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Via con Dios, Becky!

:) another update on the on-going court case against murphy.

(i’m a lawyer in real life.)

turns out (who’d have thought?), murphy appeared in court today, with a law degree from murphy’s law school!

he also (no surprise there), snuck in 5 new laws!!


The more you like your hair, the higher chances of rain.
Murphy's 21st Law

Murphy’s Love Laws: The nicer someone is, the farther away s/he is from you.
Murphy's 22nd Law

If your home is a messy disaster, expect an unexpected visitor at any moment.
Murphy's 23rd Law

You won’t realize you forgot your phone until you get a flat tire.
Murphy's 24th Law

You’ll gain 4 pounds just by smelling a donut. Your husband will eat 4 donuts and lose 4 pounds.
Murphy's 25th Law

soooo, what did i do? i sent him an sms of course:

dear, sweet murphy,

how about you let me win, and no one gets hurt. kiss, kiss.

bundle of joy :)

Made it back to Maine. Worn out but happy to be home.

Finally! The host has decided he will refund my money for airbnb. The last discovery, supposedly, was news to him. Said he bought the mattress put a waterproof pad on the bed so the mess was impossible according to him.

Ha! I don't believe it. For the damage someone would have had to remove the pad, then pee on the mattress and then put the cover back on. Not likely. Though there was a resident here last year that was a drug dealer, used coke and was very well known to the police. I chatted with the chief today. The guy has several warrants out for his arrest. Was guilty of stealing a disabled person's bike. The PD got the bike back.

So now the hunt is on again for a decent place to live. Ugh!

Random: I was browsing news online and there was an ad for Alzheimer's support at the top of the page. 1.) I'm definitely being profiled online haha, and 2.) it seems like a great resource and I don't recall seeing anyone on AC post this before, though I'm certain someone has. I wasn't aware of it. The Alzheimer's Association has a 24/7 support line that offers:

*Speak confidentially with master’s-level care consultants for decision-making support, crisis assistance and education on issues families face every day.
*Learn about the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and other dementias.
*Find out about local programs and services.
*Get general information about legal, financial and care decisions, as well as treatment options.
*Receive help in your preferred language through our bilingual staff or interpreter service, which accommodates more than 200 languages.

Just thought it seemed a fantastic free resource.

Right, Glad. The host knew. Whoever cleaned the place - host or cleaning service - before renting to you would have seen the problems if they washed the cover... which they should have. Hope you find a place that's comfortable and CLEAN.

welcome back home, becky!! :) awesome :).

What’s on my mind is that Twilight Zone episode, Short Drink from a Certain Fountain, 1964.

On the surface, the plot is transparent. A 20 something marries a guy about 70 and doesn’t like it, he tries everything to be younger, more independent, and thru an elixir catapults himself into an actual 6 month baby, who the brother informs the wife she’ll be in charge of caring for, forever, as long as she wants the spousal inheritance.

This can be interpreted I suppose in a number of allegories.

Twilight Zone covered our aging crises very well.

Becky: Glad that your flight into Logan went well. I always opted to fly into Manchester when I had to take care of my mother - those many emergencies before I had to move there for the last part of her life.
Take time to get settled back in your home state.💗

Whoa Becky, glad to hear you made it out of the no. Start another thread to keep us updated

glad: What good news on the refund. Hope you find a new place very soon.

big hugs to you all!! :)

glad, i hope very soon things are solved!!
enjoy home, becky!!

glad - great that you got your money back! Good luck n finding a new place to stay.

ali - we are a being profiled! Sounds like a good resource.

I'm privacy conscious and that's one of the reasons I run with the Firefox browser set to strict security on my PC. I'm not as tech savvy about my phone so I avoid accessing the web from there, I'm not confident my cheap phone has the capability to run smoothly if I make too many security upgrades. Besides, why would I bother trying to surf the web, read and watch videos on a tiny screen when I can use my 24" monitor?

:) another update on litigation against murphy.

the court case (surprise, surprise) has been postponed! but murphy insists he has - absitively posilutely - nothing to do with it. (...can we really trust someone who says "absitively posilutely"?...).

meanwhilllle, of course, murphy just keeps adding laws:


Things which must be shipped together as a set, aren't.
Murphy's 26th Law

When a broken appliance is demonstrated for the repairman, it will work.
Murphy's 27th Law

Keep calm and accept Murphy's Law
Murphy's 28th Law

so, i wrote an sms to murphy:

dear, sweet murphy,

are you a scaredy-cat? why weren't you in court today? the judge and i waited. to be fair, i would be frightened too, if i were going to court against me. breathe in, breathe out. you can do this. see you soon. kiss, kiss.

bundle of joy :)

:) hi everyone! soooo........i just received this sms from murphy:

Dear Bundle of Joy,
I enjoyed your confidence in winning against me in our imminent court case. You might want to relax tonight, before losing against me.

