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The caretaker of the bldg I used to live in would go into attack mode on a fairly regular basis. Almost every encounter with her turned into a confrontation of some kind. So I started ignoring her when I saw her. Well that didn't work cause then she'd confront me about that. "Didn't you see me? Why didn't you say hello?!"

I guess what I'm saying is you just can't win with some people. So Ali, my advice would be follow your gut instinct at each moment. Don't plan to be one way when you encounter this person. Just let the moment guide you.

It’s been a long boring day in NH. I think my mind is turning to mush. Broke my glasses. Hope my new ones come tomorrow so I can get back to reading or watching TV.

Ali, I believe that crappy woman takes your niceness as weakness. All these months, you've been saying hi to her and she says nothing back. That tells me she thinks very little of you. The more you try, the less she thinks of you.

To me, it was a good thing that you lost your temper and screamed back at her. She now learns she can't bully you. Perhaps, you even gain some respect. So, do not lose your ground.

She does not deserve your niceness, she deserves your indifference and disregard.

Becky, so sorry you're bored. Are there games on your phone that you can play?

Ali: That lady seemed to have 'boxing gloves' on even when there was no fight. Tough to let it go, though. I get it.

Becky: So sorry that you broke your eyeglasses. Hugs.💛

So, Ali, what was she miffed about? - that you let the front door shut when she believed you knew she was just behind you?

My reach-for desideratum in these circumstances is "anger begets anger, but a soft answer turneth away wrath." I have used the strategy successfully in situations both when (I admit it) I was manifestly in the wrong and with not a leg to stand on (except there are no parking rights during school run hours in North London, bite me) and when I was genuinely at a loss to know what on earth the person was screeching about. Treat this lady as though she is a normal person and not a complete nut job and with any luck it at least won't escalate.

I got a text from nephew #3 this morning - he is off work for another week because he has a bad cough and is too exhausted to do his job🙁
He also reports that a coworker showed up for work and hung around for about an hour only to to tell everyone he has covid and shouldn't be there. What the heck is wrong with people.

Got my new glasses. I’m back to games, TV and reading. Life is good.

Becky, do you play Wordle, or the NY Times Spelling Bee or Crossword or Letterboxed? All great games and good "time wasters".
Glad you got your glasses!

Barb, Haven’t played those games. Play Solitaire and Spider Solitaire. I’m mainly a reader.

Becky: Glad that your eyeglasses arrived quickly.

I developed what seems to be a head cold yesterday. So as a result of having my booster on 12/28, there was an option to create a link to the CDC whereby they check on you periodically. No fever and home BP cuff shows no elevated blood pressure readings. But today was the first day that when the CDC reached out, I had to answer that I wasn't feeling great. Although I do not believe I have the virus.

Nobody thinks they have the virus. Not at all unusual. Both of my assistants, even after testing positive, didn't think they had the virus.

glad: Good to know. I am keeping watch on it.

Having a Pulse Oximeter can test for oxygen in your blood.
If it drops below 90, time to get help.

Llama, it’s probably a seasonal cold that you have. Both my mother and aunt who are fully vaxxed got sick two days ago. My aunt felt sick since Sunday night. Tonight, Tuesday, she’s already feeling better. I don’t think she and my mother have Covid, just a regular cold.

Lots of people catch cold this time of year. Normally we wouldn’t bat an eye when we heard such news. But covid makes everyone paranoid.

Hope you’re feeling better soon.

Polar: Thanks. Haven't had a cold in decades. Ordered some Tylenol cold and congestion from Amazon and will try to go to the Minute Clinic tomorrow. Sorry that your mother and aunt got colds.

Send: My blood pressure device does that, I believe.

Things are changing in 2022, and I am taking it hard.

More and more people now known to us have reported sick, both vaccinated and unvaccinated. People who have tried hard to be safe, and people who were out and about, ignoring the pandemic have been infected. Some have died.

Less and less people follow any guidelines or protocols, instead seek to declare themselves above any rules, and say that they are smarter than any medical professionals.

I am sad for everyone, especially those who have worked so hard, like the caregivers here.

But we all need to persevere, stay the course a bit longer.
Yes, there is a pandemic.

After two years, you may need to learn more about it.
Putting forth opinions and facts just to be deconstructed by naysayers for discussions and disagreements will not save your life, imo.

Stay strong.

I’m getting a cold. First one I’ve had in a few years. PA gave me a decongestant and cough syrup. Guess it’s that time of year.

Attempted to go to CVS' Minute Clinic. Several others were waiting to be seen, but no medical professional came out. Got OTC meds on what was available on sparse shelves.

News story. At home tests are not included in data in this state, anyway. Staffing shortages to investigate contract tracing.

At home tests are not included because they are even less reliable than the pcr test and give many false positives.

There is no reason to test yourself for covid because there are no special medications or treatments being given for anyone with mild symptoms unless you get lucky and have a doc that will give ivermectin. Or recommend supplements like d3, vitamin c, quercetin with zinc (careful with taking to much zinc though).

Can you imagine if they had all this testing for the flu. Talk about a money maker. Maybe they will have it in 2023 then people will be able to test themselves all winter.

I will never get tested for covid or take the vaccine.

Most BP devices check BP and pulse.
The oximeter tests O2 and pulse.

I haven’t seen a BP device that tests O2 but I see on Amazon, they exist! Good to know.

"I will never get tested for covid or take the vaccine."

The stance of my niece-in-law... until... she was in the ER with her 11-year-old niece who NIL has custody of. The child couldn't breathe, tested positive for covid, and was too many days in for antibodies to work well. In 14 hours she would be on a vent. Her younger sister who went thru the original covid with moderate symptoms 3 months earlier, was also positive but an antibody infusion worked well. NIL ended up hospitalized and on oxygen. The five other members of the household (my nephew and his kids as well as her older son) were vaccinated and had mild symptoms for 1-2 days. I also had mild symptoms for 1 day after I began taking care of NIL's 7-year-old son (my grand-nephew) while his mother was hospitalized.

Thank God for the vaccine and my nephew who took the vaccine and had his sons vaccinated! We are still praying the 11-year-old gets to come home soon.

And what underlying health issues did your niece have tntechie?

I'm thinking of you and your mom earlybird, how are things today?

97yroldmom: Thank you for that information. I appreciate it.

The "47" in my username is my birth year. Today I turned age 75. Where did the years go?

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