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BOJ, I had two brothers, a niece and a nephew who did nothing to help. When my dad was critically ill for a number of months, they would even drive my mom after dark. And the hospital he was in part of the time was in a high crime area. I talked to my dad's doctor and had him admit my dad to a hospital in a better area. And they nothing but cause trouble when my mother was older.

Becky, glad to know that you're looking at this as a learning experience. My DH is ispired by your lack of self pity. I thank you for that.

Becky: I know that you'll miss your New England. I do as well. But you have a great, super attitude and I admire it. Hugs and love sent.💚

Somewhere Barb posted about the strange and over the top threads created lately. There have been plenty. Another thing I have noticed is some people creating threads are obviously looking and hoping to find different responses than they are receiving (their desired answers). Some will even try to challenge to a point, then POOF they are gone.

I got my pneumonia shot today, and that sucker HURT !! I have all the others so I think I am done for a few years!

Pam Z, Must be shot day. I got the shingles vaccine and my flu shot today.

Becky, when I got my shingles shot it laid me out for a day. Hopefully it won't affect how you feel tomorrow...!

Becky: Just checking in on you tonight. How are you doing? Praying for you.

I'm tired of jackasses pointing to the lack of pandemic restrictions throughout much of the USA as being desirable.

cw ...and then there is Saskatchewan with lowered restrictions and bursting at the seams hospitals. Hard to understand.

I have a sore arm from my shots but feel fine. I'll be happy to get out of the hospital and moved.

dear becky :),

sending lots of warm encouraging hugs to you!!

Saskatchewan has an 81% vaccination rate. So exactly why is the hospital there bursting at the seems with such a large percentage of the population being fully vaccinated? Perhaps the vaccines are not as effective as the claim thus the need for continuous boosters. Or the adverse events from vaccinations are sky rocketing. Or maybe people are so scared of covid that they are overwhelming hospitals for any symptoms they fear means they have covid.

Even with increased capacity Sask has less than 150 ICU beds for the whole province and Canadian hospitals tend to run pretty lean even in normal times so it doesn't take much of a surge to overwhelm the system. Plus I expect that there are pockets with very low vaccination uptake.
But somehow I doubt that is what you really wanted to know sp19690.

So even though you know that they have an 81% vaccination rate you still believe vaccines keep people out of the hospital. Keep on believing that.

You have made your opinion abundantly clear sp19690, that and a toonie will buy you a cup of coffee. There is only person arguing here, all I said was that I was sick and tired of hearing the minority shouting down the majority.

sp - apparently there are equal numbers of vaccinated and unvaccinated people in hospital in Saskatchewan.

Doing the math, with about 80% vaccinated, the rate of hospitalization of the vaccinated is much lower than of the rate of hospitalization of the 20% unvaccinated.

Your chances of being hospitalized are much lower if you are vaccinated.

cw, is the press reporting that the surge in hospital admittances is due to covid-primary patients? Because if they're not saying this is the case, then it could be from non-covid sick people who are delaying going in because they fear getting covid while there — and then some are getting covid (Omicron) secondarily after being admitted into the hospital. When it comes to statistics, a lot of clarification has to happen.

FYI my son who works in the Mayo lab says Omicron is blowing through the staff there now (no deaths, no hospitalizations) but he also said he's heard there may be another variant that is 50x more contagious than Omicron.

And then there's this:

"Johns Hopkins University study finds lockdowns only reduced COVID deaths by 0.2%" (source: abc news)

The people who are shouting to "follow the science!" should stop suppressing the science and scientists who don't align with their political party's unscientific narrative.

.... what part of sick and tired of the loud minority turning every comment into a debate are you not hearing? I'm also sick and tired of walking on eggshells afraid to raise my own voice, the more we've allowed our voices to be silenced by the bully mob the more emboldened they become...

Geaton they will continue to keep pushing variants to keep the booster money train going. And if there is a more dangerous strain coming out it may very well affect the vaccinated more since each vaccine weakens the immune system because of the spike protein response.

