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pamz: Thank you so much. Not able to enjoy much being sick.🤢

Barb: Thank you very much.❤

Thinking about Spring arriving. 🌷
If I do nothing important and just sit tight, 🌸
Spring will still be here soon. 🌺

Leaving this empty.
Because when I deleted my post, it said, written in red, that I cannot leave this empty.

Send: What's with the avatar? Looks like you're at the end of your rope.😎

Aha Llama!

I am at the end of my knot.

Jan 14, 2022
I think the saying is at the end of the rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.
Sounds like what you are doing Send. I hope things settle down long enough to tie the knot.

Send: Too funny.

My dd has stage 2 breast cancer, which is curable. She had another lymph node biopsy and depending on the results of it (likely positive) she will have chemo before surgery (lumpectomy), surgery, radiation, then more chemo, hormone therapy and I think one other therapy. Most of this will be in Edmonton. She feels positive, is a brave woman and really likes her oncologist. I feel fairly helpless. I can listen and encourage, and help with the added expenses, but it's her battle, not mine. I know she is and will be more tired for the next quite awhile. Prayers appreciated.

Golden, Prayers for your daughter. She can beat it.

Golden, ...By HIS stripes we are made whole...

I am believing with you that she is already healed.

Golden, I was diagnosed with this stage 34 plus years ago. I in fact found the cancer in my lymph nodes under my right arm; two of them were fused together and about the size of a large olive pit. When they biopsied them they found them to be adenocarcinoma from the breast but could not find the breast tumor even with all the tests, so had a mastectomy on the right (found the tumor, teeny for all that, but had still already moved to nodes). I had adjuvant chemo after surgery. Refused the radiation. 34 years later here I still am, mean as ever!!!!! Wish your daughter good luck in this. She can do it. Don't do any of that "you have to think positive" stuff. Let her think anything she wants. Putting anything on that someone is suggesting they are responsible for their cure, and that isn't the case. They are so much smarter now in staging and identifying different types of cancer (when I had my mastectomy it was basically estrogen receptor positive or estrogen receptor negative). Advances a plenty. She CAN do this!

I came across this story about the impact of COVID 19 on the brain. Worse than Alzheimer's Disease? Only time will tell. I hope all are doing what they can to avoid this virus.

Even something called Covid Psychosis.

I went to those links, but did not find the article.

Golden, prayers for your daughter and of course you.

There have been stories of people here in B.C. who have long haul covid. There is one woman in particular they have been profiling on the news. A lovely woman. Only in her late thirties. She can't even walk more than a few steps without her heart racing. Says she even has to sit down to brush her teeth. Walks with a cane now. They showed her on the news just the other day. She's aged five years since the last time they showed her which was just before Christmas. She was warning people who are slacking off with their social distancing etc. to be careful. No one wants to end up like her.

I think most people are okay even after they get covid but there are always those stories. Be forewarned.

golden: Huge prayers sent for your daughter. My cousin just had her breast reconstruction surgery on January 12 and did well. 💚

glad: That's an interesting story. On the opposite side of the coin so to speak, as many of you know, my late sister in law, who already suffered from Alzheimer's got Covid. She had no chance of recovering because the virus made her deleterious of course.

Send, see if this link will work. Google it, there are many articles posted just in the last couple of days.

Thanks Glad, it worked.

The ultimate brain damage: 😡 is death.

["Brain damage worse in deadly COVID cases
In this regard, the study authors found that markers of brain damage were worse in patients who did not survive their coronavirus infection. The markers in patients who died of COVID were 124 percent higher than those who eventually left the hospital."]

I am not doubting the study, just the author of the article to convey the facts accurately throughout.

I am going to see the actual study.
I am interested because I see signs of mental decline in someone we know about.

Thanks Glad! I was reading that particular article just now. Did not finish yet.
I will look for the original study.

Just stopping by to say goodnight, and I hope you are feeling better. 🦙️

Llama, best wishes to your cousin on her reconstruction. I did not choose that route because of the unfortunate results I have heard about. Some women end up having to get them removed after a short time because of infection and other reasons.

Covid's impact on the brain it seems cannot be all or nothing. I wonder, too, about the grading and steps of damage in those that recover. Does it somehow affect just some brains and these are people that most often die. Does it affect an area of the brain that is responsible for recovery from sickness and disease? So much is not known about Covid and it will be years.

Is this the right effect vs affect? This one just always gets me, it seems.

Glad, I think about affect/effect as --

Affect: an INFLUENCE ON something

Effect: a RESULT OF something

If I'm not sure which one to use, I substitute "influence on" or "result of" to tell if I'm using them correctly.

You used affect correctly. :-)

*I like the RAVEN acronym in the link. Remember Affect is a Verb, and Effect is a Noun.

Send: Thank you. I am rounding the corner with this cold.

Glad: Thank you. My cousin did well on January 12 for the double reconstruction as she had the bilateral mastectomy in October. I can understand it's a very personal decision and your's was right for you. My cousin is a 52 year old woman of very strong faith.

Yes, I was giving the opposite version of what Covid did to my sister in law, who was already 5 years into Alzheimer's disease. She went into a downward spiral of which she could not recover once she stopped eating, et al.

Yes, you used "affect" correctly, IMO.

Affect/effect are words I stumble over often enough that I have a pot it note about it by my computer. Sometimes I still have trouble so I just mentally flip a coin.🤷‍♀️

Disappointed - my new wheelchair won’t be delivered today and PT won’t happen either. Too much ice and snow out. But I did get half hour with my leg lowered which was good.

The "side effects" really "affected" me.

Effect is a noun, affect is a verb.

Thanks for the support, encouragement and prayers. It means a lot.

That family is not getting a break. As of yesterday, Sil has covid - probably got it from a guy at work. So far he has a bit of a cough, and is very muscle achy and tired. And, yes, he had two shots and a booster. Hopefully he won't get any worse or have lasting side effects. Also, hopefully, neither dd nor dgs will get it. It seems unpredictable who will get it in a family.

Blessings in disguise - I normally would have asked them for help with cleaning up the basement, but now not with dd and her health issue. Yesterday, I was thinking of going over to borrow their fan to dry things up. Glad I didn't. I am managing - just have to do a bit at a time. I will bag and put out the water damaged and moldy stuff today, and cover the area with mold spray. I am so done with water damage and mold!!!!

Becky: Sorry that you won't get your wheelchair and PT wasn't happening. At least you got your leg lowered.

golden: Sorry about your son in law and praying that others in the family don't get it. Did your downstairs flood or something?

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