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I can barely stand to have the radio on anymore. Call in shows (the few that remain) all have become an oral imitation of the online comments section😱, the increasingly few remaining local radio hosts are prattling on in endlessly repeated inane chatter, and the regional/national show hosts are so condescendingly pushing their biases and agendas that it is all hard to take except in tiny doses.

what's on my mind?...

i wish us all well :).

i'm thinking about various attacks recently, on people's messages...
sometimes even intentionally "misunderstanding", so as to put someone on the defensive...
intentionally putting words into someone's mouth they never said...

A: this is - sometimes - a good solution.
B: you just said it's always a good solution. it's not always a good solution!!!!!!

another example:
A: maybe you feel bad because...
B: you just said it's wrong for me to feel bad!!!!!


i think unfortunately, also on this website, some people enjoy creating conflict, or antagonizing someone, or trying to provoke, etc...


it's unfortunate (whenever/wherever this happens), but on this particular website, so many of us are already going through tough times (obviously). so that makes these attacks EVEN more unnecessary, unkind.


it is ok for us all to have different opinions.
let's not attack someone, just because their opinion is different.
there are kind ways of stating one's opinion, and "attacking" ways.


also, we can (me too), be humble to realize that even though we realllly believe something, that doesn't mean it's necessarily true. it might really turn out, someone else's opinion was 100% right.

(that goes for anything...views on vaccines, dinner recipes!)
(actually, regarding dinner recipes, as you all know...don't follow my example. i continue eating Twix).


i wish us well!
i see so much love in so many people here.


as i mentioned recently, some people i just want to hug :).
like geaton.
:) manage to make your aunt belly-laugh :).
amazing :).
it's not easy to make anyone belly-laugh...let alone an elderly, sick LO.

i'll find a way to make my parents belly-laugh too!! :) :) :)

have a great saturday, everyone!!! :) :) :) :)

bundleofjoy, thank you but you're giving me too much aunt laughs at the antics in the animated movie, nonetheless laughter is a potent medicine as long as we're laughing with someone, not at someone. I'm very fortunate that my family has a very healthy sense of humor. My eldest son (who gave us all sorts of headache and heartache in his youth) now can make me laugh so hard that I cry (and pee). Feels awesome! (well, not the peeing part)... Blessings to you -- keep on spreading ((((hugs)))) and smiles :) !

dear geaton! :)

i do realize that the laughing comes from the movies.
you had said you found many good movies for her.

but still -- it's you and your family, who organized/found the movies that work, to make her happy/smile/laugh :).

great about your son!!

laughing so hard that ones cries...great!

i'm smiling as i type to you :).

bundle of joy :)

I've just watched the latest news clip of the Queen and her little dog - how small and frail looking she has become 😥

The Queen looks great for her age, but yes, she looks a bit frail, Cwillie.
She is a remarkable Monarch! Saw her in her beautiful pale blue dress today, the anniversary of her ascension to the throne, but also the date of her father, the King's death. She was on her feet though! Carry on!

I am reminded of the photos of residents at the AL, all dressed up in Hawaiian shirts and Lei's for an event. My sister wrote, LO was more like 'propped up' in wheelchair, not doing as good as pictured.

BTW, it was a year later that he died. We never know.

She is without a doubt a remarkable woman. I've always thought of her as part of my parent's generation even though she is a little bit younger than that, it just hurts my heart to see them all aging then slipping away.

Wanting to share the nice sunny day here in Southern California with those in the snow and cold.

Search for Santa Monica, CA live webcams-there'll be sun!

Be encouraged.

(Thanks to CWillie for teaching me about the live webcams the world over.)

It was nice and sunny here today too, only snowier and colder.
BTW, what is the temperature there? (I could google but I'm lazy LOL)

Right now, 67 degrees F.

Sun 06

Mon 07

Tue 08

Wed 09

Thu 10
Mostly Sunny

Fri 11
Mostly Sunny

Sat 12
Partly Cloudy

Sun 13
Partly Cloudy

Mon 14

Tue 15
Mostly Sunny

Wed 16
Partly Cloudy

Thu 17

Fri 18
Partly Cloudy

Sat 19

Have never been able to distinguish between partly cloudy and mostly sunny.


Can you get a tan from the sun's reflection on the snow? 🤔

They say you should wear sunscreen if you are spending a day out on the ski slopes so I guess it is possible. But when the only exposed skin is the part of your face from your eyebrows to your chin (and even less than that if you're skiing with goggles) it doesn't seem like a much of a concern.⛷️

I wear sunscreen every day, sun or cloud. They say (whoever they are) that the best anti aging thing you can do for your skin is sunscreen. Who am I to argue. My sisters both sprayed oil all over themselves and fried in the sun for years. They used to laugh at me for not wanting to do that. But in the end I think I'm better off for it. It's nice and mild today so I got out for an outside walk (with my sunscreen on) :0

I think the Queen has gotten frailer since her dear husband died. I think they had a true love.

