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Hi Bundle!
Was meaning to ask you, where do you get your material for all your jokes?

hi send :),

i’m a lawyer and very good at searching for things AND i have a deep desire to make people laugh/smile.

put all that into a blender.
sprinkle with some chocolate.
add half a Twix.
mix in flour.

and voilà,
quotes comes out.

by the way, for days and days (pandemic), i used to prepare little jokes for my parents…

every single day.

i made them laugh a lot :).

they sat together on facetime, and listened to the little notes i prepared for them the day before.

always some interesting, new, funny fact, so we could all learn new things and laugh :).

Well as you know I live in MD and today proved the saying "hold my beer" . It was sunny, cloudy, windy, snowed then sleet and hail, back to sunny and windy. Holy Crap what a day! And it stayed in the 40s all day!! Tomorrow I am going to stay home and hide!! We did go to a farmers market in our town that was opening day and indoors until May, got some wonderful cheese and had a nice time with hubs.

Why is it whenever the weather is spring time weather, up in the 60's and 70's, and one takes the blankets off the beds, washes them and puts them away until next winter, same with the sweaters.... lo and behold, the following week we are back to winter. Eeeeeek.

Boy is that true FF ! I got spring fever last week and changed out my seasonal clothes.. Big mistake but hey I am an optimist!

hi freqflyer and pamzimmrrt :),

it’s called murphy’s law.

we have that law in my country, too.

i’m a lawyer, and i’ve been trying to get that law repealed for years.

meanwhile, while we await with enthusiasm for my victory, let’s look at:

examples of that law:

“The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is indeed not to ask a question but to post the wrong answer.”

“Nothing is as easy as it looks.
Murphy's First Law

Everything takes longer than you think.
Murphy's Second Law

Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.
Murphy's Third Law

If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that
will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong.
Murphy's Fourth Law

If anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway.
Murphy's Fifth Law

If you perceive that there are four possible ways in which a
situation can go wrong and circumvent these, then a fifth way,
unprepared for, will promptly develop.
Murphy's Sixth Law

Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.
Murphy's Seventh Law

After things have gone from bad to worse, the cycle will repeat itself.
Farnsdick's corollary

If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.
Murphy's Eighth Law

Nature always sides with Murphy. (see freqflyer, how you got cold weather?) (see pamzimmrrt?)
Murphy's Ninth Law

Murphy decides.
Murphy's Tenth Law”

FF and Pamzi,

Weather whiplash!

95° today 65° in a couple of days.

Becky: Wow. So sorry that your day was rotten. Big hugs sent.💛💚

Ah, the posts about extreme fluctuations in spring weather make me feel right at home. I figure in my area, it might snow tomorrow but it might be high 60s and sunny. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Seems like every year the winter weather drags out and comes back repeatedly until *poof,* it's hot one day and then it's blazing summer for several months.

I'm into a new school term. I wrote my first short assignment on a scenario for a patient in a SNF. Even though the textbook for the class is specficially written for schools/children, there are many similarities. The goal is to have positive behavioral supports for the individual regardless of age or development.

Well now I know who to blame for jinxing the weather...

My youngest stepson and his wife are arriving from Maine at noon. Looking forward to their visit. My son's wife was here early. She brought my mail and packages that were delivered to their house yesterday.

:) cwillie,

KEEP CALM and blame murphy.

i'd like to give an update on my court case against murphy. (as i mentioned, i've been trying to get the law repealed for years).

1. murphy has been located. he was extradited from country to country, and finally will be appearing in court (unless Murphy's Law strikes again!)

2. i'll be representing myself. it'll be:
bundle of joy vs. murphy

3. as your loyal friend, i'll of course bring up the various, recent comments here in "On My Mind", regarding the weather.

i'll let you know.
i think results will take a while.

:) quick update on murphy. he's on a plane, heading for court.

he sent an sms before take-off.
i don't know if he's trying to make me laugh, or if he's up to something else. i'll take it up with him in court. he's added more laws.


Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.
Murphy's 11th Law

Anything you try to fix will take longer and cost more than you thought.
Murphy's 12th Law

The chance of a slice of bread falling butter side down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet.
Murphy's 13th Law

Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself.
Murphy's 14th Law

The repairman will never have seen a model quite like yours before.
Murphy's 15th Law

Murphy always wins in court.
Murphy's 16th - 20th Law

ah! i should show you my reply to him. i sent him this sms:

dear, sweet murphy,

i, bundle of joy, look forward to seeing you in court. here is a big hug for you. 

bundle of joy :)

Met with my son and his wife, both stepsons and DIL about my arrangement and the problems it's causing with my son's in-laws. Seems they think me being here deprives them of time with grandchildren. So, I'm going back to Maine in a couple of weeks. I'll have aides at home. My long term insurance will cover the home care. I'll miss seeing my son and his family, but not his MIL. I'll see them on vacations like I always have. I'll be glad to be back home at the lake and close to friends and familiar surroundings.

Becky your sons MIL sounds like a jealous witch. Glad you will be able to go back to your lovely home on the lake , and your friends and family there. Stay strong!

Thanks Pam. My oldest grandson refers to her as the witch. She expects total obedience and servitude from her adult children. MY DIL does not always comply.

Becky: I'm glad to read that you are returning to your beloved Maine and away from this person (MIL) who sounds mean spirited.

Insomnia - who loves it, said no one ever. Just when I think I've conquered the battle, it returns to haunt me. Who else suffers? I think a few of you have said so.

Llama, I'm glad too. I've had insomnia in the NH. Another reason to get home - my own bed.

Becky: You're very welcome. Sorry that you, too, have suffered from insomnia - at the NH.

AirBnB has anyone ever used one? It has gone from bad to worse. I brought bedding, even mattress pad, from my house because this bedding keeps shifting around and just plain uncomfortable.

I removed the mattress pad, it was so thin and backed with plastic. No wonder it kept shifting around! But then beneath that plastic a urine and mold stained mattress, I am just disgusted this is so gross! Took pictures sent to AirBnB and for the first time in the last couple of days they have not responded to my message.

I am fed up and I have paid until the end of april. I just don't know where else I would go. No rentals in this area. Housing is a big problem!

Has anyone dealt with a problem like this with an AirBnB?

Never used one. That sounds awful. I guess they don't get inspected. Hope you get some action on this.

glad: I believe that friends of mine who left Maryland to opt for another job are using an Airbnb while their new house is being built in the western U.S. She did say that there were issues with the Airbnb.
Sorry that you're having so many problems.

:) monday hugs to everyone!

keep calm and blame murphy.

hi! :) so, i sent murphy another sms this morning.

my sms:

dear, sweet murphy,

good morning :).
in a few minutes we meet in court. you and i both know that - i’ll - win in court. so you can just give up now. hug, hug, kisses.

bundle of joy :)

i hope it all works out becky!!
and glad!!

trouble/stress is never nice.

Going home sooner rather than later. My stepson talked to the retirement office this am about my transportation to Maine. There is a private flight from Chicago to Boston this afternoon. Stepson will meet me in Boston this afternoon with his van. My DIL is here helping me pack a couple of bags of necessities. son will get everything else moved in a couple of weeks. My grandchildren came over to say goodbye. They'll come to Maine on Easter vacation.

:) safe travel becky!!! and wishing a great re-start at home! how wonderful you must feel to go home!! :)

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