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Down to -7 F overnight. three more inches of snow. Good day to be in the NH nice and warm. My granddaughter brought me a sugar free, fat free blueberry muffin. Good treat for me.

Surgery must have been a cake walk this morning. Great to see you posting already this morning and it was only about 7:30 am following a procedure with prep to begin at 4:30 am.

Surgery was started at 4:15 am - took 1.5 hours. Because of Covid they take you back to your room. No recovery room. It went okay. Couldn't fix everything. I'll have another surgery in a week or so. Have to stay in hospital until then. I wanted to go back to NH but no go on that. I got a 4" rod in my leg and a plate and screws in the top of my foot. Going to do the ankle part in the next surgery. He said he doesn't expect me to be up on my leg for at least 5 months maybe longer or not at all. Not the news I wanted but could have been worse.

Becky, I'm sorry the news isn't better, but as always, you choose to have a great attitude about adversity.

It's so wonderful to know someonne like you.

Heal quickly.

Barb, Thank you. My grandma always told me I was having a good day if I was still above ground. She lived to be 98 and always had a good attitude.

The difference between a vaccinated person and a double vax and boosted person getting covid. This is not stats but my experience; however, I think there is a lesson.

I had the house appraised the other day and the appraiser was a nice middle aged lady. She didn't look well - had dark circles under her eyes and dropped her camera twice and her clip board once. I asked if she was not feeling well and she replied that she had covid last year after only one vax and hasn't felt right since. Her muscles still ache.

My sil had two vax and a booster and got covid just over a week ago. He felt and looked bad one day and within 3 days was recovered. Dd has the sniffles one day - who knows if that was covid or not.

I feel badly for the appraiser lady. She may have had the delta variant and sil may have had omicron so that could account for the difference, as well as the state of vaccination. I am so glad I and my family are vaccinated. Dd's cancer treatment has had to be pushed back because of exposure to sil's infection.

Poor 16 year old dgs had a meltdown the other day - his dad had covid (at that time) and his mum has cancer. I think he was pretty scared. Fortunately dgd was a support for him and dad got better soon.

Today marks 8 years since my mother passed away from an ischemic stroke while I was living with her. Tonight I am taking care of Nancy, my given name.💙

Becky: So sorry that the surgeon couldn't repair all while you were under anesthesia. I do hope that you can be mobile once again. Barb is correct; your positive attitude is truly admirable. Hugs and love.💛

Nancy, it’s high time that you are taking care of yourself. You are worth it.

PB: Thank you. I usually put myself last, similar to what my late mother would do.❤

Becky, you had a nerve block instead of general anesthesia? It took me a few posts to pick up on that. I didn't know how common that was but it's reported to have much better healing times and post-surgery symptoms for all kinds of surgeries

I had a septoplasty a few years ago. The doctor told me later, when I was asking about something, that I didn't have general anesthesia and I was awake the whole time... but I don't remember a thing. I've never bothered to investigate how that could happen.

Being "out" during anything more than minor surgery is a blessing imo. This was accomplished in my surgery without me being aware of anything during or after for quite a while, but it wasn't general anesthesia.

Anyone know more about this? Just curious and Google doesn't have a quick answer.

Seems like an option for elders -- no general anesthesia but also no increased anxiety during surgery -- that could be very helpful since there are unique side effects and risks for elders. My father never regained his ability to urinate after general anesthesia was used during his cancer reconstruction surgery. It took years and two additional surgeries to correct that problem, and there was sepsis and other complications from the catheter in the meantime.

Ali: I did not pick up on the nerve block possibly used in lieu of anesthesia. My DD had a crush injury of her foot several years ago. She used a pain management doctor for a nerve block a few separate times AFTER surgery as an alternative to pain medication. She's lucky to have kept her foot, btw. The bucket to her husband's bobcat machine slipped, landing on her foot. How scary for your father, having to have additional surgery. Last year, when I had each separate cataract surgery, I had, I believe, twilight anesthesia so that my opthamologist could work on each OPEN eye.

Ali, Llama, I had general anesthesia. Used a nerve block at the end of surgery to try to avoid some of the post op pain. I had a second nerve block last evening but it's run out and I'm waiting on a pain pill. They won't do another nerve block now. Just trying to make do with fewer opioids and those side effects. No one here to do block until 8:00.

My aunt (87) in West Virginia tested positive for Covid. She had had both jabs and booster, worn masks etc. Very mild case and she's in good general health. She's the first person I know who has gotten the virus. Exposed by family visiting from Florida who had the virus but were unaware. A young man (29) from my hometown in WV died from Covid yesterday. He had an 18-month old son and wife. So sad for the family.

Ali - as far as I understand for major surgery the nerve block is coupled with sedation so to the patient it feels the same as general anesthesia but it's not? I had some type of epidural/nerve block when I had my hysterectomy that was left in place following the surgery, I opted for that because the anesthesiologist said it would cut down on or eliminate the need for opioids.

CW My surgeon explained the nerve block much like your doctor. I'll have a pain doctor consult after the next surgery.

