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Thx llama - the drain from the humidifier on the furnace backed up because it wasn't properly installed. That drenched the surrounding area and cut the furnace off. I had some baseboard stored behind the furnaces, an assortment of furnace filters and a few other things that got wet. It was obvious when I cleared it out that this had been happening in a small way for a while as most of the baseboard was moldy and some of the floor tiles back there had lifted. I mopped and removed stuff yesterday, and managed to haul it all out to the garbage today and sprayed mold control everywhere. I'm getting too old for this!!!!! I really need to downsize!

re covid - I have to laugh as I already often have well more than half the symptoms due to allergies, and CFS/FM. How would I know that I got it? The things I would have to look for are a fever (haven't had one in years) and a headache. Oh well. Life goes on.

Golden, you know there is help. There are mitigation companies that will come and clean up that mess for you. If it were me, that is what I would do.

Hey all, Google Betty White and see what happens.

Yes glad there are and I considered it, but this was a small job. A sewer back up would have been worth it.

If I can do it, I will do it. Muscles, that don't get used, atrophy!

And I have stubborn Scandinavian in me.😉

Today is Betty White's 100th Birthday!

LOL golden, I have stubborn Scandinavian in me too, but I also have I am too old for this nonsense in me too!

Shoot! Google Betty White worked on my laptop but not on my kindle.

It worked on google, my chromebook!


Thanks for sharing!


Was there sound on yours Glad?

Shoot had my sound off! Will have to check tomorrow, it is off for the night. Did it sing happy birthday or thank you for being a friend?

There was no sound, but there should have been!
Just checking!

Covid is on everyone's mind.

from The Globe and Mail

"Meanwhile, a Red Deer restaurant has closed temporarily after public health inspectors say some of its staff accepted dog photos instead of vaccine passports to dine-in."

Takes all kinds!!!!

Sil is feeling better. Hopefully he will be over it in a few days. Dd has no signs of infection so far.

I am finding it very weird at my age to have one (adult)child with diabetes and one with cancer. The latter, particularly, is something I never expected.

Israel is doing 4th dose of COVID shots while Turkey is offering 5th.

When was the last time anyone took 5 doses of any vaccines to be protected?

My guess is that it will not stop at #5.


These so called vaccines have been shown to be IN-effective, except to cause harm from maiming to death to many unlucky people.

Ice storm coming, very unusual for this time of year. Hooray I already have chili in the freezer.

It should be snow!

Just 5 days ago 281 new cases in the last 7 days. Today 591 in the last 7 days. No plateau here yet.

According to the CDC, most Omicron cases have hit the fully vaccinated and boosted people.

Meanwhile, Pfizer and Moderna are happy to sell more shots, raking in Billions of dollars worldwide. The more variants the better for them. Covid vaccines aren't free. We tax payers pay every red cent of it. And let's not forget, many people paid the ultimate price.

For once you've posted something I agree with polarbear. I was willing to do my 2 initial shots and a booster and I'm willing to add another booster to my annual flu shot routine, but I think that this push toward 4 or more doses is insane. Maybe it's necessary for the immunocompromised who don't make proper antibodies, and maybe for the frail elderly, but not for everyone. The overwhelming number of the most seriously ill (in ICU and on vents) are totally unvaccinated and repeated boosting can not change that reality.

cwillie - many places are now requiring booster shots to be considered fully vaccinated otherwise the persons are considered unvaxxed. So, I don't give any weight to the claim that the unvaxxed are in ICU and seriously ill.

Different government (Canadian) so all your political rants and angst is irrelevant to me, I do not doubt the accuracy of my stats.

I have to wonder how much of this increase is due to the National Western. Probably half of the county is there with animals or whatever. Initially, they said they would enforce mask mandates, then backed off and said they would loosely enforce. Whatever that means, to me no such thing as loosely, means not at all.

Extremely conservative here, vaccination rate is less than 40%.

Canadian truckers are blocking routes from us to Canada to protest vaccine mandates but there is no mention of this on the tv from US news organizations. How about in Canada?

England just said they are ending all covid mandates. Inckuding forced vaccination, masks and social distancing. Doubt the USA media will report on this either. The narrative is slowly starting to crumble on this but I have to wonder what they have up their sleeves to keep it going.

sp19690-how lucky for the people in England

Meanwhile, the dictator in the Philippines has ordered arrest of any unvaccinated people who violate his stay at home order. In Australia, indigenous people are being removed and forced to get vaccinated against their will.

I have my doubts about the vaccine mandates for cross border truckers, it seems overly late in the game to insist on this🤔. I expect the percentage of American truckers who are unvaccinated is much higher than the estimated 10% of Canadian truckers (hm, reported estimates are 40% -50%) so it's going to have a much greater adverse effect on our supply chain than on yours.

The UK has a much higher percentage of their population fully vaccinated (+90%) than America does plus they reportedly have passed the omicron peak so are in a better position than most states to relax many mandates.

My international web searches tell me reports of forced vaccination in Australia are fake (I hadn't heard that one until now LOL).

As for dictators - they're always gonna trample on human rights in one way or another

cwillie, I wouldn’t laughed so soon.

A year ago, it was considered a conspiracy to say that the vaccines affect women’s periods, reproductive system. Now it’s a fact.

Those fact check sites have their loyalty squarely placed in the vaccines/mandates.

Sorry polarbear I'm not convinced, let's just agree to disagree on that.

Anyway I think it's past time to change the subject.

Now, they (the powers that think they are powerful) are saying that it is okay to meet in groups of up to eight people without issues.

I don't even know eight people without issues.

I've often wanted to share something about the most recent SARS-CoV-2 immunity studies and other related scientific articles that I'm reading, but don't feel AC is the place.

However... I've been thinking for some time that the media and politicians are doing everyone a disservice by not being straightforward in trusting the public with hard scientific facts. It's a fact that researchers didn't foresee (because they couldn't) how resistant this novel virus would be to natural infections or vaccinations, and there's been confusion in the best brains over the data coming back. But that's not a message, that I've seen, from any media/politicians or agency spokespersons. It's clear that antibodies are the way forward. Other things are a muddle.

And now that I've typed this comment that I already regret, may I never say another thing about covid on AC. (Hah. Not likely but I'll try to keep it to a minimum. 🤐)

RIP to the 5.6M people who have passed from this virus, and may the advances science makes that help many others be a legacy to them and others affected.

CW, the UK's current government is in no position to enforce existing regulations and has gone ahead with full relaxation in the hope of venting a national pressure cooker of outrage.

I stress, "current." You might make a few dollars on a little bet on that point if you're a gambling woman and you're quick.

Boris is not exactly a good example or perhaps is a very good example of what not to do. Amongst politicians, he is not alone.

The tariffs the US has in place for UK steel and aluminum is interesting to me. Why would the US lift them for NATO but not for the UK? Seems like it will happen but also seems like some political right/left-wing posturing.

That's 'on my mind' today as I listened to NPR on the drive home. I think it's a symptom of the bigger problems in the divide between ideologies and allies be damned, but maybe I'm overthinking it.

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