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My apologies!
I have been mistakenly answering rhetorical questions.
Will try harder in the future.

ITRR, I get into similar situations when I take my wife out and she has her walker or I’m pushing her in her transport chair. The nurse, or whomever, starts asking me questions concerning my wife. I’ll either sit there not saying a word waiting for them to get the hint or I’ll reply through clenched teeth “She can talk for herself!”

I do have a bad habit of speaking for my wife at times as she can be slow to reply to questions. Her newest PCP actually told me to “Be quiet. I’m talking to your wife.” He is now also my PCP. Great guy!

I experienced scenarios like the one I described in my dream with my mom.

We were at our local fair one summer and were sitting at a picnic bench. A lady said to me "Does she still like getting out?" I looked straight at her and said why don't you ask her, she's right there.

I do understand how that mistake can be made but I think people need to at least start with trying to converse with the elderly person and then if that person can't or won't communicate then move on from there. It could lead to an eye-opening experience.

Three of my granddaughters came to visit this afternoon. We played five or six games of Clue. Then we ordered takeout from a local place. Trying to have some of my Maine favorites before I go to assisted living in Illinois.

dear becky :),

hug!! courage!! enjoy the take-outs :).
good luck with the move to AL in illinois.

bundle of joy :)

what's on my mind?...

unfortunately, there are many people on this website who bully others.
it's too bad.

at times, insulting/sarcastic/attacking...

i see some people standing up to the bullies.

it's too bad -- because as i said, many people are already going through a tough time, and then get additional bullying on the website.

some people are bullied into silence...afraid to post their opinions next time.


of course, there are also many caring, kind people on this website, who, although they have an opposite opinion to someone else's opinion, state it in a non-insulting way.

i'm sending out my compassion to those who are bullied.

No longer considering myself retired, I have been looking for work. An offer was made this morning, that I have accepted. Will be moving about 100 miles southwest of here. Excited! I love what I do!

Glad, Congratulations!

I spent time on the phone today cancelling trips I will not be able to take. My cousin Pame was in Boston over the weekend. She drove up to see me. Nice to see her.

glad - Very well done. Congratulations!!! Awesome!!!!

Good for you Glad!

Glad, I'm so glad to hear it was just a sabbatical!!

Thanks, all. It is just a very nice small town, population about 1,100. Very cute and historic downtown. Very close 10-15 miles to major shopping. Here it is about 60 miles to major shopping and population of the city I am in is about 12,000. Entire county about double that. Destination county about 26,000.

Fired up my new kindle. The one i used most was slowly dying. Now this one is going to mess with my head for awhile until I get all my preferences set correctly.

Glad: Congratulations! What is your new job?

Congrats, Glad. I hope you'll be very happy there, both in the new location and at the new job. 💚

If nothing happens, I'm leaving the hospital on Monday to go to Illinois NH. Probably be in NH section 4 or 5 months then into Assisted Living. I get a helicopter to the airport, then on charter flight. My stepson and his wife are flying with me. They're going to help me get settled. All of my furnishings, etc are being shipped this week to my son's house. Sorry to be leaving Maine but I won't be one of those older people who isn't cooperative with their child.

Remember when Cadbury creme eggs used to be good? 😥
Every year I get one for the sake of nostalgia, and every year I'm horribly disappointed. Why did they do it? Why?

They're sooo sweet aren't they Willie? My teeth hurt whenever I've eaten one of those.

Cadbury creme eggs fortunately are small enough that the sweetness doesn't overwhelm - yeah, right - NOT.😏

Plus they kind of have the consistency of bird poop don't they? Smash one on your windshield and compare. Just saying..............

I have never liked Cadbury creme eggs. But, oh the mini chocolate eggs with the crispy shell! Mmmmm.😊😊

I’m trying to cut back on sweets. Y’all aren’t helping. Lol! Now I want to go out and buy a basketful of Cadbury eggs.

Marshmallow peeps are the best! Only the yellow ones. I like to open the package and let the peeps harden up. Then they’re really good!

Peeps, of any kind, are disgusting.😫 I always wondered if anyone REALLY liked them.

Dropped out of the conversation quickly last night to order (lots) of valentine chocolates. None were Cadbury. Chocolate and coffee taste really good, and I slept all through the night on this special diet.

If Ms. Madge were here, she would have mentioned Sees special chocolate eggs for Easter.

Hey! Hallah! Have you ever thought about ordering candy via Instacart sent to the AL? You will need a credit card to order online. Gets there in two hours!

I have lots of candy left! Two days ago, threw out a few hoarded Cadbury mini-chocolate eggs from 2021 Easter, dH was none the wiser.

When I first read that I saw vaseline instead of valentine.... wait🤔 what?? 🥴

Send, thanks but I’ve gained 10# since moving here. I sure don’t need to appease my “sweet teeth” by ordering out for sweets too. But next time I’m out and about I may just have to check out the candy aisle for some peeps.

Glad, yellow peeps RULE!! 😂🤪

:) "My sweet tooth doesn't listen to my wisdom tooth."

Any of you watch Nathan Chen's gold medal free skate? I haven't been following the Olympics but that was really special to see. The music by Elton John was a good choice.

*I like Peeps once in a while, and a little candy corn at Halloween, too, which also turns up other noses. It's all cheap sugar to me. 🐥

Friend loves yellow Peeps. Buys them after Easter and lets them get old, then starts eating her stash. I thought of Ms Madge the other day. I got my See's Valentine catalog a week or two ago. Has anyone heard from Ms Madge?

A hard pass on marshmallow peeps.👎Sorry, hallah.

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