So sad that she is without her long time love and support.

Yes Send, it's very sad. I always felt that bond between them was strong.

I had the oddest dream last night but I'd like to share it cause it was eye opening.

In the dream I was with my mom. We were spending the day together, window shopping in the mall, going for lunch, the usual things I did with her when she was alive. But the odd thing was that in the dream the roles were reversed. She was me and I was her. So for instance when we were in the mall she was walking a bit too fast and I was thinking "oh, I wish she'd slow down a bit" When we went for lunch the waiter kind of ignored me and she ordered for me. Then we ran into my brother and he kind of patted me on the head and said "oh, I'll drive you home" I was thinking like my mom would have, "try asking if I want a drive home, maybe I'd like to walk"

At the end of the dream we were in the lobby of a nursing home and the director of the place was describing all the great things to do there and all I was thinking was "but I'll end up in my room all day cause I can't do any of those things anymore"

When I woke up from this dream I really felt that old people, no matter what state they are in really want to be heard and asked what they want and how they feel and not be spoken over and have their feelings and desires disregarded. I know that is probably an obvious thing and with a lot of aging people it's not possible to always give them what they want but it was an odd feeling in the dream to be on the other side of things and feel what it's like to have the shoes on the other feet so to speak.

I hope I never made my mom feel that. I know I tried really hard to let her be heard but I'm sure I sometimes just bull dozed her in a way.

Start now, being heard, before you get old.
Speak up while you still can!

Queen Elizabeth IS truly remarkable - an icon!

My dermatologist - "The ghost look is in." Yes, I agree. Knew so many who were 'sun worshippers' and now are paying for it dearly.

Some of the worst sunburns I have ever had were after a day of skiing. Those were the days before sunscreen. In spring I would even ski in cutoffs. Sunburnt from ski boot line to short line. I took a year for one of those burns to heal. Looks awfully funny walking around in summer shorts with a lighter tan from the ankle down.😕

Not only do you get the normal sun exposure, but it is intensified reflecting off the snow and the higher elevations also play a factor.

TS1 once borrowed a sunlamp, sat with her face within a few inches of the lamp, then told her friends at school she had been night skiing! What an idjit! Her eyes were swollen shut the next day and she couldn't go to school.

Why do people on this site ask for advice then are confrontational when they get advice they don't like? It happens so often! I unfollow threads when I see a thread going that way.

The extreme reaction from the OP that I observed is often from a troll or sock puppet.
Along the theme of be gentle with me, is it okay to post here, then they pick the first answer to say the answer is mean. Twisted, because the answer is not mean at all.

Ignore, ignore.

You are right to unfollow.

Be sure to take a deep breath as you move on, shake the dust off. Know that we have read it, and you are not alone in being surprised.

Send, I have done that for years. It is called avoiding a knee jerk reaction. More should practice that. There are time I just want to say "you asked!"

Maybe all the threads should have a warning like prescription bottles. Side effects include but are not limited to 1. Dissatisfaction with answers given 2. Anger at all people who answered etc. etc. Just a thought. ;)

A warning label, and a disclaimer.

I use the word 'disclaimer' when stating, e.g. "I don't profess to be a physician."

We need an eye roll hug. I should look to see if I have an emoji, I think I might.

A biting tongue would work as well.


Maybe on my new kindle which I haven't fired up yet.

happy sunday everyone! :)

speaking of warning labels on products, etc...
:) just posting a joke here:

I'm not saying let's kill all the stupid people.

I'm saying let's
remove all the warning
labels and let the problem
sort itself out.

Gershun, about people just kinda disregarding seniors and disabled people.

I worked with a senior woman that had a stroke and was in a wheelchair. Taking her out really shined a spotlight on how many people act as though they aren't even there.

Asking right over her head to me if she would like something was so common. I actually started asking her in a really distorted voice, sounding mentally challenged myself, the question asked to me. She loved that it caused people to realize that she was still there and could speak for herself. It highlighted for them that not all disability is obvious and each person should be treated as a human. You can't believe how many times this happened and how many people actually engaged in a discussion with us about this.

Maybe one person was treated more kindly because of our antics. I know it really helped my friend and it provided much laughter for her.

Your dream reminded me of this time in my life 3 decades ago.

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