We can even drink a bottle of wine together tonight. And after our court case tomorrow, we can celebrate my victory.

Yours forever,
Think of me, next time you're at the supermarket (as you know: if you change queues, the one you have left will start to move faster than the one you are in now) (Murphy's 29th Law).

(CEO of Murphy’s Law School)

Nice to be home. My granddaughters are taking turns staying with me.

It looks like I may very well be working from home. Administrator mentioned it yesterday. There is simply no place available to rent around here. I am thinking home most of the week. Drive here Monday morning stay in hotel about 10 miles away Monday and Tuesday night, drive home midday Wednesday then start over again the next week.

It is so discouraging to be in this situation. At least my house hasn't sold yet and I do love it so. We will see. New house to be done end of June if I don't find something I like better before then and if my house sells.

And on host claiming he didn't know, yes, Ali the mattress pad should have been cleaned before I arrived. And what host would spend several thousand on tempurpedic mattress? He just have bought it cheap or even off a curb for free. DISGUSTING!

dear glad,

i hope soon it's sorted!!

dear becky,

wonderful you're HOME :).

:) latest update on litigation against murphy.

i wrote an sms (lots of sms's back and forth these days between us, since the court case is mysteriously STILL postponed).

dear, sweet murphy,

the bottle of wine last night was very nice.
BUT, you're still in big trouble. and i'm telling on you. so there.

bundle of joy :)

:) another update on litigation against murphy.

his sms:

Dear Bundle of Joy,

I heard you’re going to the supermarket today, to buy chocolate eggs for Easter. I’m sure you’ll be thinking about me, while you wait in the queu.

The court case? Postponed yes. But again, I had absitively posilutely nothing to do with it.

By pure coincidence, I’m taking the judge out for lunch today, at the same time you go to the supermarket. Of course, with no intention of getting him on my side.

Yours forever,

(CEO of Murphy’s Law School)

:) another update on litigation against murphy.

dear, sweet murphy,

i’m in the queue, with all my chocolate eggs. the judge is with me. who exactly are you with?

one step ahead of you. kiss, kiss.

bundle of joy :)

:) goodnight everyone!

and good luck with the various challenges everyone’s facing!

here, the crazy weather continues (snow + spring) (hence my attempts at litigation against murphy’s law).

many challenges in our lives are tough…!

big good luck hugs from me.
be super kind to yourself :).

“Dogs are wise. They crawl away into a quiet corner and lick their wounds and do not rejoin the world until they are whole once more.”

Glad just a note on many ABNBs,, 2 of my friends rent out part of thier houses for this, and they have the BNB part nicer than thier houses.! They rely on word of mouth and take this seriously,, good mattreses, sheets, upscale coffee makers! They deep clean between renters,, you name it! Not all owners are buttholes, but indeed some places are dumps. My DD and rather large group of friends use them all the time,, beach houses in the carolinas, the poconos,, etc. They have had great experiences. So please, there are rules they are supposed to follow, and I am so sad you got a bad one.

glad - mostly working from home sounds like a good solution. June will come soon enough and likely a buyer for your house. That could complicate things but I am sure you will work it out. Can't see that your host didn't know.

Go to the orthopedist tomorrow. Meet my new physical therapy person. My PT starts Monday. Everyday for an hour. I'm anxious to get started.

Becky: Good luck at the orthopedist.

good morning everyone! :)

new month, new start :).

“april” possibly comes from greek “aphrodite” (goddess of beauty). venus.

i wish us a beautiful month :).

wipe away the bad past. start again.

i’m lucky that things are calm (LOs well, etc.). i have no problems right now.

i wish us luck, with the challenges we face!


bundle of joy :)

Will be on the road, for a relaxing weekend at HOME in about four hours. Did a lot of the loading of car last night. Thank goodness I did not bring a lot with me. Then back here Monday morning for a 8:00 meeting and a hotel Monday and Tuesday night.

I have a 2018 4Runner with only 30,000 miles on it. It is about 100 miles, two hour drive each way. Now I will start racking up those miles. It is due for maintenance so I will get that scheduled the end of next week.

safe journey home, glad :) :).
i bet it'll feel great when you are HOME :) :).

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