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NATO isn't a trading organisation, Ali - I didn't hear the program (!?! - not surprisingly) but I expect any relaxation of tariffs would have been related to US policy aimed at trying to get EU member states of NATO to pull their weight financially. Which really would be news. Aluminium production in the UK (especially Wales) is important but unpopular because of its energy use, as for steel I can't imagine that there'd be much duty to pay on a packet of ball bearings, which is about as much as our steel manufacturing base could come up with these days - in any case, we're having to revisit all trade agreements with all countries all over again because of leaving the EU and so it starts from whatever the default tariff is; and it'll take them 'til Domesday to sort out the Irish border question alone so don't hold your breath. No government, friendly or otherwise, can appear to endorse, let alone reward, Brexit without alienating all of the EU member states and impacting hugely on foreign as well as trade policy, because to paraphrase Sir Humphrey Appleby "we can make a complete pig's breakfast of the whole thing, and the Foreign Office is terribly happy - it's just like old times!"

That's all standard fare, but the rage over social distancing isn't. Of course the media and the opposition are stirring it up for all they're worth but the anger is very real and more to the point it's felt at least equally by people who *are* mainstream pro-vaccine, pro-testing and pro-compliance. For two years the great majority of people have actually sacrificed all of the most important human connections at times of crisis, birth, death, illness, loneliness - and let's not forget graduation and educational milestones - because they were taking their social responsibilities seriously, and all through that time the politicians and civil servants at the very top were making a mockery of it. It's beyond satire and you cannot overstate how catastrophic the national sense of humour failure is. If Boris were capable of shame he wouldn't be where he is now, so disregard that factor altogether, but there's a limit to how many furious constituents his MPs can handle before they break down.

Interesting stuff, CM. (The news show says "EU" but I misremembered "NATO." oops)

Some things mentioned: the US is the 2nd largest UK steel importer (though UK steel is only 1.8% of US imported steel) and the UK is "galled" that the US lifted EU steel tariffs but not UK tariffs. That's being attributed to Brexit. Steel and aluminum (AH-loom-i-num... you guys say it funny 😉) are both mentioned but steel was discussed in the show. After some digging, I found the recorded show here:

I like reading an insider point of view on UK politics. I can see how social distancing and the burden of it could be infuriating to everyday Brits, especially if that was not being supported and modeled at the top. The US, under Trump, went so far with it that now many Americans think of covid as a political virus. It's either potentially deadly or "just a flu," largely depending on whether you vote Democrat or Republican. The virus is voting Independent.

Strange county. The state is offering free KN-95 masks being distributed through public libraries. Most counties in the state are listed. Not here, after all this county does not believe in covid.😠😠

I ordered from Amazon a few days ago, they arrived yesterday. I am probably lucky they were delivered.

There are some communities where citizens are angry over restrictions imposed by government. There are also communities where citizens are equally angry where the government doesn't do enough.

So, it is apparent that neither vaccinating multiple times and/or wearing a mask prevents the spread of Omicron.

Omicron is significantly less likely to cause the VAST majority of healthy, low-risk group people to have any problems (it is more like a cold).

Omicron has been proven to be airborne, not on surfaces (so hand sanitizer is a waste of time).

So why are healthy people being required to wear masks?

And if Omicron is more like a cold to healthy, low-risk people, and high-risk people are being responsible for their own health by staying home, then why are we masking and masking and testing and testing -- except that our current govt is forcing companies to adopt artificial and onerous covid policies?

If you test positive for something that is no more than a cold to the average what? You have a cold.

High-risk people get vaccinated, wear masks and stay away from others. Vulnerable people like elders should get protected. That's as much as we should all be doing now.

Can I ask what kind of restrictions are in place where you are? I've seen a LOT of talk about the tyranny of difficult restrictions and but from my perspective from afar most of you don't seem to have many restrictions at all or much to complain about 🤔

cw, in Arizona they have mask mandates that aren't enforced.

I don't know of any other restrictions in place and we are making news with the increase in cases.

Not much discussion about Covid where I live. Not close to anyone who has had Covid. Most people in my area place a great deal of value on personal freedoms and the rights of individuals to make their own decisions. I don't know what mandates or restrictions are in place or if they are enforced.

