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Do not stand in line, for any reason whatsoever during an alleged surge in Covid-19 cases. Wait two weeks, or more.

This is just my opinion, just as it is everyone's own opinions being expressed on AgingCare.

I am not even going to explain why I think this way. Everyone can do their own research. Think for themselves.

EB, prayers for you and your family.

As for covid. It's running rampant here in Vancouver. Not as bad as some Provinces but it's bad. Willie, I'm guilty of having a loose mask but if I wear it too tight I feel breathless and since I'm prone to having panic attacks I just can't wear it that tight. But I'm careful to not stand too near anyone.

Bonnie Henry, our health minister here in Vancouver has not enforced any newer, stricter health orders. At the press conference she did yesterday she said that she was trusting restaurants, etc. to do the right thing. I think she is worried that if she calls for curfews and shuts down service industries again that there will be rioting in the streets. One of the reporters responded to this by saying, "Just let me pick my jaw up off the floor and then went on to say to her, If you aren't responsible for issuing orders then what are you responsible for?" I thought to myself, she just can't win. If she had called for a curfew that same reporter would have been giving it to for that as well. I don't envy her, her job.

My daughter got the news the other day that she has breast cancer. Dr. said she was very young for that - 56. It's been a difficult month since December when she first started the process of diagnosis, dgs had surgery and ex died. This Wednesday she has a consult in Edmonton where surgery will be. The Cross Cancer Institute there has a great reputation. Prayers are appreciated.

😬 I'm so sorry to hear that Golden.

I'm so sorry, Golden. Prayers for a successful surgery and recovery for your daughter. I hope you can find some ease from the worries and loss you've had lately. My heart goes out to you and your family. Many (((((hugs)))))

Golden ((((hugs)))))). Prayers and thoughts coming her (and your) way.

Ahh, Golden I am so sorry. There are many women that receive that diagnosis even in their 20's. I don't understand the doctor comment about being too young.

Golden, prayers for a successful, easy treatment for your daughter and strength for all of you.

Thoughts and prayers Golden, for your daughter and you. And continuing on the long road to health. Everytime I pray for Gladimhere, who has recovered,
I won't forget your daughter.

There are never too many prayer requests, and I am still praying for NHWM's request for prayers for her family's health, even though she has not returned.
And more recently, Earlybird's health and her Mom's from Covid. And so many others in between, not mentioned at this time.

Oh Golden, I am so sorry. You and so many others on here are already in my prayers but I will say extra prayers for your daughter. ((((Golden))) Hugs to you and your daughter!

My heart and prayers are with you Golden. 🙏❤️🕊

Golden, I'm so sorry to learn of this diagnosis.    Did the oncologist provide a staging level?   

I hope that the plan of care is successful, that your daughter's cancer isn't so severe that it disrupts her life, that she remains as stable as can be, and that she'll eventually receive a clean bill of health diagnosis!

golden: I am so sorry to hear of your daughter's diagnosis. Hugs and prayers.💛

Thanks all for prayers. I am a great believer in the power of prayer as is my daughter.

glad - I don't understand the doctor either. It doesn't jive with what I have read, though apparently the risk goes up with age.

ga -she hasn't met with her oncologist yet - that is scheduled for next week in Edmonton. We don't have oncologists here.

She has been experiencing more than usual fatigue which I understand can be the case before diagnosis of breast cancer. After she got the results she told me that about it and that that was why she suspected the results would be positive for ca.

This is hard for me but so much harder for her.

Golden I am so sorry, my prayers are with you all

Golden, I am sorry life has brought this battle into your lives. Take each day as one day. March forward. Rest when you can. Find support & cheer where you can too. ❤️💜💙

dear everyone :),

just wishing us courage!!

and as Sendhelp wrote, in the website's joke section:

Lift your left leg.
Doing that will assure that you start the New Year off on the right foot.

:) :) bundle of joy

golden: You're very welcome.💜

Was out for coffee this morning. I was telling my friends that I had to go to the Verizon store the end of the year. My new phone drops calls then loses bluetooth connection to my car that will not reconnect unless I turn off the car and restart. Well, that isn't going to happen.

Anyway, there was one person in the store, obviously sick, maybe I wrote about this before? Anyway I told her she should not be there because of the sickness. The reply was that they are short staffed and she didn't have a choice. Timeliness of the survey I received from Verizon about my visit. Nothing wrong with the service, but I did let them have it over the sick employee in the store.

So, why the discussion about coffee this morning? One of the people there was having to go to the next nearest town with a store for help as the one in town is shut down because of two employees with COVID. That store has only three employees. There could be a store manager that is unreasonable, or the company owning the store is unreasonable and not concerned about the safety of the employees or the customers.

Had an interesting incident when I came home from work today. As I came in the door, I saw a car pulling up at the fire hydrant/no-parking space in front and thought nothing of it. People park there all the time. My place has a small lobby and I close the front door, open mine, and walk up the stairs. I hear my downstairs neighbor lady come in and start SCREAMING at me about "I know you saw me coming, you ignoramus b****" and went on like this for awhile. I was shocked. She's been cold for four years but I didn't think she was like *this.* She went on for awhile. I'm embarrassed to say, but after a bit I screamed back... starting with "Are you SERIOUS...??" I screamed at her (yeah, not good), while she's screaming at me, that I had no idea that was her that pulled up. This is all through my unit's door, not in person, but I was heated after listening to her for a bit and ready to confront her, and I think she knew that so she went in her place as I walked down the steps to talk with her (more like scream in person haha *sigh*). I was shaken and so angry. I came in my place and apologized and explained to my roommate who just said mildly, "Yeah you have to say something or people think they can treat you like that."

