nd PCR test doesn't match the results of the first one... or the rapid test.

Two weeks ago the neighbouring public health unit reported outbreaks in 5 facilities, 2 covid and the others listed as unknown. Yesterday's report lists 22, 2 of them in regional hospitals - all covid but one.

EB, prayers sent for your family. May The Lord lay HIS healing hand on all of you.

EB: Prayers for you and your dear mother, your niece and brother.

Going for his and hers hearing tests at Costco today.

EB, good thought for your family.

EB - prayers for you and your family to get well/stay well ((((((hugs))))))

cw - cases are going up very rapidly here too - a couple of weeks ago there were 22 cases in town - now nearly 200 and rising...

Thinking about postal regulations. IN THE MAIL-a new way to spread Covid, imo.
It is against the law to send certain biohazards in the U.S. mail for a reason.

But here we all are, so eager to be sending back a PCR test in the mail for results. Or sending a specimen to be tested for occult blood. Handled by non-medical lay persons, aka the general public.

Watching the news is more than disturbing. Has anyone noticed the changes in testing techniques using the swab up your nose? Now self-administered by the public, who would not know a pharynx from their nasal passages to save their lives. You can now watch this on your T.V.

Please don't shoot the messenger.

I've got to say that I'm not terribly worried about the mailing of medical specimens, with covid at least it's aerosol transmission that is the main driver and I'm much more concerned with sharing air with people who don't mask or who mask incorrectly (I'm talking about you with your nose hanging out and you who has to keep pulling up your too loose mask) in an enclosed space, especially for prolonged periods.

Update: DH has almost perfect hearing. I have a mild upper register loss in both ears. I guess I do mumble.

Okay, Barb I have to share our experience with me being hard of hearing. Your words just brought it back.

I was always asking my husband to repeat himself, so he scheduled hearing tests for both of us.

So, we go and low and behold, he needs hearing aids.

On the way home, I ask him if he is okay, because I think it is a challenge when we are faced with loss of any ability. He responds, I don't have a problem needing hearing aids, I'm upset because I just knew I would be telling you, "See, I told you so. You can't hear."

We still laugh about him not getting to tell me he told me so.

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