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golden: That's good that your DD's chemo has little to no side effects.

Going house hunting tomorrow. Prices are higher there, but a 50% increase in my home over the past 3.5 years will help. Real estate has really appreciated here.

some more quotes about integrity...

"There is no better test of someone's character than their behavior when they are wrong."

"If you value your integrity then be prepared to take a beating from those who have none."

some words of wisdom :)

"The living should smile, for the dead cannot."

"It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone."

:) Encouragement quote, for anyone in a tough spot right now.

"Bravery is the ability to look fear and hurt in the face, and say, 'Move aside, you are in the way.'"

First full day. went okay, got all the rules and regulations, about the same as most NH's. Strange not to see friends, etc.

I actually have 2 cousins named Tina. One on either side of the family.

Becky - I've been on this site for maybe 4 years, you are our first NH resident poster who can give us the ins and outs of a nursing home. I think that is so cool.
I hope you will make some friends soon. Meanwhile, we are here for you as you get settled into your new place.

Laughing about the relatives with the same names,,, in my rather large extended family I have 2 Sherries, one Cheryl, a Sheena,, And my friend is named Sherry ( also my housecleaner) and so on. It is so confusing sometimes we actually start sentinces with "Danny's Sherry" Or "Texas Cheryl. " So boy do I get it! And when I was in college there were 3 of us named Pam on the same floor of the Dorm ,, the only 3 in college one year. I went to pay my DDs college bill one year and there were 2 there with her exact name,,, LOL.

I'm trying to push through a challenging assignment for school that's due at 11pm and I know I'm slap happy from working on it, but then I got online for a moment and this was in my news feed today. Does this go on the gardening thread? The joke thread? lol It's a very unusual looking trap plant and it just gave me all the 12yo-humor giggles, mostly from the bad puns in the comments section. Apologies in advance for anyone who clicks and thinks it's terrible humor. I thought I'd share my amusement.

Feeling sheepish. The post/comments about the man parts trap plant had me in such a giggle fit, so I shared here. It's low-brow silliness but I really needed those giggles. My executive function seems to go out the window with these high-pressure school days. Hope someone else giggles half as hard as I did. lol And after my assignment is done, I guess I'll watch some Benny Hill since apparently that's right about my mood today! lol

I did not look. My copy & paste is not working.
Lol Ali.

Met with PT and OT today. Not sure what OT is doing. My son and grandchildren stopped by this afternoon. I made a comment about I wished I could change my Depends myself and not ask for help. My grandson is 8 yrs old and he told me to do like he puts on his underwear when doesn't want to get out of bed. It worked!
My DIL's mother stopped by with two of her friends. They live in the Assisted Living unit. Nice visit.

Pam Z, I have three first cousins on my mom's side named Kathryn, Catherine and Katherine. My deceased husband has three grandsons named PJ after him and two grandsons Christopher Matthew and Matthew Christopher. My cousin named her son Zachary said the rest of the alphabet was used. Guess that's what happens when there are 27 or 28 first cousins.

My DH is the oldest of 39 first cousins. His paternal grandparents, who had 9 children (7 of whom were boys) asked each family group to name at least one child 'Mary' or 'Joe' after their names.

Big families that shared names is one of the things that made remembering who went where on my family tree so difficult, also complicated by the fact my parents shared an ancestor. My grandmother dedicated many hours researching, creating albums of family trees and keeping them all updated, now we've dwindled down to just a handful and I don't know my cousin's kids at all.

Large extended family, I can not identify one bit. I have one blood first cousin, two adopted and two step. Can you have step first cousins?

My family has the tradition that all daughters name their first son with the mother's maiden name. My grandfather had 7 sisters so my dad had 7 first cousins with the same first name.

Big families: growing up I only knew my mother's side. She is the youngest of 8 and I have 27 first cousins, which as an only child was fun for me. I stay in contact with as many as possible. A few years ago I was connected to my father's side: he was one of 9 kids. I can't even wrap my head around having that many relatives. On the other end of the scale: my husband comes from "The Dinky Family": he only has 2 blood cousins total.

My Italian-American family has multiple Josephs, Johns and Tonys. We have to refer to them as Johnnie's Johnny, Joseph Sr., Joseph Jr., Cousin Joe from Texas, Tony's Tony, etc.

My News Feed is killing me!
To unfollow a thread does not help, because all the people you may know keep posting there. Cannot "UNFOLLOW" that many people, that many threads.

Logging out of AgingCare forum until it is cleaned up of trolls, sock puppets, influencers, and toxic manipulators.

Voting with my feet. Or by clicking!

Send.... What?
I'm not noticing a huge increase in "trolls, sock puppets, influencers, and toxic manipulators" in any the threads I usually follow🤔. I'll admit I've dropped one or two I regularly followed because of a huge increase in the number of comments, I figure I can decrease the volume of my daily feed by checking in every few days.

Are you sure you aren't just feeling moonstruck?😉

:) dear send,

hope you're ok!! :)

hugs and courage to everyone, whatever challenges you're facing.

"difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations."
emmmmm....hopefully it's true :).

My older grandson came to see me this afternoon. He brought his girlfriend with him. She was very nice. We played back alley bridge. I lost big time. I hadn't played that in years. They had gone to the grocery for me and loaded up my little fridge. He got it moved it so I could reach it.

Well, I took the plunge and am in the process of buying a condo near Edmonton. I am looking forward to having less house to clean, less maintenance over all, shorter less-cold winters, being nearer better services, entertainment, shopping etc. Oldest son and sig other are in the process of moving to Edmonton from Calgary which is a plus. The process seems more complicated than previous real estate purchases I have made - more technology/more errors and bank people just plain not knowing their jobs, but we are getting there.

The house still needs some downsizing. I need to reduce belongings to fit a two bedroom + den unit, and some repairs/renos by R are needed, but I was assessed and I am quite happy with the figure.

I don't plan to sell till several months after condo possession date which gives me time for the transition. The trickiest part may be moving Rocky. She is such a creature of habit and likes things to stay the same. But she, like other cats, loves cardboard boxes so that should help. 😊

WooHoo Golden! You have been working toward this for a long time, I'm happy for you that things have finally fallen into place!

Thanks Cwillie and Bundle of Joy,
I am okay and unfollowed so many.
Now my News Feed is better.
I do think in part, the Full Moon was affecting me.

An early birthday card arrived with enough gift to get the leak in the kitchen sink and the running toilet repaired. Any left over will be saved, because I would no longer be able to figure out how to have fun!

Happy Birthday to those with February and March Birthdays!
Really early for March, huh?

great you're ok, sendhelp :) :).
and very nice you received a gift! :)
happy early birthday!! :) :)

dear everyone,

meanwhile, here's just another funny quote to make us smile/laugh :)

"If you look like your passport picture, you probably need a trip."

Thank you BOJ

I don't look like my passport picture from 1980.

haha :). no one likes their passport picture.

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