Becky I think if there are mandates and they were being enforced you would have to know🤣

I found an article from aarp that gave a summary for each state, I just skimmed it but as far as I can tell Hawaii is the only state with any serious restrictions. Anecdotal reports from people crossing the border are that most are amazed at the almost total lack of any kind of precautions.
I asked because I'm confused by the posts from those who write so angrily about anything pandemic related, I thought perhaps there were some onerous mandates I wasn't aware of.

And thanks for your report too ITRR, you confirmed what I have heard elsewhere.

CW, I looked up restrictions here. Vaccinated no restrictions. Indoor masks if not vaccinated in some towns. Travelers from out of state can be asked to provide proof of vaccination and quarantine for 7 days. My stepson says he has a sign provided by the state on his restaurant door and at his 3 bars but says no one has shown up to see if it's being enforced. His locations are in a college town and he says students don't seem to follow too many rules. he spends most of his efforts on deterring underage drinking. Lots of law enforcement for that. NH that I'm in have vax requirements for staff and monitor visitors.

CW, the city of Minneapolis proper has a mask mandate. I went to play tennis in my health club NOT in Minneapolis and they had a mask requirement in the lobby but not on the courts (which they didn't have on Monday when I went). High school students in St. Paul staged a walk-out last week demanding "more protection" and free masks. I'm aware about Hawaii because my son recently moved there. Fortunately the SCOTUS recently blocked the mandates for large employers.

Which Maine are you in? Sounds like a major problem.

Glad, I'm in northern Maine. Don't follow the info on Covid at all. Most of what I've read is here on AC. don't keep up with much because everything has been made too political.

Oh no. Meat Loaf has passed away. Another beacon of my youth gone... but one heck of a boost for the choir of angels. May he sing out in eternity.

Had to go to doctors park this am. ambulance transport to get pre-tests and x-rays for my surgery Monday and a trip to my nephrologists' office. Worn out, but at least I got a breath of fresh air going in and out. doesn't take much for me to be entertained.

Becky, how cold is it up there? It's 21F right now in NYC.

Barb, Up to 8 F. It was 3 F. this morning. Supposed to be colder over the weekend.

Brrrrrr, Becky!

I often check the Lubec temps; that's where we rent in the summer.

I told the folks at our local Covid testing site (outdoors) that I only stop when it's REALLY cold and hence no line. Keep well!

we drive over to Lubec in the summer to cool off when it's a little warm where we live. There used to be a little restaurant that we went to get lobster stew in Lubec. My son liked to go to the lighthouse and cross over to Campobello Island. Stay warm.

A friend of mine went windjamming for three weeks in October near Lubec, ME.

It's -5 F. outside. My bird feeder hasn't attracted even a crow or seagull this morning. I don't expect any visitors today - too cold to venture out.

Tell Golden to come take her weather back Becky😂

Okay, now I feel bad for being grumpy about clouds and inky getting to 63° today.
I think we are going to have a fine, lovely day.

Stay warm and safe. -5 brrrrrrr!!

EB: How is your mother doing as she had Covid the last you wrote? And yourself? Praying you are both better.💚

Just dashed out to purchase a newspaper. Quite cold at 18°, but real feel is colder than actual temperature.

Temperature got up to 4 F. this afternoon. Forecast to be -5 F. overnight and snow tomorrow. Winter seems to be settling in for awhile.

Sending you a private asked about EB.

Send: Thank you. I'll locate it.

Anyone else have Meat Loaf songs running through their heads the past couple of days..? Just me..? It's been fun to revisit many of his most popular hits. I somehow forgot he was in Rocky Horror though I know the song (and most from RHPS) by heart.

It's been a fun distraction to revisit those belter tunes and sing along.

Meat Loaf was born Marvin Lee Aday in 1947 (the same year as me). I haven't had the pleasure of hearing his songs, but I've a friend who posts 4 daily songs on social media. I'm sure he may be including Meat Loaf's songs.

what's for dinner....Meatloaf!!! (rocky horror picture show)

I saw the movie at the drive in with a carload of girlfriends back in the day, one of whom had seen it before and coached us in what she knew of of the required audience participation.

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