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Thanks Golden.
He's moving to a larger town north of Calgary with a bigger detachment, 11 officers vs 5 😜. I've learned a lot about the realities of trying to police small remote communities these past few years, frankly I don't understand why anyone sticks with it.

cw - Red Deer, Airdre, Olds - all in the chinook belt. It will be much nicer for him there. I'm sure it wasn't easy where he was.

Golden, my honey and I had this conversation last night. I was certain that the 15th was St. Patties day.

I have no idea where I got that but, I just knew it was:-(

went to the ortho specialist today. Had x-rays. I got a new lighter cast. starting Monday I'll have additional rehab time. He said I was about two weeks ahead of what he expected. Will be ready to move to assisted living in about 3 weeks. My best friend arrived from Maine today. Nice to have her here.

It is 70° here in the mid Atlantic today. Thought I had a problem with my good ear (other ear had a tympanomastoidectomy years ago), but my ENT took care of the cerumen.

ITRR - I know where it came from for me. A fb friend who normally posts something appropriate for all occasions posted a pic of some shamrocks. That was enough for me -without thinking I went into St. Paddy's Day mode lol.

I do know better - March 15 is the ides of March when Julius Caesar was assassinated, Mar 16 dd's birthday, March 17 St. Patrick's Day. I was thinking of naming her Julia Patricia but I didn't think she would appreciate it. 😊

My son recently moved to Chicago and over the weekend he texted a picture of the river which was already dyed a disturbingly bright green!

Continuing saga of the grandfather who lives out of town; He sent 5 year old granddaughter a birthday card which says "Dear Pickle, I hope I get to come see you some day and spend time with your like your other grandpa does."
(other grandpa, my ex, has stage 4 prostate cancer and is currently suffering from COVID; he's not taking this well.)

He was invited to Pickle's after-school birthday party tomorrow, but refuses to come. He will only accept having her for the day without any "supervision".

Geaton, St Patrick's is a huge celebration in Chicago, one of the biggest all year. So many people go out the weekend before, all day long. The timing coincides with an end-of-winter, cabin-fever mindset. It's a fun, rowdy weekend -- like a city-wide Spring break. Some folks out and about that fit CW and Glad's definitions of "out of control" kids.😉😁

I don't know how long the city has been dying the river every year but I remember it as a kid.

Barb, sorry for the continuing drama. Comparing himself to the other grandfather in a 5yo's bday card is ridiculous. I hope her parents are consoled by knowing they absolutely did the right thing by flagging this outing.

Barb, absurd! Mentally disturbed. Does other grandpa take her alone for an entire day?

Glad, my ex and our spouses have been around (we all live in Brooklyn) since Pickle was born. We provide a LOT of childcare for Pickle and for our other grandchild, code name Smudge.

So yes, since around the age of 3 or so, she spends whole days or overnights with us.

The difference is that this out of town gp hasn't seen her in person since she was 2 and he has no clue about her habits, needs and the like. We suggested one of us coming along, but he was insulted that a chaperone was suggested. He's here with his 90 year old demented, wheelchair bound father. And she's a wanderer.

Barb, I would let him be upset. It's totally understandable to not send the child off with a stranger.

sending hugs to everyone! :)

on my mind?

i was just imagining all of us meeting up, physically in a room, with champagne and cake. some big celebration, a happy occasion.

and we're all a bit surprised how we really look - our real faces, real names, and how it matches our screen names.

BIG hugs from me to everyone.

bundle of joy :)

My best friend is here visiting. She brought in our lunch from a local place. Good salad and fresh croissant. Biggest excitement for the day was getting fitted for my own shower wheelchair. I don't know how some of the resident's manage. No visitors, participate in little to nothing. turn down everything offered. I'm not a big participant or joiner, but I do try to do at least one thing a day. I accept all PT. OT, showers, etc. I don't like hearing the resident's complain to their families about not being offered activities, snacks. The snack ladies come around 4 or 5 times a day with fruit. cookies, etc. I have only one complaint and it's me - not the NH. I don't like the beauty shop. Not enough services.

Too many threads lately in which the OP's voluntarily laid themselves down at the door thinking it was the right thing to do, then complained about being stepped on and treated like a doormat. Geez!!!

What's more? They blame someone else for their misery. Grrr!!!

I can't stand those threads.

PB: I will answer every new thread. You never know when the poster is literally on their last nerve. No "grrr" about it. AC moves along fast.

Llama, you’re a very patient person. Hats off to you.

PB: Thank you very much. I am also quite serious minded.

kind, llamalover :).


have an awesome weekend, everyone!! :)


different topic.
i found a new motto for myself:

“It takes less time to do things right than to explain why you did it wrong.”

BOJ: Thank you.

“This is my cup of self-care. Oh look. It’s empty.”

I am not a caregiver. However, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. My dad passed away a little over a year ago to Covid. We are all still grieving his loss. It has taken a huge emotional toll on us all. My parents were married for 52 years. Never separated and did everything together. But now he is gone. And although, I have been my moms only female friend through the years, my mom is disappointed when I take time for me to rest and relax. Since my dad has passed away, I have been staying with her every other weekend. Now, she stays with me every other weekend. But there are times when I wish I can just stay home and relax. My mom sits pretty much all day long to watch tv. She watches YouTube videos of a lady cooking in Turkey, videos of animals, and religious programs and wants me to sit with her to watch it. It drives me crazy. She gets upset if I get on my phone or seem disinterested. Which I am. I love her dearly but I wish we could see other things. I live alone. My son is grown and has his own family and has his own place. I really dont want to move in with my mom or she live with me. I am expected to do what she wants, she questions whose calling me or texting me. And although, I know Im no spring chicken, I feel like I have aged 10 years suddenly. People are asking me if I have retired already. Im 53 years old. Ouch. I probably aged 10 years in the past year. I still work and have another 12 years before retirement with full social security benefits. My mom lives with my brother. But he doesnt sit with my mom all day long to watch tv and is in bed by 10 and she is not sleepy. I feel guilty feeling the way I do. I have 2 brothers. I am the one who spends the most time with her. And I am not a healthy person. I have Emphysema and Ulcerative Colitis.

Janet: Much love and many hugs sent to you.

My stepson is coming from Mane today. Not sure why. He was here not that long ago.

Janet, Cut the amount of time you are staying with her. She needs to develop her own friends and interests. Do not allow her to take over your life and move you into her elderly world.

Whine: Yet another acute infection popped up yesterday. I've been having some back-to-back issues since Christmas. I see the doc tomorrow. Counting my blessings that this is uncommon for me. Battling it with ginger, garlic, all the usual good stuff, and today a coworker suggested hibiscus tea. I had no idea it had antibacterial effects. The more you know!

Ali, don't forget the colloidal silver. It kicks infections out the door.

Ali: Hope that you fee better fast from the infection. Hugs.
ITTR: Good suggestion.💛

Hibiscus tea feels wonderful on a sore throat, Ali. Give it a try. Feel better soon.

ITRR, using a colloidal silver nose spray made a big difference in my chronic sinus infections a couple years ago. I get fewer infections now and if I do feel one coming on, then I use that spray and it seems to help. I'll look at other ways to use it. Thanks for mentioning this.

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