As to CWillie getting tired if the minority shouting down the majority that made me LOL since the entire world has been shouting down reasonable holes in the entire covid, mask wearing and vaccine hysteria that us happening. One such instance is the fact that the CDC is now saying cloth masks do not offer protection from covid and tge reason the govt started giving free k95 masks. What have people been doing for 2 tears wearing those cloth masks? Why with the number of vaccinations increasing are hospitals still overwhelmed? Either the media is lying by omission of the truth - which is a strong possibility since they received govt money in 2021 or something else is going on.

When you have a country like canada that is 80% fully vaccinated and cases and hospitalzations keep going up a reasonable person might want to stop and question the official narrative. Yet they seem to be doubling down on the vaccination frenzy and fear. The real question is what is in those vaccines that they want to inject even 6 month old babies with them now.

No one is bullying anyone. If that were the case i could argue I feel bullied every time someone tells me this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated - which it's not. Or every time someone tells me that the vaccine will prevent hospitalization - which it doesn't.

I feel bullied when my job tells me if i dont get vaccinated by X date that i will be fired.

I feel bullied when I can't go into a restaurant or other place of business without showing my vaccination papers as is the case in some states and countries. I feel bullied when I question the official narrative and my posts are deleted or censored.

I feel bullied when the media keeps blaming and demonizing the unvaccinated as the reason this pandemic is still around. When the truth is that this virus spreads just as freely and easily among the vaccinated.

Should I go on?

apples, oranges

read my original comment

I agree with you on the civil liberties points, SP. Not preening myself for libertarianism, you understand - it's more that I feel quite strongly that this is a trust issue, and you cannot coerce anyone into trusting you, and the harder you try, the more counterproductive it is.

Meanwhile, we've got four members of the team off work because they've tested positive. YD has only just got back to teaching school (tested + the week before, had to self-isolate until Monday); OD tested + yesterday, is feeling a bit rough, fortunately she's on maternity leave so no loss to the workforce, her husband is negative. We're all getting very very tired.

You might be surprised to know that I agree with many of your grievances sp19690, life is never as black and white as you seem to wish to paint it. But I'm tired of being argued with and berated every time I make a comment that you an others disagree with and in my mind that is bullying, in fact it's the very thing I was lamenting in the first place.

My 87 yr old aunt in OH is in the hospital in Columbus with Covid. She had both vaccinations and booster.

I've got a sore arm from my shingles and flu shots, but feel okay otherwise.

It's been a long boring day in the hospital.

I think if the Canadian government was using Covid as a booster money grab they wouldn't have rolled out the Canadian Recovery Benefit and all the other recovery benefits that have been offered. While it's never enough for those who have lost wages due to covid it's an offering. Why would the government offer anything to anyone if covid was just a big money grab?

Tell all the thousands of people who have lost loved ones to covid before the vaccinations were even being offered that the covid vaccination is just a big money grab? I'm sure if a vaccination was still in the works some people who are anti vax would be criticizing the powers that be for not getting one out yet. Demanding there be one and would be the first in line waiting for one.

How hard is it to pull your vaccination papers out of your wallet? Big whoop!

Never mind, not going there.

Becky: That's good - just a sore arm. Hugs.💙

A discussion does not need to negate what another person has stated is true in their opinion.

One of the rudest forms of argumentative comments are when one person says, for example, "I feel bullied", and the next person says "No one is being bullied".

It gets so very tiring, and is boring.

When my dH does this, I increase his dosages of Vit D 3; Sublingual B-12; and Magnesium. All good supplements for clearing up the mind and rude behaviors.

Send, for many years Radio 4 on the BBC has run a Wednesday evening program called 'The Moral Maze.' It's had the same presenter/ringmaster forever, there is a regular panel (with occasional changes of personnel) of four, and then each week they invite spokespeople from a range of perspectives to present arguments for and against a given motion and subject themselves to cross-examination by the panel.

I have yet to hear a single person have his or her mind changed one whit by anything that is said by anyone else. It must be a sign of increasing age and shortening temper that I rarely get to the end of the program without switching off nowadays, but maybe "oh turn it off for heaven's sake" is as good a solution as any?

PS Ohdeargod I just checked and there are 285 episodes available to download. Maybe they could use them to supplement white noise in interrogation suites.

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