My explanation is mostly from my compulsion to seek information after the fact. I was being prepped for surgery when someone realized nobody had been sent to explain the options for anesthesia to me so what I got was very brief, and to be honest my mind wasn't exactly on what was said - so you recommend option A? Okay I'll go with that one.

I see, Becky. I thought you must've had some alternative to general because you recovered so quickly. When I had a general, I felt out of it that entire day and most of the next.

You guys are brave to opt for no opioids. If I don't need them then I don't ask for them but one time I couldn't sleep at all because I was so uncomfortable. I called in for something and was Rx'd hydrocodone and took it for a week. It helped to get through the worst of the discomfort and help me rest. I think it was very worth it and I went into it knowing I would want to discontinue them quickly. Is there another reason to avoid opiods that I'm not aware of? My dad didn't need his Rx'd opioids after his surgeries. I was surprised.

I've gotten very sick on some pain medication, though. During my 40th birthday getaway, my girlfriend gave me a dilaudid when I couldn't sleep. We were in Mexico and she had gotten them locally to help her terrible teeth pain after having her braces adjusted and she didn't have wax to keep from rubbing her mouth raw. I had a terrible reaction and threw up several times that night and the next day. It was the most miserable flight I've ever been on the next day coming back.

I'm not somebody who would rather grit my teeth and endure and I'm not afraid of addiction from opioids, after dealing with my mother's bowel dysfunctions I didn't want to take anything that might cause problems in that department 😉. And I was completely numb for the first couple of days so I didn't experience any pain. The worst was the post operative nausea that showed up on day 2...

I looked for the most recent AC site issues thread but didn't see it. I have a question about site changes.

My News Feed used to display recent activity across the site to the right of my NF. Now it just lists the NF and no recent activity. Anyone else? Tried changing some AC settings but it's still gone and I feel like I could be missing something to fix it. Did it change? I also changed some privacy settings recently on my laptop and have some new ad blockers. Wondering if that could be affecting my display. Thank you.

I still have the recent activity beside my news feed comments on my desktop PC.

And I'm happy the lag between pages has gotten better, it was getting really annoying.

Thanks, CW. I got it back. I think privacy/ad blocker software was messing up a bunch of things for me. I uninstalled all recent additions/extensions and poof -- there's the Recent Activity. 😀

I run adblock plus and have my security setting at strict and I've never had a problem with AgingCare 🤔

I'm not sure what I did, CW, but seems like it is related to recent changes when I was trying to beef up some security features through add-ons and extension options on my laptop. Thing is, those are only through/for Firefox... which I'm about to stop using altogether because Chrome doesn't have nearly as many issues in my experience.

In the past few days:

My Epson printer won't connect despite days of effort and downloading every bit of troubleshooting software and drivers. It's on my network but won't add the device correctly and is giving me multiple and changing error messages. Epson support will be calling me back "in the next 24 hours." I guess I sit next to my devices the next 24 hours...? 🙄

OneDrive sync settings keeps giving me error messages. Repeat fixes keep reverting to error messages.

Maybe I messed up a Windows Defender or firewall setting. I'm really not sure. Working on it. I was trying to improve some security while going around the typical anti-virus suites because they're predatory as heck and Google says I don't need them. Can't find any simple answers for why all this happened but it's pointing to firewall schtuff. OneDrive could be a separate issue. I have two accounts, personal and school and there's been a mishmash of problems since the school account was added. *headdesk*

The AC problem was easily fixed by deleting the extensions.

This too shall pass? Should be the worst thing that ever happens to me? Any other platitudes to help here? 😂

Just putting this here in case there are any tech wizards lurking. 😉

Glad you have a solution that works for you Ali. People have been telling me to ditch Firefox for years but I have never had any serious issues with it and I refuse to give any more control of my internet use to google and companies.
I switched to avast free antivirus years ago and I'm happy with that too (although they do try to push upgrades 🙄)

Wish I could ask my tech wizard, but he is on a strict stress lowering schedule this week. He even followed my advice and took a complete day off!

He is so busy 'editing' books so he can read them. A bit on the strange OCD side, but so much better than the alternative happening with him.

We both increased the sublingual B-12 to 5000 mcg. = 5 mg. (micrograms, not milligrams.).

It is sunny here, and yesterday I was gently raking leaves in the beautiful outdoors! Enough exercise to count as walking 1/2 mile. DH picked them all up!

Send, I must say that my tech wizard seems to find being asked those kinds of things calming, because they are in deep long term memory storage. It's "what did you do with the tax form" that raises his anxiety!

Becky: Gotcha on pain medication(s). They can also be difficult on the gastrointestinal tract. Wishing you well. Prayers for your aunt.🧡

Ali: Some pain medications can cause constipation. I've never had a problem with Dilaudid and had it, but only 1 each for my 4 separate kidney stones years ago. So sorry that you had such a terrible experience with it and then had to board an airplane to come home.

I guess it could have been a case of Montezuma's revenge, Llama. I think it was the Dilaudid, though. Girlfriend was just fine but I was as sick as I've ever been. If it works for kidney stone pain, that's a blessing!

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