I texted my landlord, just to document, and said that I did NOT appreciate being screamed at but that I get it that it's interpersonal. She called me and we talked for a minute and she kept saying, "Some people don't have good coping skills" etc. My landlord is a clinical psychologist which I thought she was, but Google confirmed it just tonight. We talked about downstairs lady and I think landlord is right in everything she said but I told her that I don't think it's ok, no matter what, especially when I've been nothing but nice for four years!

I've been trying to kill-with-kindness for years but it clearly didn't work. If I'm going to work in any kind of mental health field, I need to react better. But man... this caught me on the back foot. I don't expect problems going forward, just really, really, really find it crazy that something like this happened. Just so unfortunate and I guess I'll stop being nice and ignore her now. Not sure what else I even could do. I'll try to chalk it up to covid making everyone nuts.

Woke up with a change of heart this morning about the incident. I was tired last night and wrote that post late in the morning hours because my brain has decided that 2am is my sleep time lately. Maybe next time I see her I'll say "Was that you I yelled at? Sorry, I was caught off guard," and go from there. I can't make her be civil to me but I can be decent about it, for me. This was two stressed people acting badly in the moment and it was bugging me. I would appreciate input if anyone has ideas about moving forward and smoothing this over, but... water off a duck's back.

As far as I can see someone went off on you for no fricking reason and you defended yourself in equal measure. I get wanting to deescalate, but I think any guilt you are feeling is misplaced.

Ali, I agree with CW. I would stop trying to kill her with kindness and just ignore her.

The work you do in a therapeutic setting is not like being provoked in real life. No worries.

Still not sure what you did wrong-take her parking place?
Avoid crazy people who come at you and scream. Ignore, go inside and shut the door in the future.

Recall, your addict room mate was probably tolerated by nearby neighbors, and she, (room mate) could have lied about you to neighbors while she was 'hanging out' not able to use her keys to get back inside, many times. Do I have that correct? It was not your fault back then, but neighbors might still be offended.

Say as little as possible, but a simple "sorry" for the other day is enough. imo.
Then, keep avoiding her. You cannot get along with crazy neighbors. There are some times when the situation can improve however. That is when they have a dementia or alzheimers and forget it was you they were mad at. Then they greet you friendly again, years later.

Just one other thing...thinking it may not be a good idea to seek counseling from someone who is a landlord and a therapist? I am not trying to control your life-maybe the landlord who has been good to you in the past, and you have a connection. Others will know better about the professional requirements of a therapist and client. Just be aware. imo.

It is one of the most unsettling and uncomfortable things to have a hostile neighbor.

I told my grand daughter this:
As far as it concerns you, be at peace with all men. (or women).

But do not cower at abuse-screaming back was ok!

Another my neighborhood, disagreements were quickly stopped when someone took out their cell phone and started recording. Yes, that actually happened.

Hmm. Thanks for the input. It's not really guilt, but I don't want to have open hostility for my own sake so I'm trying to analyze my way around this. Something in the middle between apologizing for something I didn't start *or* ignoring her is probably best for my situation. I can go back to "hello" when I run into her and expect no reply, which is how it's been for years. Forget the kindness part but still do what I can live with day in and day out.

Send, I didn't do anything wrong except let her drag me into her misplaced nastiness. You know what's funny to me? Neighbor lady was very friendly with the addict. The roommate talked to neighbor and blamed me for issues and the neighbor lady was sympathetic... even though I'm the one who's lived here for years and you would think she would know me better than that. Go figure.

Yes, I get it Ali! Neighbors choose sides, often it does not make sense.
In that case, even saying 'hello' can instigate neighbor's wrath.

Actually, no matter what you do or don't do can be a problem for this neighbor.

Barb was right when she said: "stop trying to kill her with kindness and just ignore her".

ali - you may find this relevant

Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent People Ignore. - Albert Einstein

I like to think of myself as the latter two. I would forgive in my heart but not verbally, as I think any exchange with her opens you up to more abuse. Then I would ignore - grey rock!

I used to think like you are, but understanding "don't cast your pearls before swine" led me to a different response.

"If you say that someone is casting pearls before swine, you mean that they are wasting their time by offering something that is helpful or valuable to someone who does not appreciate or understand it".,not%20appreciate%20or%20understand%20it.

I think that applies to your situation. ((((((hugs)))))) You are a good tenant and neighbour.

Ali, I apologize for being blunt here. It seems to me:

—you want to keep peace
—you don’t want her to be mad at you
—prior to this incident, you wanted her to like you
—you are taking this very personal as if her anger was purposely directed at you. It could have been your neighbor whom she screamed at, but it happened that you were there at that very time.
—now you want to ‘kiss and make up’

If she doesn’t like you, so what?
Why do you need to have her not mad at you?
I’m going to be rude here and ask

Are you a people pleaser?

Thank you, Polar. I like bluntness.

Yes, guilty as charged, I definitely tend to be on the pleaser side. Liking me would have been nice but after the first 6 months or so, I wasn't expecting it.

I didn't really care if she liked me, only wished she acted more pleasant so every time I run into her wouldn't be drama. Am I supposed to pretend I don't see her? Our lobby's only slightly bigger than an elevator. I guess I just stand to the front and don't talk, just like in an elevator. lol It's a rhetorical question and I'm just describing the situation better.

The attack rant was definitely directed at me. I thought I would pretend to be naive if I brought it up... which is fake on my part. We're the only two households that share that front door. It's a 6 flat style building, common in Chicago. The "people pleaser" part is spot on, though.

I vote for ignore her if possible.

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